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It didn't take very long for Virgil to fall asleep. With the stress his body was in it's remarkable he didn't pass out immediately. Roman sighed as he ran his hand through the youngers hair. His energy wasn't doing well. It was fluctuating and crashing. It was hard for Roman just to keep it stable. And he knew if he kept this up all night he would end up draining himself. Something had to be done. Thomas... Roman sighed as he forced himself to pull away from Virgil, a steady flame over his heart as Roman looked for a map. Thomas could help. He would know what to do, right? After all, Virgil was his son. Surely, he would know what's happening, right?

"In order to find Thomas, we have to find Deceit first." The wind rustled outside making a branch tap the window and Roman nodded. "Ok." He opened the window fully expecting to get blasted but he didn't. Instead, the wind simply rushed softly around him. "I know, you're scared. I am too." Roman bit his lip as he looked back at Virgil feeling his chest twinge. "I have to find Deceit." The wind rushed tipping over a cup of water onto the map shocking the ex-god who ran over to try and save everything. "Hey, I'm trying to help here." The water moved in such a way that Roman growled seeing it avoid the towel he was trying to use. "Come on. I can't find him if you destroy the map!" Roman cringed as the wind tore through the room with obvious fear. "I don't like it any more than you do. I don't want to see him at all! I'm doing this for Virgil!" There was a slight prick in Roman's arm and he frowned seeing a thing bead of blood drip from under his sleeve. "Was that really necessary?"

"I just want to help him. So either you help me or you back off." Roman froze hearing Virgil groan. He glanced back to see the younger one looking strained and sick. He forgot... Virgil had nightmares. "It's ok, Virgil." Roman sighed as he walked over to Virgil's bag and pulled out flounder. "I'll help you." Roman's eyes lit up bright like emerald flames as the stuffed fish began to shift. Glitter appeared on its fins and under the eyes. Its eyes turned a bright blue to match his owner and a small flame emblem appeared on its side. Roman could feel the energy coming off of it from the spell he had put on it and he smiled. Virgil whimpered as he fussed a bit and Roman carefully brought the fish over to him. "It's ok Virgil."

"He...Help... R-Ro..." Roman froze up as Virgil clutched his blankets tightly. He hadn't expected him... to call out for him. "Please... help... help... Roman."

"I'm right here, Virgil." Roman placed the fish on Virgil's chest and smiled seeing the younger instantly grab it and hold it tight. "You're safe." Virgil buried his head into his stuffy and seemed to smile as he relaxed. "There you go." Roman laughed as the wind rustled through his hair whispering him questions at nearly a mile a second. "Shhh... I just put a spell on it to take care of those nightmares for him. As long as he has it... he won't have anymore." The smile slowly fell from his lips as he looked back over at the table. "Not that it will matter if he gets worse. Why is he so sick?" The wind died out clearly refusing to tell him anything. 

"You know that only worries me more, right? What are you so afraid of telling me? What do you think I'd do? I just want him to get better." Roman sighed as he shook his head and walked back over to the table. "Whatever. It doesn't matter. I'll find Deceit. I'll get him to tal..." Roman frowned as the wind moved the papers. "He'll answer me." Having a conversation with the wind isn't really something one could describe with words. It's more sight and feeling. Feeling it through his hair... the temperature... hearing the whispers it provides. You have to pay very close attention to understand it. Luckily Roman was adept. "Either he answers my question or HE will make him. I will get an answer. Thomas has to know how to help him." The wind literally tore through the place filled with aggravation only serving to get on Roman's last nerve.

"I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT GOING HOME!" The room literally died as Roman froze up at the sudden admittance. "I don't care about going home." Roman narrowed his eyes in confusion as shock over saying that filled him. Not only shock over saying it but the fact that it's true. "I don't..." Roman leaned against the table lost in thought as he tried to work through things. "I just want Virgil to get better. Right now, he's the only concern I have." The wind pricked at his chest ruffling his shirt and Roman groaned. "Of course, I don't. I said I would never love again. Love is pointless and stupid. All it's done for me is cause me to suffer." Roman winced as his heart felt like it was being squeezed. "I just can't take the guilt. It's my fault all this is happening. I want to fix it."

"Please... help me fix it. Help me... help him." Roman just stayed there with tears slowly falling from his eyes only for the wind to move ever so slightly as if deciding to comfort Roman for once. His tears pooled as the wind moved it to the one point on the map letting it soak in and Roman's eyes narrowed. It was a mountain. Not a very large one but the look can be deceiving. Besides, when it's hiding royalty one would assume it should be unexpected. How could He even like it though? Even still it's a start and Roman couldn't be happier. "Thank you."

"Thank who?" Roman jumped at the sudden voice only to turn and see Virgil staring at him. The man looked paler than he should but at least he was able to sit up properly now. Virgil narrowed his eyes seeing the tears streaks and he frowned. "Roman?"

"I uh..." Roman quickly wiped his tears putting on that princely smile he always has and laughed. "I was just being dramatic again. Anyway, I have a spot to look at for Deceit." Roman faltered as Virgil started to get up. "What are you doing?"

"I'm coming too." Roman shook his head making Virgil growl in annoyance. "You can't stop me, Roman."

"You aren't coming, Virgil. You need to rest. You're still sick." Virgil stood himself up ignoring how it took a bit for the room to stop spinning. "Virgil, please. It'll be ok. I'll go talk with Deceit and come right back. I prom..."

"I'm coming with you. He's my father, Roman. The longer I wait the harder it's going to be." Virgil smiled softly as he took Roman's hand only to wince at the amount of pain the other was in. 

"Virgil, what's wrong?"

"N-Nothing. It's just..." Virgil frowned as he shook his head as he stepped back. "I'm ok. Don't worry about me. Let's just find this demon so we can find my father already."

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