Ch59 he's back

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Lexi P.O.V

All us girls met the two boys (so outnumbered) inside. And the first thing we do?

Go to the music room.

Cat giggles. "We're free to roam the school and we still come here." I smile. It was like a friendly tradition to come here and do nothing. "Yeah well its funner here and I'd rather not bump into Jason." I growl. "Wed rather you didn't as well." Ruby said. I stick my tongue out at her and laugh. "I want my box of teddies. I can swim in that thing." I wine. Leigh laughs. "You just kept going under!" She said. I smile and sit next to the keyboard. "What can I say? TEDDIES HAVE SWAG!!" I yell. "Never use swag like that again." Malissa grinned. I roll my eyes and our music teacher walks in. "Evening?" She asked confused. "Sorry miss. We just came in here for a bit." Leigh told her. She smiled. "Oh it's quite alright. I was just getting away from all the chaos." She told us. I nod in understanding.

This school on a good day was like Yogtowers on a Monday.

Freaking chaos.

"You kids might want to go to the main hall though. That's where the main event is." She said to us. We nod and grab are very little belongings and left for the main hall.

Me and Cat. With our love for food, left the others and went to the cafeteria to see what they had. The had hot dogs, burgers, candy floss, toffee apples and pretty much any fun fair food. "Wow." Was all I uttered. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I grabbed it and threw it off. "Whoa! Careful babe." A voice said. Jason's voice. I growl and face him. He was wearing jeans, a shirt and tie with a posh black waist coat. "Don't you dare call me babe! Who do you think you are spreading rumors around the school about me!?" I yell. He seems a little taken back. His black hair was shaking as he shook his head. "Well I'm your date aren't I?" He said. I blink. "Uh no!" I tell him. He looks a little angered. He's obviously not used to the word no being told to him when he wants something. "Well I don't see why not!" He spat. "The whole schools been talking about it." He growled. I scoff. "Only because you spread that rumor!" Cat ran over and pulled on my arm pulling me away. But Jason grabbed my other arm.

Jeez this boy was desperate. :/

"Let go of her!" Cat hissed as she ripped me from his grip. But in this sudden movement my arm swatted his face. And he wasn't impressed. "Oops." I muttered. "Uh oh." She mumbled. Jason glared at her. "This isn't your fight." He growled at her. "Don't talk to my friend that way!" I yell at him. He goes to shout back at me but I grab Cat's arm and pull her out. We jog I not the empty hallway. "What is his problem?" I ask angrily. She shrugs. Suddenly I hear the scuffling of shoes and someone ran through the hall. I look behind me and see Malissa practically fall into the Science lab. "What the fuck?" I ask myself as I walkover to the door. Cat follows and I knock lightly.

"Go away! I won't go home!! YOU BEAST!!" She cried. I blink in confusion. "Malissa? It's me. Alexia." I tell her. I try to open the door but it's locked from the inside. I hear sobbing from the other side. "Malissa. Please? It's only me and Cat." I tell her. I look through the thin glass window and try find her. Then the door gave a faint click. I push it and it opens with ease. "Malissa?" I ask as I step in. I look around the dark room. There was a slight chill due to it being empty all day. I hear sniffling coming from the back of the room. "Cat come on." I whisper as I slowly approach the sniffles. "Malissa?" I ask as her shaking body sits slumped in the corner. "Malissa? What's wro-!" Before I could finish my sentence the door was almost thrown off its hinges. Malissa jumps up and me and Cat spin round at 100 miles an hour. To see a man with dark eyes standing there. "Malissa. Home!" He screeched. Malissa doesn't answer. She's to scared. His eyes narrowed. "Malissa!! GET OVER HERE!!" He screamed. I look at the terrified blond. "Who's this?" I ask. She shakes. "M-my dad." She stutters. The man growled. "MALISSA!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. I stare at him. Feeling scared but also annoyed. "Well that's not gonna help matters." I tell him. He glares at me. "What?!" He spat. I confidently took one step forward. "Yelling won't solve anything." I say. Then I purposely drop my bag and let my things clatter out. My phone included. "Oops." I mutter as I bend down and slid my phone back to land at Cat's feet. She looked down but didn't pick it up. So I stuffed my belongings back in my bag and stood up. "You can't tell me what solves my problems!" He hissed. I roll my eyes. 'How the fuck am I this confident?" I ask myself. "Well maybe not but it doesn't mean I can't say anything." I mutter. I glance behind me and see Cat whispering down my phone.

To whom?

Fuck knows!

Malissa was as white as a sheet. What had he done to her? "What's your friend doing?" He asked in a growl. I shrug. "I'm here, she's there. Ask her." I say simply. He looked at Cat who put down the phone. "What were you doing?" He asked coldly. She shrugged. "Playing Tetris." I snort and cover my mouth with my hand. He steps towards her. She doesn't flinch. In fact she moves forward and in front of me. I move back and stand In front of Malissa. She was breathing heavily and sweating. Her dad muttered an insult to Cat and she obviously took offence because she balled her hands into fists and bounced back and forth saying. "Come on tuff guy. You ain't nothing special." She was practically mocking him. Malissa giggled quietly. The man lunged at Cat but she somehow managed to kick him where it counts. He fell to the floor whimpering and crying in pain. I jump and grab Malissa before running out with Cat in tow. "Shitshitshitshitshit!!" I yelp as we run into the main hall. Where it's lit up with disco lights and filled with loud music. I spotted Leigh and Ruby and ran over. "Where have you guys been?" Leigh asked. "Malissa's dad's here!" I yell so I could be heard over the music. Her jaw drops. "Where!?" She asked sounding scared. I shrug. "I don't know but we need to leave." I tell them. They both nod and we head for the exit.

"Awww. Leaving so soon Alexia?" Mrs Tate are maths teacher asked. I nod. "Sorry miss. It's getting late." I lie. It was half 7 and the dance ended at 10. "And I have some...last minute recording to do, so yea." I mumble. She nods. "Okay. Have a good Christmas!" She beamed as we successfully made it to the exit. I keep a tight hold to Malissa's hand. I can see why she was scared of her dad. I look behind and make sure that everyone's behind me. Yup, all 6 of us.


"Oh fuck!" Malissa yelped as her dad ran down the corridor. "Run for it!!" I scream. We leg it out if the school and to the front gate. Then to our unbelievable luck Trott's car pulled up along with Lewis'. And almost half the Yogs come out. "Lexi!" Sjin called. "Start the car!" I scream at them.

"MALISSA!!" The man bellowed. I grip Malissa and practicality throw her into Trott's car. Cat jumps in with me while Leigh and Ruby hop into Lewis' car. Me and Malissa watch as Trott and Lewis speed away from the angered man. I looked as Malissa broke down in tears. Her mascara running, leaving black trails down her cheeks. I looked out the back window as her pathetic excuse of a father ran into the middle of the road yelling things that are better left unsaid.

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