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"You sure you're ok, Roman?" The god simply smiled as he nodded to the person beside him. Virgil had generously informed everyone on the board that he had been ill and therefore could not attend his meetings. He was just glad that people didn't take offense to that. With all his time here this island has grown to love him just as much as he loves it. He just didn't like how he had to leave his fiance when they had just gotten engaged. 

"I'm better now, I promise. Now... Back to the matter at hand... The federation." Hours later and Roman was beyond exhausted. He could himself getting drained again not having been able to be with Virgil much at all for the past two or was it three days. His body shuddered and he groaned resigning himself to take a break. He needed Virgil or else was going to end up getting himself dizzy again. His eyes narrowed as he walked out of the board room and took a deep breath. He took in the air and just stood there taking it all in before...

"Hey there, Romano." Roman flinched peaking only one eye open to see Thomas standing there, his rainbow hair rustling in the wind. Roman met with those rainbow swirling eyes and he sighed softly. 

"Thomas. You awake?" Thomas nodded with a grin as he walked over and pulled the god into a hug. "Uh..." Thomas laughed as he pulled away seeing Roman's eyes flashed light grey and hazel blue. "Thomas?"

"I know it's been a long time for you but for me it feels like it was yesterday so... I'm sorry, Roman. I'm sorry." Roman relaxed as his eyes went light blue, understanding what was going on now. "I'm so sorry."

"Hey, Thomas, shhh. It's ok." Roman pulled him away only to grimace slightly as the headache started up.

"Roman?!" Roman groaned as his eyes flash pale yellow worrying Thomas even more. "Roman, what's wrong? You're in pain."

"I'll be ok. Trust me. I'm not going to let myself get sick again." Thomas whined with obvious concern as Roman just chuckled. "Come on. Let's get back to the house. I have someone you might want to see."

"Wait, what?" Roman nodded happily as they made their way through only for Roman to frown as he looked around feeling the wind push against him to stop him in his tracks. "Roman?"

"What?" Roman asked the wind feeling it swirl around him in a flurry making his hair go crazy as Thomas watched with confusion. It rustled his shirt making his eyes flash pink as he smiled. "He's around here? Really? But he said he and Alex were going to be busy today." The wind whipped about his hair whispering in his ears and Roman just laughed. "Ok. Ok. I hear you, but I don't think I should ruin whatever his surprise is do you?" The wind slowly died down making Roman roll his eyes. "Let him know I'll be at the house... oh and... Can you tell him I'm a bit drained? I don't want him worrying but if I don't tell him, he'd only get mad at me."

"What?" Virgil frowned as the wind pressed against his back. It whispered in his ears relaying the message and he smiled softly. "Ok, thank you. We're almost done anyway." Virgil was giddy. He watched as Ash placed the final touches that he was doing onto the rings. Virgil's eyes were glowing as his blackened flames sparked about his fingers. "It's almost done."

"There." Ash beamed as he pulled away letting the glow in his eyes die down. "I'm done."

"YES!" Virgil yelled as he stared them over with this pure look in his lavender eyes. "He's going to melt."

"Didn't you say..."

"Oh right!" Virgil giggled as he walked over, cutting Ash of. His eyes flashed even brighter as he gently held his hands around Roman's ring, shadowy smoke trailing about as he smiled brighter. He let out a deep breath as the words 'You'll Always Be My Hero' etched into the inner band. 

"Awe!" Carol squealed as Virgil gently let his hands fall, lost in the emotions rolling about him. "That's so cute."

"I love him so much." Virgil whispered as Ash gently took the rings to finish caring for them. "You did amazing Ash. Thank you so much."

"It's no problem at all, Virgil." Ash smiled as wiped everything down before carefully placing Roman's ring into a small black box with dark red velvet inner lining. "You two literally deserve after everything you told me."

"I'm just happy he remembers." Ash nodded as he finished cleaning up Virgil's ring before handing it over. Virgil's eyes lit up as he gingerly took it in his hand smiling brightly with pure joy. He slipped the band on melting at how perfect it was as a euphoric giggle spilled from his lips. It was a black band with rose gold trailing through it creating an infinity symbol in the center. White and purple gems lined the center trailing away from the symbol and it just looked so perfect. Roman's was exactly the same except with a white band and black and red gems. "Perfect."

"I'm glad. Now hurry up and get home to your man." Carol giggled as she lightly nudged Virgil through the store, Ash laughing in the background. "Frigg wants to see Roman's face when he gets the ring."

"Ok. Ok." Virgil laughed as he playfully swatted Carol's hands away. "Thank you both. Really. It means a lot to me."

"Well... I can tell he means a lot to you." Virgil nodded as Carols eyes softened. "You put all your love into that ring, Virgil. He's going to feel it. I'm sure of it."

"I hope so." Virgil smiled as he gripped the box tightly and skipped to the door. "Thanks again!"

"Roman!" Virgil giggled as he yelled out tossing his keys onto the table as he walked into the house stretching. "Roman, I'm home." Ever since Roman had remembered the two had both been living at the house and things couldn't be better. At least that's what Virgil thought anyway. He didn't care either way. As long as he was with Roman, that was all that mattered. He placed his umbrella on the stand slowly stumbling his way into the living room as he pushed down his hood and rubbed his eyes. Being around that bright fire every day for the past week might not have been such a good thing but it was worth it. Now he can just lay down and cuddle with his... Virgil froze instantly eyes meeting with the very god who had made him a demi so long ago. The very god who his mission had been to save. He doesn't remember anything about him... not really. Just the mission and the funeral when Thomas was there to support Roman. Even still... he still considered him his father. Just like Patton and Logan... Thomas was the reason he was alive before after all. Things may be different now but... the look on that man's face as tears spilled from his eyes proved enough to him how much Thomas loved him. "Thomas?"

"V-Virg... ROMAN?!" Roman just laughed as Thomas snapped highly confused and worried. "He's but... He's dead. We watched him die. I literally... Virgil? How?" Virgil smirked as he shoved his hands into his pockets, eyes flashing as his blackened hair fell over his eyes. Thomas's face fell in realization as he took a breath and smelled the air. "You're a god." Roman frowned as Virgil just shook his head.

"I was... not really anymore... not yet anyway." Roman's eyes darted over to him as Virgil just smiled. "It's nice to see you again... Thomas."

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