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Roman froze up the moment they made it to the tree. He didn't understand... There was what looked like a million tiny fireflies fluttering about the tree lighting it all up like glittering pink fairy lights. 

"What?" Roman choked as he looked up to see the storm clouds filling the sky only letting the sun come through just enough to cast light onto the memorial set right beside the tree. "Oh..." Thunder boomed through the sky bring more tears to Roman's eyes as the wind rushed around him. "Thank you so much."

"Roman?" Roman turned to see everyone looking at him and he nodded. Logan stepped out beside him just staring at the wooden casket just sitting there in front of the memorial. "Should I?" 

"Please?" Roman hugged flounder tightly as Logan made his way over to the casket. Roman just stood there watching, unable to move. He could feel as someone gently placed a hand to his back and he looked over to see Thomas. "I'm glad you could be here. I know... I know how tired you must be." Thomas laughed softly as he nodded.

"Yeah. I'm about ready to drop... but I wasn't going to miss this. Even... If one day I'd just end up forgetting it."

"I'm never going to forget." Thomas frowned as gave Roman this look who didn't bother to look over to know exactly what it meant. "I won't forget this. I won't forget him."


"NO!" Roman froze forcing himself to calm down as he deflated. "I don't want to forget."

"I'm sorry, Roman... but you can't stop it. There will come a day where all of us will forget." Thomas stared over at the memorial and smiled. "That's why I love the words you chose. 'A god amongst humans... A true hero to all.' Even when this is all that's left people will still know his name."

"Thomas, I don't want to forget him."

"I know, kiddo." Roman broke as Thomas pulled him into a hug. "I don't either, but I have to face reality. I will forget."

"At least you'll remember him for longer." Remus's voice cut in making Thomas frown as Roman shook in his arms. "Gods have piss poor memory. Roman... his is the worst. I should know... I was a god."

"I can't... I can't forget him. I can't... I won't. I'll remember. I will." Thomas sighed as he just shook his head.

"Ro, the only thing a god will remember forever is the acts that made you what you are." Roman crashed as Thomas forced him to look at him. "I'm sorry. Don't listen to me. I'm just being an insensitive demon again."

"I don't want to forget him."

"You won't." Roman smiled as Thomas just pulled him in again. Remus shot him this look over lying but both knew it was the better option. "You won't forget him. It'll be ok, Roman."

"Guy's?" Remys swayed slightly before shaking his head and pulling his sunglasses up into his hair. "I'm sorry to be an ass but can we hurry this along? I'm going to pass out soon and I'd rather it not here."

"Honestly same." Thomas whispered before turning back to Roman with a sad look.

"Ok." Roman took a deep breath before pulling away and forcing himself over to where Logan was and he crashed more seeing just how distraught the man was. "Lo?"

"My son is dead." Roman nodded as he carefully dropped to his knees. "My husband died what... 2 and a half weeks ago and now my son... My family's gone."

"I'm still here. I'm not family but..."

"You are very much family, Roman." Roman's eyes went wide as Logan smiled over at him. "The day my son chose you to love... is the day you became my son too."

"Logan, I..."

"You are welcome to stay here as long as you want, Ro." Roman eyes flashed yellow for just a split second and Logan beamed. "This is your home too."

"You mean it? This... This can be my home?" Logan nodded as he turned back to the casket that held his son's body. "But... I thought with Virgil gone... you wouldn't want me hanging around."

"Roman, I just said I considered you a son." Logan placed a hand onto the casket and just let out a soft breath. "Honestly, I'd really like it if you stayed... but only if you want to. I just thought you'd want to go back now that he's gone."

"That not my home." Logan's eyes slipped shut as Roman whispered quietly. "The only home I ever truly had... was right here. And I don't think I want to leave any time soon."

"I'm glad. Now... let get things moving." Logan carefully got to his feet helping Roman up before gesturing at the casket. "Can you help me?" Roman only nodded as he glanced over to Thomas who quickly walked over with this look in his eyes. "It's time."

"It is." Thomas whispered as he and Roman picked the casket up off the ground. 

"Would you like some help?" Remus called as he and Deceit slowly walked over holding each other's hands. Their eyes flashed as the ground shook beneath them the ground cracked and broke away allowing Roman and Thomas to gently set the casket down into the dirt. Logan picked a purple rose from the arrangement Emile had brought with him and tossed it in the grave before glancing up at Roman who just stood there frozen.

"Roman, are you sure you don't want to say goodbye." Roman's head tilted slightly as he just smiled down at his love. "Ok then. Remus... Dee, if you will." Roman watched as the ground swallowed the casket up leaving a patch of brown dirt to show what had just taken place. Logan placed a gentle hand to the god's shoulder before smiling and walking off with the demi and Joan back into the house. Thomas yawned as he sleepily smiled.

"I'll see you when I wake up?" Roman nodded as Thomas just smiled more. "I guess then... I see you later." He turned to the memorial with one smile breathe before teleporting out. "Goodbye, my son."

"We should get going too" Remus called as he gently placed a hand to Roman's back. The longer we stay here the more we end up hurting either you or the demi's."

"I haven't felt a thing." Remus frowned as he brushed Roman's hair back slightly. "It's ok, Ray. I understand. Go live your life with the man you love. Theres nothing more important than that."

"I love you brother." Roman just smiled as felt Remus walk up he knew... He knew he was alone. Roman swallowed his pain as he carefully walked over to the memorial and got down onto his knees. He set flounder down onto the dirt beside him as he placed a hesitant hand to the black marble. His eyes flashed white as these words burned into the stone forever memorialized for the world to see. 

'Virgil Davis, the God who never gave in to fear and saved the world by giving his heart up to the darkness.'

"Now everyone will see you the way I do." Roman smiled softly as he brushed his fingers over his love's name. " I'll always love you, Virgil... Goodbye, Stormcloud."

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