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"Wait so... anyone can become a god if enough people believe they are one?" Roman laughed as he peeked over a rack of shirts to see Virgil awkwardly tapping his foot lost in thought. "Sorry, it's just..."

"It's a lot. I know. And Virgil... it's not about the number of people, It's about the right people believing." Virgil's eyes went wide as Roman sifted through the shirt with this focused yet silly look. "Think about it this way. Thomas is a demon who became a god by doing good deeds and caring for others. Remus became a demon by forging dark deals that... for the most part came out all story. Mine included, despite that not being his intent when he forged one with me. I originally became a god because that couple, as far as I remember, believed me to be and told others about it." Roman paused for a second as he smiled over at Virgil. "When the right believes in it... anything can happen. That's why my job as a muse is so important. That's why I took my job as a god so seriously... until I gave it up that is."

"Roman, you can get that job back. I..." Roman's eyes darkened as Virgil stopped and sighed. "Sorry, I forgot... you made a promise. You can't break the curse without a kiss from someone you love." Roman frowned as he absentmindedly reached out for Virgil only for the younger to just walk away. "I'm gonna look for some clothes for myself."

"Virgil, wait..." Roman deflated as he watched the man leave him. "I love you." Roman sighed as he shook his head and went back to the clothes rack. "But how am I supposed to tell the man I threatened that? Even if I didn't mean to... I still did it. I just..." Roman turned away from the rack with a frustrated groan as he gripped his hair to try and calm down. 

"I just don't want him to feel obligated to me. I love him. I love you, Virgil. But right now... I'm just to scared to even say we're friends. Considering you shot me down the last time I said it. Just... stop, Roman." Roman grimaced as he let his hands fall. "You're just going to cause more pain. Stop thinking about all of this and just find some clothes."

"Stupid..." Virgil whispered to himself as he raked his hands violently though the shirts. "Stupid... stupid... damn it." Virgil practically punched the clothes as he fell to the floor struggling to breathe. He fixed how he was sitting pulling his knees up with a broken smile. "I'm just hurting myself. He's never going to love anyone again so why... why do I keep imagining him with me? It's never going to happen." Virgil buried his head into his knees as he just laughed at himself. "He's just so damn... amazing and soft and... I love him so much. Stupid promise... stupid heart falling for someone I could never have... stupid... stupid."

"Hey, mister?" Virgil's head snapped up only to frown seeing a small child there. "Are you ok?"

"Me?" The boy nodded as he shifted closer and Virgil's eyes narrowed notice the way he glanced around anxiously. "I'm ok... but are you?" The boy jumped slightly before shaking his head. "What's wrong?"

"I lost my mommy." Virgil crashed as flashes filled his mind of when he had gotten lost. He clenched his fists before sighing and getting up onto his knees so he was eye level with the boy. "I'm scared."

"That's ok. It's ok to be scared. Its fear... that keeps you safe. You're afraid but... you'll be safe." the boy frowned as Virgil held his hand out. A small flower bloomed from his palm making the boy's eyes light up as Virgil carefully placed it in his hair. "Fear makes a person aware. It helps you to see what's around you. You said you lost your mommy?"

"Yeah, we were by the toys but..." 

"That's ok. Why don't you help me find her?" The boy jumped with this terrified look in his eyes making Virgil's heart drop. 

"I'm scared. I don't want to get lost again. You're the first person who spoke to me." 

"It's ok. Remember what I said? Fear makes you aware. It helps you to keep on eye on things." The boy nodded sheepishly as Virgil slowly got to his feet. "You won't lose me. And I bet you, you'll have a better time finding her, if we look. She's probably scared to, you know?"

"She is?"

"Oh, I guarantee it. Parents love their kids. I bet you she's looking for you right now." His eyes softened as Virgil held his hand out with a smile. "I'll protect you. I promise."

"B-But how... how can you..." Virgil let his eyes glow making his aura show a small bit as the boy just beamed with joy. "You're a god."

"A demi but... sure, ok? Whatever makes you feel better." The boy giggled as Virgil carefully started to lead him around. He was just giggling about all his friends and the stories the older ones would tell him about the gods and how no one ever sees one because they can't ever come down, or their invisible, or worst of all that they don't exist. Virgil froze up at that one. "What did you say?"

"My friend Leo says gods don't exist. That their just these figures people imagined to explain things like the sun going across the sky. I told him to shut up and he yelled at me and said I was stupid. But now I can tell him gods do exist. They are real and they do have magic... because I met one."

"I'm not a..." Virgil sighed as he knelt down in front of the kid again with a soft smile. "I'm not a god. I'm a demi."

"What's a demi?" Virgil chuckled as he brushed the kid's hair back.

"A demi is a human like you, who was given magic by a god. In fact... my father is a god." His eyes lit up like little fireworks making Virgil melt. "My father is Te Fiti. He's the god of life and creation. My friend... his name is Roman. He's a god too. He's around here somewhere."

"What's he a god of..." melting my heart by how much I love him... Virgil laughed as he rolled his eyes playfully.

"Creativity. He's a big puffball... total softy. I bet you if you saw him and sang him a little song or even just told him one of your own thought and ideas, he would melt. He absolutely loves hearing and seeing what we can do."

"What are you a god of?"

"I told you, I'm a..." The boy giggled as he poked Virgil lightly in the chest.

"You just said your dad was a god. And you have a friend who's a god and I was told that gods don't just hang out with anyone... so... You have to be a god too." 

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