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"Once upon a time there was a god whose heart was broken. He had sworn to never love again and spent his running from the pain that haunted him. He dedicated himself to the people he once helped, throwing himself into his work until not even that was enough. So he decided on revenge. Legend says he went after Te Fiti. Te Fiti is after all the god that protects the humans, giving his blessing to very special ones as a sign of his love. The broken-hearted god swore vengeance declaring he would go after Te Fiti's heart for loving and protecting the humans that broke his own. Legend says he's still searching for Te Fiti's heart so that he may break it."

"That legend is stupid." Virgil frowned as his dad just laughed from the other side of the fire. "Why would he go after Te Fiti if it was a human that broke his heart?"

"Well, because..." Virgil raise an eyebrow shooting his dad this look as the other just smiled awkwardly. "You know, Kiddo. I'm not really sure but... The legend says he is."

"Well, like I said, the legend is stupid." Virgil sighed as he shook his head. "Besides, Te fiti doesn't have a 'heart' per se. It's not a physical object that that god can break. Plus it's his fault for falling for a human."

"I don't know about that Virgil." Virgil groaned hearing a voice behind him as his dad just laughed. 

"Thomas, don't start with me." Thomas just smiled as he sat down beside Virgil, who just stared into the fire. "We both know Te Fiti doesn't have a heart, besides... What good would breaking it do? It won't fix anything."

"Virgil?" Virgil tensed hearing a voice he really didn't want to hear yet. By the look on his dad's face he knew he was right. "What is it you're doing?"

"Oh, come on dear. He's just taking a break..."

"Patton, if you insist on spoiling him he will never be ready to..." Virgil stood himself up cutting them both off as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. "Virgil?"

"My apologies, Sir. I'll get right back to work." The three watched as Virgil walked off not even once looking back and Thomas sighed.

"You're overworking him, Logan." The taller of the three simply frowned as he Thomas walked over to him. "He's still young considering. Pushing him to take your place at only 19?"

"Thomas, you are the one that..." Logan froze up as Thomas's eyes went dark, his words catching in his throat. "I'm sorry. I mean no disrespect. It's just... If he is to survive all this, he needs to learn all I can teach him."

"But if you push him too much, there won't need to be any worry." Thomas frowned as he hugged himself slightly. "You'll end up breaking him before Roman even gets the chance."

"Now now, Tommy, there's no need for that." Patton smiled as he wrapped his hand around the other, giving him a soft smile. "Virgil is a very strong boy. He's not going to break so easily."

"Stubbornness is not a strength." Patton frowned as Logan shook his head. "Patton, I love you but you're being way too lenient on the boy."

"Logan, he is just a human..."

"Wrong." Logan's eyes narrowed as Thomas's shaky voice filled the space. Patton's eyes darkened as Thomas shook slightly. "You're wrong, Patton. He isn't just a human. Logan's right about one thing. Being stubborn isn't a strength, but Lo..." Thomas flinched slightly making the other to tense with worry. "He will break if you keep pushing him so much."

"Thomas?" Thomas shook his head as Patton pulled him in with a sad smile. "It's ok. We promised to protect him, and we will."

"He's our son, Thomas." Logan smiled softly as he rested his hand on the hurting man. "We won't let anything happen to him."

"You haven't even told him yet though..." Thomas sighed as his hands started to shake. He was never good at dealing with pain. Then again no god is. "You never told him about me either, did you?"

"We thought it was best not to." Thomas nodded as Logan ran a hand through his hair. "Thomas, when you gave us Virgil..."

"Don't worry about it, Logan." Thomas smiled as Logan shot him this guilty look. "A stranger popped in out of nowhere handing a baby over. Obviously things would be a bit... strained. You still took him though. You still raised him. Virgil is strong... because of you two."

"How much more time do you have left, Thomas?" Thomas's eyes went dark as they met with Patton's who nodded sadly. "I see. Not that long then huh?"

"It'll be ok. I'm sure of it." Thomas tried to lighten the mood but it wasn't really working much. "Everything will work out and... I'm sure nothing bad will happen. I'm just... taking a nap."

"A very very long one." Logan grumbled under his breath making Thomas frown.

"Regardless of how long it's still just sleeping. I'll be ok and you'll watch over Virgil while I'm gone." Logan nodded as Patton smiled. "You'll tell him someday right? I don't want him to think I just left... that I don't care."

"Thomas, Virgil will know someday. We simply thought it best not to bring it yet." Logan narrowed his eyes as he let out a deep breath. "It might even be a good idea to bring up Roman."

"No!" Thomas jumped at the sound of his own voice as he hugged himself tightly. "No, Virgil shouldn't... I don't want him knowing about that man. Roman swore to break my heart, I don't want Virgil knowing anything about him."

"That's precisely why he should though, Thomas. If Roman is adamant about exacting his revenge than he will go after Virgil. He should know what's coming for him... shouldn't he."

"I SAID NO!" This blast of dark firey heat exploded through the area as the grass under their feet died. Patton and Logan both shared a look as Thomas shook himself out of his thoughts. "Virgil needs to stay as far away from Roman as he can. If Roman ever found out... He'd... He'd hurt Virgil. I don't want Virgil... to... to..."

"Thomas!" Patton caught the god as he stumbled a bit and frowned feeling how warm he was. "Thomas, you're burning up."

"I'm ok, Patton. Just a bit weak is all." Patton tensed as Thomas shivered. "I just need... to rest."

"Then go, Thomas." Thomas looked up to find Logan smiling down at him as he stood beside his husband. "If you need to sleep... go sleep. Well, will watch over him."

"Yeah, Tommy." Patton beamed as Thomas smiled weakly. "You're heart is safe with us."

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