Chapter 15 - Nightmares and Panic Attacks

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[Jeff's POV]


I saw I was in some foggy place and looked around.

"Jeff....." A familiar voice sang.

Wait a minute....

"I'm coming after you, Jeff...."

Oh no... Not her....

"And you're little bitch, too...."

I pulled out my knife and then saw Robin standing feet away looking scared.

"Jeff," she cried, scared.

"Robin, get over here!" I said.

Before she can even move, a knife came from behind her and sliced her neck.

She gasped and coughed blood before she collapsed.

"NO!!!" I screamed, running towards her body, but froze as I thenmeet with a pair of black eyes.

She giggled and licked her knife, which was drenched in Rrobin's blood, as she stood over her body.

"Watch your back Jeff," she smirked.

*end of dream*

I gasped and shot up, catching my breath.

I then looked around for Robin, but didn't find her, only the flowers Sally left for her.

Oh no...

I shot out of bed and ran out the room.

[Robin's POV]

I woke up and saw Jeff sleeping peacefully, so I decided to just walk around outside, get some fresh air.

I hope its okay with him.

I walk out to the backyard and see it was only a forest.

I guess I never realize that this is a cabin in the middle of the woods somewhere.

I curiously walk out and feel a tug at the skirt of my dress, since Clockwork got me some clothes.

I look and see Smile Dog tugging at my skirt.

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