CH11- day out with my bro

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Lexi P.O.V

"ROSS!! WAKE UP!! IT'S CHRISTMAS!!" I yell as I jump up and down on Ross' bed in my super fluffy pajamas. He groans. "What the fuck Alexia?" He asked turning so his face was in the pillow. I smiled. "I said...GET THE FUCK UP IT'S CHRISTMAS!!" He laughed into his pillow. "It's the middle of fucking summer! Christmas is months away!" I giggle. "I know...I'm just bored shitless!" He laughs and sit up. "You are the most annoying person I have ever met!" I cross my arms. "You obviously haven't met uncle Ken! His ducking voice is just.. URG!!" I moan. He laughs. "Oh I know Uncle Ken! And his high pitched voice!" We laugh and i sit on the foot of the bed. "What you got planned for today?" I ask him. He shrugs. "Nothing to day! So I was wondering if you'd like to go out for the day?" I cross my legs. "Sure It'll be fun!" He smiles. "Go get ready then!!" I jump off his bed and run into my room. It still smells like paint but hey! I like the smell of paint. I walk over to my wardrobe and open it. "Today's outfit is!!" I say as I pull out leggings, shorts and a Walrus vision shirt along with a Hat Films hoodie. I spot a large box at the back of the wardrobe but think nothing of it. "This!" I run into the bath room and get a quick shower and get dressed. I rich back to my room and look through my drawers. In the bottom drawer i find a hairdryer and some straightners and a little note.
Here you go Alexia!
Something every girl needs!
Love Kaeyi xx

I smile and pull them both out. Then spend the next hour drying and curling my hair. "Are you done yet?" Ross asked standing in my door way as I ruffle my curls. "Yeah! Just finished now!" I say getting up. He smiles. "You look different!" I giggle and flip my hair. "Well I've got to look presentable!" Ross shakes his head, laughing. "Typical girl!" I throw my Minion at him. "I am not a typical girl! I just want to look nice!" He tried to dodge the teddy but fails, allowing it to hut his face. "Oooo! You fail!" I tease. "Shut up!" He growls playfully. He looks at my choice of clothing. "That Hat Films hoodie huh?" I nod. "Of course! I love Hat Films!" He chuckles. "Only because I'm In it!" Shaking my head I say "nope! Chris has always been my favourite!" Ross pulled a pouty face. Sticking out his bottom lip. "Really?" He asked sadly. I face palm "you are the biggest child I have ever met!" This causes him to laugh. "I could say the same to you!" I grab my new phone and walk over to let him, giving him a playful shove. "I have the right to be a big kid!! Because I am a big kid!" We both end up in a fit of giggles. "Come on, we'll go out for breakfast!" He suggests. I nod. "Okie doki loki!" I chirp as I grab my bag.

"So what do you like to do Alexia?" Ross asked me as I sipped at my chocolate milkshake. "Well...I like a lot of things! Minecraft, art, singing, dancing and archery! I definitely like archery!" I smile. "Archery?" He questioned. I nod. "Well yeah. I've done it since I was about 7 and I've been pro at it for ages!" He beams at me. "So modest aren't you?" I snicker. "Nope!" And again we're in yet another fit of giggles. "What do you like?" I ask him. "Isn't it obvious?" He replied. "Well I know you like dogs, Kinder and being a fucking idiot!" I say. He rolls his eyes. "You can talk!" I twirl a strand of hair through my fingers. "Yeah I can! My lips are moving and words are coming out." I say sarcastically. We end up talking and asking questions for about another 30 minutes. While he was explaining about the monster cocks thing, because I never understood I over heard some people talking. "Hey look it's Ross Hornby!" "Yeah it is! But who's that girl?" "Probably just some lucky fan or something!" "Maybe we should go over and say hi?" "But she's so familiar! Wait, wasn't she on one of the In The Little Dream Vlogs?" Ross snapped his fingers in front of my face. Snapping me out of my trance. "You okay Alexia?" He asked. I blink a few times and nod. "Yeah...just eavesdropping." He raised an eyebrow. "On what?" I was about to answer when I was rudely interupted. "Ross!" Someone called. I snapped and put up my hood, hiding my face. "Hey." Ross answered the fans casually. I listened to the conversation, looking up at them every so often. But when I did a blond haired girl would give me the iciest death stare. She and her friends were about my age and obviously the stuck up girls at school. "Well me and Lexi have to go now!" Ross said getting out of his seat and picking up his jacket. The girls tried to get him to stay longer but he could tell I was uncomfortable there. So he grabbed my arm, paid the bill and pulled me out. We walked down the street in silence. Me with my hands in my pocket and my head down. "Are you okay Alexia?" He asked, voice filled with concern. "You want the truth or the lie?" I ask flatly. "The truth" he answered. I sigh "I don't know how I'm managing to keep a smile on my face. All I think about right now is mum and dad. And i just don't know what I'm supposed to do." Tears fall from my eyes. "I feel like I'm alone but I know I'm not. I haven't seen my friends in almost a month and their probably freaking out because I may have told them about you..." I looked up at him. He smiled weakly. "Alexia your not alone, you have me and the rest of the Yogs have taken a shine to you. They will all help out when you need it." I feel the tension that was slowly wrapping round me disappear. Nodding, I walk to his car with him. "Alexia if somethings bothering you, you can tell me." He says as he starts the car. I clip in my seat belt. "Nothings bothering me..I just.." I didn't finish my sentence. "You just what?" He asked. "I just want to know when I can go back to school?" I said sounding positive. I think he knows what I mean. I want to see my friends again. "Lexi when you go back to school it won't be the same one you used to go to." He tells me. My heart falls. "What do you mean?" I ask shakily. "The old school you used to go to is nearly 3 hours away Alexia! You can't go back there." My head falls. "Fine! Then what school do I go to?" I ask, knowing that I still have to go to school. He sighs and dives out of the car park. "Bristol High School." (A/N Real school or not, I have no idea!) "it's just a ten minute walk from my house and a two minute bus ride." He explains. "When do I start?" I question as I look out the window. "Well actually I needed to talk to you about that, you start on Monday." I jolt up to face him so fast that I hit my head. "You fucking say what?!" I hiss at him, rubbing my head. He chucked. "Exactly what I said. School on Monday." I raise an eyebrow. "Dick." I mutter, making him smile. I sit up straight "that means I only have two days to get school uniform and a bag and a'!"

"Got ya covered!" He cut me off. I glared at him. "It's that box in the back of my wardrobe isn't it?" He nods. "That's all the uniform you need. Now all we have to get is shoes and a bag." I growl at him. "Ya twat..." He laughs. "I get that a lot!"

It's short..... deal with it?

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