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"Roman!" Remus yelled out the second the door opened. He slammed into his brother who groaned still far too drained over claiming Colt. 

"H-Hey, Ray." Roman smiled as Remus pulled away with a giggle. "It's been a while." Remus's eyes suddenly narrowed making Roman tensed. "What? Is tere something wrong?"

"You're actually talking in your accent." Roman paled as Remus's eyes just lit up. "I haven't heard it in so long. I thought you just... I don't know... forgot about it."

"No, Ray. I didn't forget about my accent." Roman laughed as he looked behind his brother to see the other two. "Hello, tere Janus... Kiara." Roman smiled softly at the little girl who giggled and waved. "Why don't we all go to te living room. We have much to discuss."

"Oh like how the fucked up federation freaks went and nabbed my future brother in law?" Roman stopped cold the second Remus called that out, his eyes wide as he spotted Colt leaning against the wall of the living room. They hadn't actually seen each other yet and Roman was highly surprised.

"Yer hair?" Colt smiled as he watched everyone slowly spill into the room. Roman was in shock. Remus was giving him this confused look while the other demon, Janus, was glaring at him suspiciously, holding his daughter being his back. "What... when... was tat what ye did when ye left?"

"Yea. Pretty much." Colt fixed his glasses he had on to hide his newly 'demi-fied' eyes. He didn't particularly want to reveal that he had in fact accepted. Not yet. He figured this was more important that. They can talk about him being a demi later. Right now was about getting Remus's help. "I'm blonde now."

"I can see tat." Roman laughed as he gestured for the other to sit. Remus did... Janus... Janus just stood there glaring. Colt was getting concerned. Not only that but he was getting sick. The room spun around him and he was not liking it. "Janus, please, sit. Everything is ok."

"You think just because you changed your hair, I can't tell who you are." Colt tensed as Roman froze on the spot. Janus's voice came out in a hiss causing Remus to frown in concern. "Changing the color of your hair isn't going to hide the stench of demi blood on your hands."

"Janus." Roman growled as he stood up straighter, clearly showing his protective nature. "Sit. We do not have time fer tis."

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Janus's eyes started glowing yellow making Colt's spark from behind his glasses. The pressure in his chest suddenly increasing making the room tilt. "Co..."

"Colt?" Roman was over to him within seconds helping him to a chair as Colt laughed at himself a bit. "What's wrong?" Roman spoke in a soft voice as to not hurt him. However Remus and Janus were both standing guard, protecting the little 11-year-old girl as if nothing else ever mattered. Good... Colt would have had a problem if the two demons didn't want to protect their demi daughter. "Colt..."

"I'm fine, Ro. Just a bit sick. The rooms spinning is all. It's not that bad. I promise." Roman sighed as he nodded gently feeling for a fever before shaking his head. "I'm ok, Ro. I swear it."

"If ye say so." Roman looked back at the others before groaning. "Maybe ye should take Kay into another room?"

"Fuck no!" Remus yelled out as he held his hand to gaurd his family. The pressure incressed making both Roman and Colt suck in a sudden breath.

"Ray, calm yerself. It's ok. Please..." Roman tensed as he looked up to see Colt practically panting and suddenly he found himself with his brother against the wall, his hand against his chest and eyes a bright cyan. "I need yea to drop te aura right now." Remus's eyes shot wide as Roman growled protectively. "NOW, RAY!" 

"Mister?" Janus tensed as he jumped over to see Kiara with Colt, who's eyes were strewn shut in pain behind his glasses. "Mister, are you ok?"

"Kay, get back here."

"But daddy, he's hurt." Colt chuckled softly as he shook his head. 

"I-I'm not hurt, l-little one. J-Just a bit s-stupid r-really." Colt opened his eyes to find the little girl holding his hand and he smiled. "I-I forgot something is a-all. I-I'm ok."

"Remus, drop te aura, ya feckin' moron." Remus grimaced as he looked over at Janus and just nodded. The pressure seemed to drop instantly leaving only dull ache over the demon's pressance. Colt couldn't help but sigh in relief making Roman smile as he turned to see the other relax. "Are ye ok?"

"Roman, I said I fine." Roman's eyes narrowed making Colt laugh again. "But, ya... I'm ok. The room stopped stopped spinning."

"I'm glad." Roman's whole being seemed to light up making Colt roll his eyes in understanding. "Ye... Ye actually... Ye uh..." Colt just nodded as he stared down at the little girl with a smile. Roman completely just crashed with joy and relief. "I don't understand."

"We'll talk about this later, Roman. Right now you need to talk with them. Bringing down the federation is more important."

"You..." Remus tensed as he pointed over at Colt, this glint in his eyes. "You want to take down your family?" Colt ignored how Roman growled angrily at the question as he shook his head making Remus frown.

"I'm not taking down my family Remus. I'm bringing an end to the federation."

"But your Colt Graberson. The federation is literally your family." Janus called out with a hiss only to frown at the rageful growl Roman made, the god eyes a bright scarlet as he forced himself not to move. Colt sighed as he slowly stood up, the sweet little demon demi trying her best to help him walk over to her fathers. Colt took a deep breath and pushed his glasses up revealing his black and green electrical eyes sparking and zapping like a live wire. Both Janus and Remus tensed up, eyes wide in shock as Colt held his hand out to shake. "But... but you... how... why... WHO THE FUCK..."

"Colton Black, Demi of Creativity." Roman literally beamed with pride as the entire room went dead silent. "It's nice to officially meet you all." The two demons shot a look over at Roman who's eyes were a flurry of colors, though cyan and royal purple seemed to show the most. "Now, if we can finally get things moving... we have a god to save... and an federation to burn to ash."

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