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"Dad?" Alex whined slightly as he watched Colt walk off somewhere to give them privacy. "Roman?"

"A-Alex? I' tat... really ye?" Alex laughed as he gripped the phone tightly. "Tat guy wouldn't be pullin' me leg, would he? Is i' really ye... A-Alex?"

"It's really me, Roman. I'm so sorry." The line went silent again but Alex could hear the choked back sobs the god was trying really hard to muffle. It didn't really work. "Dad? I'm ok."

"I-I don't... I... D-Do ye know a-about V-Virgil?" Alex paled as he shot colt a glance who was just leaning against the wall lost in thought. "Alex?"

"No. I don't. Unfortunately." Colt's eyes narrowed as Alex sighed sadly. "They have me locked in a room. Nobody allowed in or out save for specific guards tasked with getting food and things. I'm glad no one tried anything and... I'm in a bit comfy room but... I feel like Hansel and Grettel in a candy house. It's nice and sweet and shit but... it's still a fucking prison."

"I feel tat." Roman chuckled softly making Alex smile a bit. "You are ok t'ough? Ye ain't hurt?"

"I'm not hurt. Surprisingly." Alex glanced over to see Colt smiling and he frowned in realization. "Wait..." Colt's eyes darted up as Alex shot him a look. "Did you do something?"

"I told them they couldn't touch you because you were a demi." Alex's eyes went wide as Colt's smile widened a bit. "I played Damien off of a suck-up. Said he jumped the gun. As long as Virgil is alive you are a demi and thus cannot be harmed."

"Are they going to kill him?" Colt's eyes flashed as Alex whimpered slightly. 

"Tey touch 'im and I'll roast tem over a damn FIRE!" Roman's voice roared through the line making the two laugh a bit before Colt just shook his head. 

"No. They aren't going to kill him. They wouldn't dream of killing the only actually physical god they have in their possession." Colt's eyes darkened as he seemed to crash. "However, they also don't understand exactly what they're doing. The sooner we get the two of you out of here... the better."

"You're serious about helping us?" Colt nodded as Alex stared at the phone a bit before gesturing for Colt to come over. 

"No. I can't. You talk to him. I only have so long before my... Damien gets out of meetings." Colt cringed before shaking his head as he sighed again. "Than I'll have to take care of Virgil again."

"How is he?" Colt broke even more over Roman's voice nodding slightly as he joined the other. "How's Virgil?"

"He's alive. Alive but... Very very weak." Alex frowned as Colt clenched his fists just staring at the phone. "They have him under this overpowered light."

"No!" Roman called out suddenly making Colt flinch. "He can't... Tat could..."

"Dad breathe." Alex cut in gently pressing a hand into Colt's shoulder making the younger jump at the action. "He said Virgil was alive... right?" Colt nodded as the two just smiled at each other.

"He was just weak... and Damien liked to... Damien's a very violent man. Take's after Fat... HIS father." Colt grimaced slightly before shaking his head. "Horrible really. I don't understand how anyone could like such... needless violence. After Damien has his... fun. I usually go in to help clean him up. Damien doesn't pull his punches either."

"What... What does he..."

"He beats the everloving shit out of him." There was a crackling on the other line and Alex jumped turning to the phone calling out to make sure Roman was ok. Unfortunately... Time was up. "Alex?"

"NO! No, don't... Don't take the phone." Alex cried as Colt just smiled sadly. "Dad... Dad!"

"Alex... I don't have a choice."

"That's your excuse for everything. You don't have a choice? You always had a choice! You chose to be a villain." Colt reeled back as Alex froze up. Alex watched the way his face just... fell. Colt didn't bother saying anything. He just got up took the phone back, as he needed that to even get back in the room, and started for the door. "Wait!"

"Have a good night, Alex." Colt whispered as he shut the door. His eyes narrowed as he switched the speaker off so no one else heard the other line. "You still there."

"Ye take te phone away?" Colt frowned as he nodded more to himself than Roman considering he couldn't see.

"I didn't have a choice." He could hear a growl on the other line and his heart just dropped. "You didn't answer him. He got scared."

"I couldn't." Colt froze up, stopping right there in the hall as Roman sighed through the phone. "I was trying to calm down."

"Did it work?" The crackling only got worse making Colt's eyes narrowed slightly.

"No. It didn't. I'm completely ragin'." Colt tensed as he the crackling turned into a sort of feedback. "Those feckin' arseholes..."

"Co..." Colt suddenly turned the call off not moving an inch as he looked up to see Damien smiling at him. "...lt, what are you doing?"

"Why is any of your concern?" Damien laughed as he nudged his brother who flinched and glared over at the older. 

"Did you find yourself a girl?" Colt paled as he just shook his head making Damiens eyes narrowed. "Then who's on the phone?"

"No one... now. I ended the call." Colt smirked as he stuffed his phone into his pocket. "Didn't want them having to endure the travesty that was your pathetic excuse for a voice."

"Ouch." Damien teased as he let his voice drop to a slight growl. "I'll have you know the ladies love a deep voice."

"I'll have you know that I don't. So fuck off." Colt started to walk away only to freeze as Damien called out one last time.

"Father knows it was you who fucked with the shits light." Colt's blood turned to ice as Damien just laughed. "He's not happy but... I said you must have had your reasons. I saved your ass." Colt panicked as he turned to see Damien just walking off with a wave. "Don't make me regret it.... little brother."

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