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"Say something, Virgil." The second Roman clicked the video on, his heart completely shattered. "I can't break you out... but I can send Roman a message." 

"Roman?" Roman just sat there completely frozen, hands shaking horribly as he watched the video play. "God, he's gonna get so pissed."

"Yer damn right I am!" Roman yelled as he gripped the phone even tighter. Virgil was a mess. He was cut up and bruised, strung up from the ceiling like some kind of slab of meat. But yet Virgil's smile shined like no other. "Is... Is tú mo shaol, Virgil."

"Roman? My love? It's ok." Tears pricked at his eyes as he just stared into his love's eyes. "It's ok. I'm not leaving you. We WILL get out of this. I won't promise... You know as well as I do that promises don't mean shit to us. I will however say this. That ring I gave you... That is our future. Don't give up on that. Don't lose yourself in your pain and anger. I know you. I know your suffering. Take care of yourself... I'll see you soon. Hey?" Roman frowned in confusion as Virgil seemed to look back behind the camera. His eyes widened in realization as he focused closer to the video.

"Virgil?" He knew it was pointless. It was a recording, not a live feed... there wasn't a way Virgil could respond but... He couldn't help himself. "Virgil... Mo gra? What are ye up to?"

"You're lost... " Roman faltered as he sighed and scoffed. Of course... Even when he himself needs help, Virgil just can't ignore someone who needs him. "You know this. But as a god of the lost let me give you this piece of advice... Sometimes our paths are not the ones we've ever thought we would take. Sometimes the people we're supposed to be is the very thing we fought so hard to fight against. My entire life... or at least from what little I remember of it... was always keeping me away from Roman." Roman tensed as he looked away just trying to keep himself calm. "I was NEVER even supposed to meet him. My fathers... all three of them fought to keep us apart... but at the end of it all, we fell in love. Didn't we?" Virgil smiled at the camera, making Roman smile too as he looked back to see Virgil loving expression. 

"Ye damn right we did." Roman muttered softly as he just kept staring at his love. Even as broken as he was, Virgil still was the most beautiful thing ever. 

"We weren't supposed to but we did. We fell so hard... so fast. And no matter was thrown at us we never lost that... not... not really." Roman choked back a sob as he nodded. He couldn't even say anything. Not with how his throat burned.

"What are you saying?" Roman frowned in confusion as he heard the shake in the mystery man's voice.

"I'm saying don't let the way you were raised keep you from the path you were meant to take. I can't tell you where you belong... I can only help to guide you there. You may not... like us gods..."

"I don't know you." Roman faltered a bit as this look of knowing passed his love's eyes.

"Maybe that should change. Get to know a real god... One far older than me." Virgil glanced at the camera again and Roman knew immediately what he was doing. Virgil smiled and Roman nodded not that it did anything. He just felt he had to acknowledge it somehow. Virgil was giving Roman a job... a charge. He was telling Roman this one needed to be protected. If only he knew who the hell it was behind the camera. "I love you, Roman. So just... Hang tight, don't... Don't do anything rash yet. Roman? Please? Just stay strong."

"Stay put... and protect him. Virgil..." Roman sighed as the video ended. "What are ye plannin', Love? Yer plannin' somet'ing. I know ye." Roman smiled softly as his tears spilled, damping small spots on his pants. "I love ye too, Mo gra. Just... Just don't do anything stupid. Please?" Roman let out another shaky breath as he shot the mystery man a text. 

'Don't make me regret this.'  

'Regret what?' Roman smirked as he rolled his eyes a bit and sighed. 

'I'm choosing to trust you... Don't make me regret it.' Colt's eyes went wide as he shot up in bed with a smile. He just laughed as he fell back in relief.

"Step one... done." Colt whispered happily to himself. "Now I just have to..." Colt froze up at the sudden knock on his door.

"Open up, little brother." Celine. Colt crashed as he quickly dismantled his phone, yanked the sims out, hiding it in his watch he fitted just for that reason, and tossed it to the floor, stomping it fast before the door was smashed open. Colt froze like ice seeing the twins standing there with sick psychotic grins. Celine had her long black hair french braided back, while Damien stood there with his signature suit and tie. Damn those two. "Sorry to... disturb your nap." Damien sucked in a breath as he spotted the broken phone on the floor.

"You always were too... smart for your own good." Colt's eyes narrowed as he glared his two siblings down. "Father wants to see you."

"Father can see me..." Colt growled as he slowly lifted his leg, pulling his gun out of his holster. "... when he learns how to bite his own ass."

"You fucking..." Colt fired his gun cutting Damien off as Celine pulled her sword out and went to attack. He was screwed. He knew he was screwed. Two against one in such a small room as his bedroom... and against his siblings of all people... He was beyond screwed. He didn't have a... No. Alex was right. He had to stop saying that. He does have a choice. And his choice is...

"I'm not dying here." Colt shot his light out blinding the two momentarily as he ran and slid right under in brother's legs, listening to the roar of rage he made in response. "I'm not dying... not here."

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