Chapter 21 - Weak

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[Robin's POV]

I groaned as I woke up, and saw I was too weak to move.

I looked and saw I was in SlenderMan's room, Sally and Smile Dog asleep in another bed.

I looked and saw Jeff fast asleep next to me.

I sniffled a little as I tried to force my body to move, slowly being able to.

Once I was able to climb out of bed, I stumbled out the room, leaning against the wall of the hall way, remembering what SlenderMan said.

"While you have bad memories, you also have good ones, and it's best you not forget those, which are too precious...."

I barely have any precious memories anymore. Even the good memories cause me so much pain.

I let out a sob as I leaned my forehead against the wall, hugging my thin shaking body.

"I'm sorry... But that is something I can't do....."

I slid down to the ground as I started to feel tears in my eyes fall, my chest hurting at every sob.

"... Especially when Jeff still needs you."

Jeff doesn't need me. He just needs someone to teach him how to love. But not only is he impossible to teach to love... He also picked the wrong girl...

All I know is pain, sorrow, lonliness, insult, abuse, rape, you name it.

If anything, he'll just kill me once he knows something. I'm pretty sure that when it comes to people like me, he'd much rather have them in the ground then by his side.

I turned against the wall so my spine was against it, and gulped when I was surprised to see the clown, Laughing Jack, sitting there with his legs crossed in front of me.

I sniffled and wiped my tears.

"Maybe you can just kill me. You like doing that, right?" I asked. "Or do you have powers like SlenderMan?"

He only chuckled. "I wish. And in case you didn't know, sweet pea, I only kill kids and anyone who I deem unworthy to even breathe. You haven't earned your name in my kill book. So, sorry to disappoint."

I sighed, hugging my knees. "Then I guess asking you to make an exception is out of the question," I mumbled.

"Pretty much," he said. "But I would be a little more grateful Jeff didn't carve you like a Thanksgiving turkey like he did your little boyfriend," he said.

"He probably just wants the information I barely know and will just kill me when he knows enough," I sighed.

"Hmmm," he said. "You never know with that guy."

He then got his bag and pulled out some candy, a simple little lollipop and held it out to me.

I gulped and shook my head. "Eitherway, I doubt that will help me right now."

Laughing Jack shrugged before tossing it back in the bag. "True. You could use some of that rabbit food that helps people stay healthy," he said.

I sighed and laid against the wall. "Can I ask you something?" I asked him.

He flipped around so his feet and legs were against the wall and his head on the ground kooking at me. "Go on ahead."

"W-What happened last night? I mean, even SlenderMan was nervous." I asked, curiously.

"Hmmm," he said, thinking about it. "Well, since its only fair, some enemies broke in."

I scrunched my eyebrows together. "Enemies?"

He nodded. "Creepies gone bad. There's a few, but only 5 stand out, and that's where I should stop talking. I can't tell the rest of the sweet details."

I sighed and nodded, suddenly getting a bad feeling of nausea.

Being too weak to move, I was only thankful that I was dry heaving and had nothing inmy stomach to throw up.

Laughing Jack kicked his legs forward so he sat next to me, rubbing my back as I relaxed.

"T-Thank you...." I mumbled as suddenly it all went blurry and black.

[Laughing's POV]

She fell to her side after gagging, unconscious.

Good grief... Jeff could have at least gotten a hopeless girl with a backbone.

I sighed and shot up before scooping the tiny girl in my arms and heading to see Masky.

"Hey," I said as I entered, seeing he observed the gold thread that was found.

He looked up, and sighed worriedly.

"This girl has gone through too much to even love for her own good. Don't know what Jeff was thinking," he said, walking over and scooping her up.

"She's lighter than the feathers on my shoulders. If anything, I was carrying a spirit instead of a body," I said.

"Well, me and Toby will try and feed her when she wakes up," he said, examining her. "Well, if she does."

"Hmm," I said, feeling sorry for the weak human. The man who did this to her was worse than Isaac.

"She's too weak. Get Toby to bring some food and water, take his place outside to guard," Masky ordered.

I nodded and walked out.

Jeff will kill more than just mercilessly if she gets hurt.

Love Kills (Jeff The Killer Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon