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Silence. That's what overcame them. The moment Roman said it. He wanted to take it all back. He could feel his chest burning with that familiar heartbreak. He hated it. Virgil just stood there frozen in shock. Roman didn't want to push. He didn't want to give the man any more of a reason to panic but he was never good at handling pain. And he was in a lot of pain...

"Virgil..." Roman's heart lurched bad seeing Virgil flinch just hearing his name. Tears welled up in the exgod eyes as he had to stop himself from reaching out. "Virgil, please..."

"You're the one... that threatened..." Roman's breath hitch at just how shaky Virgil's voice was. He wanted to take all his pain away... his fear. Roman didn't care if he faced more heartbreak all that mattered in that moment was Virgil. 

"You have to understand..."

"Roman, I asked you. I asked you if you knew him. You..." Virgil shook as the wind tried to soothe him. He didn't want the wind. He wanted the man that's helped him since they've met but... he also wanted to be as far away from him as he could have been. "You promised me he wasn't a danger."

"I'm not. Virgil, I'm not. You have to believe m..." Pain tore through Roman chest making him freeze as Virgil looked away. "Virgil, please. I didn't know. I didn't know."

"Didn't know what?"

"I thought the heart was just a rock." Virgil's eyes went wide as Roman gripped his shirt tightly. "I didn't know what I was saying. I was hurt. I justed wanted to get home and Thomas wasn't helping. I lashed out... I never meant it. I was NEVER going to do anything about it. I swear." Roman leaned forward, tears falling from his eyes as he drowned in the pain. "Virgil, please. I never want to hurt you. I don't, I swear. I told you. I told you my manger is a problem. I told you I lash out. You even just saw it."

"Roman, you threatened to kill me."

"I DIDN'T KNOW!" Roman gasped out as a shot of pain tore through his spine. "Please, Virgil. Please, believe me. I-I didn't mean it. I swear. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not. I don't want to hurt you. I'd never have hurt you." 

Virgil stood there staring at the man on his knees with tears in his eyes. His mind was in a tumble. He wanted Roman to run over to him... to pull him in... to hold him and tell him he was safe... that everything was going to be ok. But his mind... He was terrified but more than that he wasn't a fool. Roman threatened to kill him. He can't trust him. He can't trust Roman. 

A fog began to form as the captain yelled about no visibility. The ocean crashed against the boat wanting Virgil to jump but the man couldn't move. All he could see was the way Roman's eyes glowed yet held that pained glossy look to them. 

"You could've have told me. YOU KNEW FROM THE BEGINNING!" Roman flinched as Virgil yelled out in anger. "You knew. I told you right from the start I was Thomas's son. No wonder they reacted so strongly... no wonder the wind never wanted me to save you..." Roman's eyes shot up as Virgil glared at him. "You had every chance. EVERY CHANCE... to tell me the truth. I'd be scared. I'd be terrified but... Roman..." Roman's vision blurred as Virgil stumbled back shaking his head. "I would've tried to understand. Now? Now all I can think of is why... Why didn't you tell? Why did you never tell me? Was this all a trick?"

"NO!" Roman groaned as he held his head losing his grip with all the pain he was in. "No... no... no, it... it wasn't. Please... Virgil, please."

"Roman, you chose not to tell me. There has to be a reason. I can't just ignore that... You promised to kill me... and you weren't upfront about who you were." The fog cleared nearly instantly only for the captain to cry out just as the boat crashed into the shore. Virgil took off running instantly. Roman tensed up, his body screaming in pure agony the moment Virgil disappeared into the mist. 

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