CH8- Hornby and proud

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Lexi P.O.V

"No Sparkles*! I dont want to sing!" I yelled. Sparkles* takes a step back. "Okay! Calm it!" I roll my eyes and place a hand in my hip. "Why not?" He asked me. "Because I don't want to sing on a livestream Q&A! Plus people dont know who I am yet!" I tell him. He smiles. "Not till Minecon that is." My jaw drops. "Wait! Im going to Minecon with you guys in three weeks?!" He nods. I let out a fangirl squeal. "Who's squealing?" Someone asked. I spun to see Sjin looking out if his office. He had been ill the while time I've been here so doesn't know me. I wave at him. He looks from me to Tom (Sparkles*). "Friends of yours?" He asked him. "Nope!" Tom replied. "New member?" Sjin tried again. "Nah a-! Well maybe!" I give Tom a sharp wack round the back of his head. "I'm Alexia! I've been here just over a week now so you probably won't know me." I tell him. Sjin nods. "Why are you here?" He asked. I wince. "Well...I.." I stutter. "I'm here with Ross. I'm his little sister. Our parents are.....dead!" I manage to say. His confused facial expressions soften into sorrowful ones. "Oh you poor thing!" I shrug. "Well you know what I have to do?" He shook his head "no what?" I smile "I've got to put my past behind me! You know hakuna matata!" Tom laughs and Sjin smiles. "You like Disney?" He questioned. I nod "of course I do! I'm only the biggest fan!" He huffs. "Yeah right!" I cross my arms. "To right!"

"No one is as big a fan as me!"

"Your looking at some one who's is ten times the fan you are!"

"How much do you wanna bet?"

"I have nothing to bet! How about your sanity?" He laughs. Suddenly his face lights up. "What are you thinking of?" I ask curiously. "Ive just gotten a Disney Infinity set! Want to have a shot?" He asked. I jump and down "hell yes!!" All of a sudden my phone went off. Vibrating in my pocket. I didn't look at who is was an answered it. "Hello?" I said. "MY GOD ALEXIA IS THAT YOU!?!?" Olivia screamed down the phone. I yanked at away from my ear. "I'll be back in a minute!" I tell Sjin as I ran down the hall. "Yes Olivia it's me! Im not dead!" I tell her as I get outside the building. "Where are you!? We'll come and get you!" Nikki yelled. I glared at my phone. "Am I on loud speaker?" I ask angrily. "YES!" All four if my friends yelled. I sigh "you won't be needing to come and get me. Im fine! Just chilling with my brother." I say casually, hoping fir a decent reaction. "Brother!? Since when do you have a brother?!" Luke questioned. "Since I woke up in hospital!" I explained. "Who is he?" Rachel asked, the calmest of the lot. "Well you know my last name! You figure it out!" I yell. I hear silence then a ton of gasping. "OMG! Are you saying that Ross Hornby is your BROTHER!!??" Olivia squealed. I laugh nervously. "Yeah... GO TO GO!! BYE!!" Then I end the call and turn iff my phone. I run up to the door and buzz the buzzer. "Hello?" Lewis answered. "Its Lexi! Lemme in!" I yell. I hear the door click and I open it. I bolt in and see Lewis. "Catch!" I shout, giving him a late heads up as I toss my phone to him. He catches it with skill. "What?" He asked confused. "Lock it in a drawer till the end of the day!" I tell him before I shoot to Sjin's office. "Your back!" Sjin exclaims as I run in. I nod breathlessly. "Where'd you go?" He asked. "To tell my friends that im related to a Member of the Yogscast!" I blurted. He laughed. "Come on! I've got the game set up on the PS4!" He told me. I jump up and down. "Then what are we waiting for?!" He laughs and walks into a room filled with bean bags. I followed him instantly jumped on one when I saw them. Sjin laughed. "Your lot like Ross you know that?" I nod. "Well I am practicality a mini him so yeah!" He sits in the bean bag next to mine. Lucky for me I jumped on the one I was supposed to be sitting on. I looked down at all the little figurines of the famous Disney characters in front of me. "Take your pick!" Sjin told me. I smile and have a look. "Judging by your unboxing video your going to want to be Elsa!" I said picking up the mini snow queen. He shrugs "I was thinking of trying out a new character today so you can be her if you want!" I look at the detail if Elsa "deal!" I say. He chuckles and pucks up the miniature Groot. "I am Groot!" He laughed. I giggled. "I hope you don't mind Alexia but I might record this." Sjin says placing the other characters out of the way. "I guess it's okay but I'm not sure about Ross." I explain how Ross wants to keep me quiet for a while, till I've properly settled in. He nods "nick name?" He questioned. I shrug "Lexi! But if you call me that then people will know who I am!" He looked confused. I face palmed. I had completely abandoned my channel these past few weeks and not all the Yogs new about it. "I have a You Tube channel" I blurted. "And I'm known as Lexi by my friends and I'm known as that on my videos." He looks thoughtful. "We need a new nickname for you, a code name!" I snicker. "And what will that be?" I looks me up and down. Still looking thoughtful. "I have no idea lets brain storm!" I giggle. "No Sjin! Thinking is dangerous! Especially when it's you thinking!" He laughs. "Your definitely a lil' Hornby!" He freezes. "That's it! Lil' Hornby! That can be your name!" I laugh. "It's perfect! Strange and random just like me!" I clap my hands in happiness. "Let's get started!" He cheered.

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