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"I'd just make it for him. Here..." The girl frowned as she took the fifty and Roman beamed. "That should help cover it. Keep the change."

"Roman?" Roman's eyes went wide as Virgil shifted a bit staring at a cup of hot chocolate in another's hand making the exgod laugh.

"Ok actually, can we get a hot chocolate and two coffees. One as black as you can make it and the other... well, I like my cream." The lady nodded as she walked off to fill there order. Roman led Virgil over to the man from before who had his head in his hands resting on the table. "Don't go to sleep on me, Remy." The two sat down hearing Remy groan as he lifted his head, his shades falling slightly to reveal the incredibly dark bags underneath his glossy golden eyes. 

"I was a dick."

"You need your coffee." Roman smiled softly as he sighed. "But, yeah. You were a dick."

"Did you pay?" Roman nodded and Remy smiled slightly. "Thank you... I'm sorry. I'm just exhausted."

"You're always exhausted. That's who you are." Remy laughed before yawning and brushing his black hair back. "You good though? You look like you're about to crash."

"I am." Remy's head dipped as Roman quickly caught him before he falls forward. Roman's eyes flashed as Remy struggled just to hold himself up.

"Rem... Maybe you should sleep then?"

"You know what will happen if I do. I'd rather not sleep through this century thank you." Remy smirked as the lady came over with the three coffees only to tense seeing Remy. She shakily gave Roman the cups as Remy took the black one right out of her hands shocking her considering his order previously and the difference between that and what he was now drinking. "Thank you, Roman."

"No problem." The girl frown in confusion as Roman just laughed shooting a glance over at her. "But you should still make that one coffee order. He'll need it in a bit." The girl nodded as Remy practically down his cup. Virgil simply sat there looking between the two in confusion. He held his choco loosely as the two spoke while he just waited patiently. "Rem... You need to sleep. Your god can't exactly be happy about your refusal." Remy shot him a look as he pointed at the man with a frown.

"I'm not refusing to sleep, Ro. I'm simply holding off. I'm 750 years old. I slept most of that away. Can't I enjoy the 21st century?"


"No, Ro." Remy tensed as he looked sadly at his coffee. "I was 18 when I was chosen. 18 years old and fell asleep for 2 whole centuries. I sleep through my family's death." Virgil cringed and Roman wrapped his arm around him with a growing frown as he watched his friend. "I woke up to find the world was entirely different. I managed to stay awake for a long while before falling under again. I slept for another 3 and a half centuries that time. I don't need you or any other concerned demi telling me to rest."

"My fathers in the same boat." The table went completely silent as Virgil stared at the table. "He's refusing to sleep because he's afraid of waking up to find me dead."

"Yes well, Your father isn't a Demi of Hypnos now is he." Virgil smiled as he shook his head but Roman just sat there tense as ever. "I'll sleep... when I'm good and ready. Roman, I want to party. I wanna drink and dance and get lost in Paris. I want to have some fun before I'm out for god only knows how long this time."

"Remy you aren't going to be alone. I'll be here. I was there long before you and I'll be there long after." Remy scoffed playfully as he shook his head. "Rem..."

"You forget Roman. You aren't immortal." Virgil's eyes narrowed as Roman frowned. "You're just as fragile as I am." Remy frowned seeing the pain in Roman's eyes and he sighed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

"It's fine Remy. We're all a bit... testy." Roman took a sip of his coffee letting out a breath of relaxed relief before smiling over at the other demi. "We actually have ourselves a mission. If you could believe it."

"Roman Black on a mission... why am I not surprised?" Remy laughed as he took the top off his coffee to take a bigger sip. "While I'm out there crashing clubs and having a grand old time, your saving the day. What's it this time? Saving a prince? Rescuing a kingdom from collapse..."

"We're looking for Thomas." Remy froze up and Virgil couldn't ignore the golden glow behind his blacked-out shades.

"No." Remy started to get up only for Roman's eyes to start glowing stopping Remy in his tracks feeling the heat blast from the man. "Roman, no. I won't do it."

"Jeremy Sutton..." Remy cringed hearing his name being called out with such venom. "I gave my word to Virgil. Either you help us... deal with the conciqueses."

"You never should have done that, Roman. ESPECIALLY AFTER WHAT HAPPENED!" Remy slammed his hands down on to the table. "Thomas is a flippen Demon."

"He's a god too." Roman's voice stayed a good volume all while Remy increasingly got louder. "And it's because he's a god that we have to help him. Remy, he isn't well."

"I don't care. You can leave me out of..." All of a sudden Remy's coffee began to shake and Roman's eyes darted to Virgil to find his blue eyes shining bright. Remy tensed seeing Virgil narrow his eyes before tapping his fingers on the table with a smirk.

"Did you know that Coffee beans come from a tree?" Roman's eyes went wide as Virgil slowly inched his hand towards Remy's cup. "I'm only going to ask you once. What do you know about Thomas?" Remy growled as Virgil sighed and shook his head.

"I told you I'm not going to..." A large leafy tree shot up from the cup, growing until it literally dwarfed the table in size. Virgil just watched with a neutral gaze but the other two were in immense shock. The people that filled the place froze up seeing it grow until Virgil held his hand out and a single branch brushed against his palm. Remy's eyes darted up to meet his and Virgil frowned. 

"My Father, Remy." The sleep Demi reeled back hearing the demonic warp in Virgil's voice as the younger glared daggers into him. "What do you know about Thomas?"

"He's a demon now!" Remy cried as the tree shook and shivered dropping fruit onto the table with loud thuds. "There's only one person alive that can tell you what you need to know." Roman frowned in realization as Remy never took his eyes off of Virgil. "He's manipulative and cunning... keeps track of every demon created. If you want to know more about Thomas you have to find him." Virgil snapped and the tree shrunk to a tiny shrub making Remy gasp in anxious tension.

"Who is he?" Roman quickly took Virgil's hand shocking the younger as Remy frowned.

"He's the second strongest Demon there is." Virgil's eyes went wide seeing the recognition in Roman, who shook with tears welling in his eyes. "If you want Thomas, you have to find..."


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