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Lexi P.O.V

"Shit. Oh fuck." Trott yelled. I jump up from my seat and my hand flies to my mouth. Ross had been online! He had heard it all! "Oh dear. Oh my. Oh Shit!" I swear as I leg it to the door. Switching on the red light and locking it. This was bad. This was really really bad. I was so screwed if Ross came here. So was Trott.

**half an hour later**

I sat curled in a ball in the corner of my room. Ross had heard. What would he think!? "Shitshitshitshitshitshitshit." I mutter. Suddenly a loud bang came from outside my office. I jolt out if my ball and jump to my feet. "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!!!!" Shit. That was Ross! I squeak and run out of my of my room. I run up to the Hat Films office and peer through the window on the door. Ross had Trott pinned to the wall. With a bloody nose. "Oh dear..." I mutter. I knew it would be a bad i design to go in but i couldn't leave Trott with my over protective brother. "M-mate! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" Trott stuttered. "DON'T LIE!!! I HEARD IT ALL!!" Ross screamed. I panic and run to Lewis' office. "LEWIS!!" I yell as I batter the door. He pulls it open in a hurry. "What?" He asked. I jump and point at Hat films office. "Fight! Stop it! Hurry!" I squeak. He glances at the office and Ross yells something unaudiable. "Shit." He muttered before running into the office.

Trott P.O.V

I was terrified. One minute I was sitting at my desk the next I'm pinned to a wall by a very pissed of Ross. "M-mate! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" I lie. His blue eyes burn with anger. "DON'T LIE!! I HEARD IT ALL!!" He screams. My heart is pounding in my ears. "Mate I swear! I had been drinking! It was an accident!" I half lie. He growls. I swear Tumblr was right. He is a warewolf on the inside. "STOP FUCKING LYING!!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!! YOU KISSED ALEXIA YOU DICK!!!" He yells gripping his hands round my throat. Suddenly Lewis bursts into the room and I see Alexia hiding behind the door frame. "Guys stop! There's no need for this!" Lewis shouted at us. But anyone could see that Ross wanted to skin me. "Go away Lewis! He kissed my sister!!" Ross growled. Lewis ripped Ross off of me and pulled him to the other side of the room. He's stronger the he looks you know. I crumpled to the floor. Gasping for air. Ross fought against Lewis to try and get back to me. Hurling insults that didn't make sense. I backed up against the wall with one hand to my neck. Where my best mate had tried to strangle me.

Flames were in Ross' eyes. Flames of anger and hatred.

"ENOUGH!!" Alexia yelled. Making the room go quiet and bringing other Yogs from their offices. Ross stared at her with softened features. But she glared at him angrily. "Are you FUCKING INSANE!?" She screamed at him. Lewis let Ross go hoping he wouldn't go for me. "He kissed you Alexia!!" Ross said bitterly. She clenched her hands into fists. "So what!?" She asked. He looked a little taken aback. "He's 26!! Your 16!" He shouted. "You wanna know something?!? I KISSED HIM BACK!!!" She cried. Ross froze. Alexia had tears falling out if her blue eyes. "Kissed back? W-what? Why?" He stuttered. "The day we kissed was the day you all found out about Chloe." She sobbed. "I was a wreck. My mind wasn't straight and I couldn't think for myself!" She cried. I felt my heart break. "Alexia. I'm sorry." I mutter. She looks over at me. Tears staining her cheeks. I done this. This was my fault. I got up and walked to the door. But before i could leave someone grabbed me. I feared that it was Ross i closed my eyes. But i was surprised to feel a soft pair if lips against my own. Alexia's lips.

Ross P.O.V

I watched in shock as Alexia grabbed Trott before he could wall out and kisses him. I must be dreaming. Then she pulled away and ran out. This has got to be some crazy dream. If not. I don't know any more.......

My mind is doing strange things.......I don't know what going on with my at all.

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