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"Roman, what are we doing?" Virgil frowned as the other held a door open for him. "This is the 10th market we've gone to today. The 6th one just for weapons."

"What getting tired already?" Roman laughed as Virgil just shot him a look. "Or are you just tired of me?" Roman pulled Virgil back into a hug, melting into the embrace only to tense and let go. "Sorry."

"Sorry? About what?" Virgil's eyes darkened remembering the night before as Roman ignored him and walked away. "Ro..."

"So anything here strike your fancy?" Virgil frowned as he allowed himself to look everything over. 

"Maybe one thing?" Virgil joked giving the exgod a look that made him blush a bit. "Honestly though, Ro..." Virgil's eyes scanned the glass case filled with knives and he frowned. "I really don't know what I'm looking for." As Virgil slowly moved about the place, Roman leaned against the counter and just watched with the softest smile ever. Virgil's eyes caught sight of twin blades on the wall above the counter and he froze up. 

"You're looking for something that fits you... that draws your attention. It's different for everyone. Like I said before, I don't remember how I found mine. I just know... when I did it felt... right." Virgil's eyes narrowed as he stared at those knives. Roman sighed as he reached out brushing his fingers over Virgil's shoulder and drawing his attention in. "Why don't we just try some out, Virgil."

"Yeah..." Virgil frowned as he turned away to look out at all the weapons again. "Yeah, sure."

"I could help."  A thin lanky man walked in covered in soot and grime, yet held a bright happy smile. "I'm Ash... A Demi of Hephaestus... and owner of this store." Roman beamed as he rushed over to talk to the shop keeper letting Virgil think for a moment. He found himself looking at the knives above the counter again. There were on this mount that said 'It's the broken and irreparable that have the most stories to tell'. Virgil couldn't help but smile. 

"Virgil..." Virgil's eyes darted back over to Roman finding the man just smiling at him. "Can you come over here please?"

"What are we doing?" Virgil mumbled as he joined them. Roman was standing there next to this barrel filled with swords as the Ash sifted through things. "I am... not a sword person." Roman frowned as Virgil just eyes the blades. "Yeah... not a sword person."

"That's ok. We're just trying to find a weapon that works, Virgil." Virgil's eyes narrowed as ash pulled out this short sword. It wasn't as large and... imposing as the other ones but Virgil still felt it was to big a weapon for him. Roman could see the anxiety in him making his heart drop. "Please, Virgil. After here... We'll take a break. I promise, just... Just please try them out?"

"Whatever." Virgil sighed as he took the sword from Ash. He really didn't like how it felt. It was to heavy to... To big. Virgil's eyes narrowed as he looked at his reflection through the blade and just... deflated. "Yeah, no." 

"Virgil..." Virgil groaned as he looked over to see Roman desperate expression. "Please?"

"We have a dummy over there if you want to try it out." Virgil only rolled his eyes as he stared at the sword. It just didn't feel right in his hands. It felt off... wrong. He didn't like it. Roman's eyes set noticing the grimace Virgil was giving the weapon. 

"Nope." Roman quickly grabbed the sword finally realizing what was going on. He laughed himself off seeing the other's confusion before carefully handing it back to Ash. "He's not a sword person. Why don't we try something else?" Ash nodded as he walked off and Roman couldn't help but frown. He nudged Virgil lightly drawing his attention in again. "Sorry, Virgil. I shouldn't have pushed."

"It's ok." 

"No it isn't. Demi's are very... They're connected to there weapon. I should have realized that when you said no... I'm sorry." Virgil just smiled as he looked away. "That sword really bothered you didn't it?"

"No, not really. It just felt..."

"Wrong?" Virgil nodded making Roman's heart drop. "Yeah. That just means your weapon isn't a sword. We'll keep looking, Virge."

"What about this?" Ash came out with a bow and Virgil burst out laughing. 

"I'm not one of Artemis's or Apollos. Sorry but... no." Ash quirked a brow as Virgil took the bow with an awkward look. "I don't even know how these things work." He tried to aim and pull the string back but his anxiety flared up and he nearly dropped it. He quickly handed it to Roman who knocked the arrow and fired at the dummy with a frown. He understood what it felt like to hold a weapon that wasn't yours. The sense that something is wrong. That it doesn't fit your hand or that you should be using it a certain way but obviously you can't slash with a bow like you can with a sword.

"I'll take that as a no?" Ash giggled as he took the bow back setting it nicely against the counter. "We have bo staffs and lances. Even a few handguns, not that many ever get chosen. We have any kind of weapon you might want to try."

"What about those?" Virgil pointed up at the twin knives on the mount and he could tell by the look Ash gave that something was wrong.

"Those... aren't for sale." Virgil frowned as he watched Ash visibly try to turn his attention away. "But... If its knives you're interested in, we have a large selection to choose from over here." 

"Come on, Virgil." Virgil didn't want to turn away from the knives but seeing the look in Roman's eyes made him almost feel guilty... so he did. "Let's go check out those, ok?"

"Ok, Roman."

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