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"Virgil talk to me." The two had started they're journey to the mountain with hardly anything on their person but neither one really cared at the time. It didn't really matter much if they were going to have to come back anyway. Plus if they were searching for a demon the less holding them down the better. Virgil was actually really happy not having to worry about their things. Roman, however, was very concerned over Virgil. The problem was...

"I'm fine, Roman." Virgil refused to tell him what was really going on with him. Roman frowned as he simply followed behind unable to really get motivated due to his worry. He couldn't take his eyes off the other. There was just something... Something telling him that something was off. Something was going to happen. Virgil was more than just sick. Roman knew this. However, without Virgil telling him what it was, there was nothing Roman could do about it.

"Then..." He really didn't want to drop the subject but he knew he wouldn't get anywhere. What's the point in pushing it if it would only serve to upset Virgil? "Can you at least tell me more about you?" Virgil hesitated a bit giving Roman a chance to catch up as the younger frowned in confusion. "Like... Where you grew up? Or, how you lived? Or even, how exactly Thomas is your father? I know you're his heart and everything but I still don't really understand it all." Virgil frowned as the two walked side by side through everything. "Gods can't physically have kids. At least... not that we know of. I...I have to admit none of us have really tried." Roman smiled awkwardly as he scratched the back of his neck anxiously. "We normally just keep to ourselves. None of us ever try to get in relationships. We can't die so... it be like a mate for all eternity kind of thing and other than... well, you already know it worked out for me."

"That sounds very lonely." Roman only nodded as Virgil sighed. "Well... I guess I can tell you more about myself. I was raised on an island Thomas had created a long time ago." Virgil started as he cautiously stepped over a log. "There really isn't anything special about it but it's home. Dad, er... Patton, he's one of the men who adopted me... He cares for the children there. He's sort of a teacher, I guess. Father, Logan... He's the chief. He spent most of my life training me to take his job over for him. I was supposed to have the ceremony before all this happened." Roman frowned as Virgil just kept on walking like nothing was said.

"You were supposed to be chief?" Virgil nodded making Roman's frown grow.

"I love Logan. He and Patton raised me as if I was their own but... Father was always a bit... stern with me. I know why now but still... After that whole thing with you when I was five, I was never allowed to leave the island." Roman couldn't help but cringe as his guilt grew. "It's ok. My life wasn't horrible. My island isn't a bad place it's just... when you can never leave, the same old thing gets... stale."

"What about Thomas?" Virgil laughed as they pushed further into the dense forest like woods.

"I only found out about that recently myself." Virgil jumped over a rock and smiled as a tree branch moved to catch him so he didn't get hurt. "I told you I was Thomas's heart but that's not entirely accurate." Virgil's hand absentmindedly moved to his chest as Roman's eyes narrowed in concern. "I am not physically his heart Roman... His heart is in me." Roman froze up causing himself to stumbled into a bush as Virgil laughed. 

"What do you mean... in you?"

"When I was born I wasn't alive. At least that's what he said. He gave me his heart so that I could live." Roman was frozen under the weight of everything as Virgil just shrugged. "Without Thomas giving up that piece of himself... I wouldn't be here."

"Wait, so..." Roman's mind was a bit frazzled as he struggled to catch back up with the younger who continued walking. They were almost there after all. "You're only alive because he gave you his heart?" Virgil nodded and smiled seeing the mountain just ahead of them. "Virgil... You do realize that that means..."

"Should anything happen to the heart or Thomas, I die." Roman was taken back but the way Virgil just said that without a hint of fear or concern. "I know, Roman. The thing is though... I'm not worried about my own life right now. My island is being poisoned. My dad is dying. The people I am sworn to serve and protect as chief, regardless of whether or not the ceremony had actually happened, are in danger. Thomas... Thomas isn't well. My own well being is not as important as of that. It just doesn't matter." Roman watched as Virgil walked into the cave ignoring the tear-filled look the older had.

"It matters to me." Roman sighed as he shook himself from his thoughts and walked in following the other. It didn't take them long at all to reach the end of the cave. "I don't get it. The wind was the one that told me to come here."

"Don't be so quick to leave, Roman." Virgil smiled as he walked over and brushed the dirt and grime from the stone wall to reveal a snake carving. "Things aren't always so plain to see."

"I know that!" Virgil just laughed seeing the way Roman pouted. "I just... I'm impatient and frazzled right now."

"Right now? How is this any different than how you are normally?" Roman gasped as Virgil placed his hand over the snake and let out a deep breath grass exploded down the wall coating everything with life as Virgil blasted it with his energy making Roman tense with worry. Virgil's energy was already on shaky standing. 

"Virgil, you know I could've..." Virgil just scoffed as the wall began to shift and crumble revealing a long dark passageway cutting Roman off.

"Let's go, Ro. The sooner we get this done the better."

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