Ch74 I will gut you alive!

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Okay I found out Trott's age. He's 26. Some one told me in the comments. Thank you. You know who you are. THANK YOU!!!

Lexi P.O.V

I sprinted to Yogtowers. Pain was all that was in my mind. But I had to get there. Chloe was behind by a few blocks so i had the time. My heart lifted as i daw Yogtowers.


"ALEXIA!!" Chloe bellowed. Great. I looked back and saw her. She had...A Fucking Butchers Knife!! My eyes widened and I ran faster. Heart pounding in my ears. I pulled out my phone and texted Turps the best i could.

A: get te font dor opan.

Nice going. Now I'm french.

I speed up to the main entrance. Open. "Yes!" I cheer as I bolt inside. I fly into the life and hit the button I need to get to the right floor.


The doors opened and I ran into my brothers office. Trott stared at me. I didn't make eye contact. Instead I ran to Ross. This was ending now.

Chloe P.O.V (Surprise!)

I legged it after Alexia. "She is not making it to Yogtowers. I will kill her before then. She will not spill the beans. Instead i will spill her blood." I thought. I watched angrily as she ran into the office block. I scream in anger and run in after her. I watch the lift doors close and growl. I run up to it and spam the button. "She's not doing this. She will not tell." I growl in my head. With the butchers knife still in hand i hop into the now empty lift.

Ding! (Bing!)

I ran out of the lift and looked in every office. All empty. Then I went to the common room.

Everyone was there. Looking at a camera. Suddenly Alexia screamed and everyone looked at me. "You Bitch!" Smith yelled at me. I was confused and they showed me the camera.

Alexia had recorded it all. Her last beating. "No. I didn't. She's lying!" I cry.

Simon P.O.V

All the Yogs watched as Chloe tried to say Alexia was lying. Saying that is must have been her and her friends playing a trick. Kinda hard to believe when you have a butchers knife in your hand. Alexia looked at Chloe in disbelief. Everyone did. But then Alexia spoke up. "She's right. I faked it." She said bluntly. Her blue eyes burning with anger. Chloe smirked and Lexi walked forward. "Just like I faked this." She said pulling off her jumper and revealing her bruised and cut arms. "And this." She continued as she moved her hair from her neck and showed the huge purple bruise running across it. "And this!" She yelled and she pulled up her Jean leg to show her words HAT FILMS painfully carved into it. "I faked that video just like I faked all these." She hissed at the blonde. Chloe glared at Lexi and Lexi glared back.

Suddenly a ear raping war cry ripped through the air and Chloe was pinned to the wall.

By Kim!

"You bitch! Don't you ever go near Alexia again do you hear me!? Because I will GUT YOU ALIVE!!!" Kim screamed. Chloe tried to use the knife but Hannah bolted over and snatched it from her. "Listen to Kim. Because I will use your skin as a rug I'd you ever go near Lexi again." She hissed. "Yeah." Duncan agreed. "You mess with one Yog. You deal with all Yogs." He growled.

Lexi P.O.V

Duncan even stood up for me. I smile. Chloe had lost. I had won.

Good bye Chloe!
And you all want Trott to kiss Lexi again. *sigh* IT SHALL HAPPEN!!!! ;)

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