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"Right in here, Virge." Roman beamed with an electric blue in his eyes. "Come one. He said he was here."

"Who?" Roman giggled as he pulled Virgil in farther making the smaller a tad nervous. "Ro, why are we in a therapist's office? I don't think a doctor is going to be much help with our mission." Roman just rolled his eyes as he led Virgil to this door in the far back. They had walked past the secretary and other patents who didn't even give them a passing glance. "Ro, tell me what we're doing?"

"We're seeing a friend of mine, Virgil." Roman held his hand out summoning a small fire as they walked through this dark hallway. It wasn't that dark, Roman just knew Virgil enjoyed seeing the small flame dance about the shadows. Plus Roman knew his friend just never turned the lights on. No one but a few ever uses this entrance. "And we aren't here for therapy, love..." Roma giggled as he squeezed Virgil's hand leading him into this arena room filled with weapons and mats. Punching bags, exercise equipment, and training dummies lined the walls as this man stood there in front of a heavy bag with boxing gloves on. "Hey, Emile!"

"Roman?" Emile spun around with this bright look on his face as he ran over and pulled the exgod into a hug. 

"Oh, geez, dude. You're soaked." Roman pretended to grimace as Emile pulled away and laughed wiping the sweat from his brow. 

"Sorry. I got here a bit early. Thought I'd get a few warm-ups and stuff in..." Emile glanced over at Virgil who shied away slightly as the older chuckled. "Is this him?"

"Yep... Virgil Davis meet my friend Dr. Emile Picani, demi of Menrva." Emile nodded politely as he started to pull his gloves off. "His god is one of Art, wisdom, healthcare..."

"And war." Emile finished as he finally held his hand out for Virgil to shake. "Although I tend to just focus more on Health and Art. I absolutely love cartoons."

"I uh... It's nice to meet you." Virgil whispered quietly as he anxiously shook the man's hand. 

"So... just for information sake and all that... Who's your god?" Virgil tensed up bad as Roman just smiled beside him. 

"It's ok, Virgil. Emile is very kind. He won't judge." Emile's eyes darkened in concern as Roman tried to egg his love on. "It's ok to tell him."

"I... um... he, well... it's..." Virgil sighed as he hugged Roman's arm for support. "Te Fiti." Emile's eyes went wide as he shot Roman a look. "T-Te ka... sort of. Kind of... They both... He's my father."

"Your what?" Virgil nodded as his hand went to his chest feeling his heart beating. 

"Thomas gave me his heart so that I could live. He gave me life so... yeah." Emile smiled softly as he nodded. "I'm a demi of life and creation."

"Wait, I didn't know that." Roman whispered making Virgil laugh softly. "I knew Thomas was a god of life but... I didn't realize you fell under creation too."

"Yep. I'm a demi of creation." Virgil held his hand out creating a large red rose with a bright smile. "Although, technically on the flip side, I'm also a demi of fire and death... aren't I?" Roman nodded softly as Virgil just sighed. "Alex would fight you on that."

"Alex? That boy from the store?" Virgil nodded with a laugh as he passed Emile the rose who was completely enthralled by it. Roman just frowned in confusion as Virgil smiled.

"Alex was insistent that I was a god too." Roman's eyes shot wide as Virgil just laughed again. "He said if my father is a god and friend..." Virgil gestured to Roman completely oblivious to the pure emotional shock the exgod had. "... was a god as well, then I HAD to be one too. He refused to believe that I wasn't. In fact, he told me if I was a god, I'd be one of shadows and fear. He had a pretty good reason behind it and everything. Did I never tell y-... Roman, are you ok?"

"He believed you are a god?" Virgil nodded as Roman just smiled happily. "Virge... Did you forget what I told you? About Gods and how they're made?" Virgil's eyes went wide as Roman just laughed. "I'm surprised but... I'm very happy for you Virgil. Obviously it wasn't enough or whatever but it very well could be a start." Roman's face started to fall as this realization filled his darkening eyes. "A start into you... going up there..."

"I'm not leaving you, Roman." Roman snapped out of his thoughts as Virgil just smiled. "But... I will walk right out of this place if no one tells me why we're here." 

"Oh, right, sorry." Emile giggled as he passed the rose to Roman. "Roman said you've gotten your weapons and that you needed training in combat and self-defense."

"I guess..." Virgil's hand went to the hilt of his left knife and Emile smiled. "So why was I brought to a doctor?"

"Because I'm still a demi of war, regardless if I focus on it or not. Plus physical activity can greatly improve not only your physical health but your mental emotional health as well." Emile clapped as he skipped back before whipping his arm out summoning a large white spear. Emile laughed as he spun it about before pointing it at Virgil, who instantly tensed and grabbed the hilts of one of his knives out of reflex. "Relax, Kiddo. I'm here to train you, not hurt you."

"Roman are you sure about this?" Virgil gave Roman a very anxious look making the older smiled sadly as he nodded and kissed Virgil's hair.

"Very." Roman sighed as he brushed Virgil's hair back noticing how the younger eyes started to glow. "I want you to be safe. Where we're going... I can only do so much. If I'm focusing on fighting... then I'm not focusing on protecting you." Virgil's eyes darkened seeing how grey Roman's eyes were. "I can't lose you again, Virgil. I have to know you'll be ok."

"Ok Roman." Virgil took a deep breath before pulling out of the other's arms to face his 'teacher'. "Let's just get this started then, shall we?" Emile beamed as he nodded happily all while Roman moved off to the side with a very worried look in his light grey eyes. 

"We shall."

To Break A CurseWhere stories live. Discover now