Ch92- INTHELITTLEBABY!! wait....babies!?

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Alexia P.O.V

I ran bare footed into Bristol hospital. It had been just over a month since i had been here. Especially in the maternity wing. Ross struggled to keep up as i practically slid through the wards and up to the reception. "Stephanie Louise? Martyn Littlewood?" I ask the half asleep receptionist. She jolted up with her glasses at an angle on her nose. "Littlewood? Ah yes. need to wait for a bit." She mumbled. I roll my eyes and take a seat in the waiting room. Where after about half an hour Trott, Smith and the other Yogs began to arrive.

**3 hours later**

Ross P.O.V

Most of the Yogs had fallen asleep by now. Lewis, Hannah, Kim, Duncan and even Sjin had fallen asleep. Alexia included. She was laying on the rather uncomfortable metal chairs with her head resting on Trott's lap. I wasn't to happy about that but they were both asleep and i didn't want to wake them.

After another ten minutes Martyn ran out with the biggest smile on his face. Most of the Yogs woke up when he started to yell. "TWINS!! TWINS!!"

Alexia P.O.V

I woke to Martyn yelling the word twins over and over. I sat up and stretched before the word twins fully set it.

"Wait? TWINS!?" I ask loudly. I look up at my blonde haired friend. He nods and grabs my arm. "Come see!"

**15 minutes later**

I sat holding one of the new born Littlewood Twins. The girl to be exact.

Lilly Littlewood.

She looked just like her mother. I look up at Martyn who held his son, Hunter Littlewood. "Their gorgeous." I whisper as Kaeyi slept. He smiled. "They are." I giggle quietly. "So who's the next heir to the Sapling throne?" I ask. He chuckles. "I don't know. But the fans will definitely have something to say about this."

And just so you know I chose the name out of a Hat. HAT!!


Ahem. Sorry...inner fangirl... hehe..


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