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"Ok, so mister busy body is back into all his back to back meetings." Alex mumbled as he focused more on his phone then he was where he was going. "What exactly are we..." Alex's eyes glanced up only for him to freeze up completely seeing Virgil holding the door open for him. "Why?" Virgil giggled as he rolled his eyes and walked in. "Virgil, why are we at a jewelry store?"

"We're picking out rings." Alex's eyes lit up as he quickly shot a text to his 'friend' before turning off and slipping it into his pants pocket. 

"You're going to propose?!" Virgil just shook his head as he walked over and just glanced at everything. "Then... what?"

"Alex, Roman and I... we're already engaged." Alex froze with this giddy look in his eyes as Virgil giggled. "He remembered. He remembered us and... he asked me again."

"Oh my god!" Alex squealed before instantly stopping and glaring at him. "And you didn't call to tell me?! What the hell Virgil?!"

"Would you have even picked up?" Alex paled as his phone went off again and Virgil could see how much the demi wanted to answer it. "You're so infatuated with that guy."

"He's just a friend!" Virgil just sassily hummed a sure before turning back the rings with this dazed yet blissed look. 

"I want something... pink." Alex chuckled as he walked over to help him look. "It doesn't have to be completely pink but... I also want it to match like... I have maybe black with pink and he has Pink and white maybe... I don't know."

"You love pink don't you?" Virgil nodded with a smile as he gazed at all his options. 

"It's the color his eyes turn when he looks at me. It's... To us anyway... the color of our love." Alex couldn't help but melt at the expression Virgil had. His eyes met with this ring and they lit up. "THAT ONE!"

"Did you find one you like?" Virgil beamed as he nodded and looked up to see a woman with lovely white eyes.

"Frigg." Her eyes went wide as she smiled. "Your goddess... Is she Frigg?"

"How did you know?" Virgil just laughed as he gestured to basically all of her. 

"You have a very loving and gentle aura... She is the norse god of matrimony and motherhood." Virgil giggled as he jumped giddily. "She's also a friend of Roman's." 

"Roman Black?" She glanced off to the side, her eyes only getting wider as Virgil tilted his head a bit with a smirk. He knew what was happening. The woman was talking with her goddess. Frigg was telling her something. "Wait... You're..."

"Virgil Davis." You could see the light fill her eyes as she squealed slightly before calming down and just smiling. 

"You... My goddess said you're the one that was with Roman. That you two..." Virgil nodded as he just melted into the memory of everything. "Wait are you going to propose?" Her eyes snapped over obviously hearing something from Frigg again before paling and giggling again. "You're already engaged!"

"I wanted to surprise him with a ring. He's been busy with his meetings." She quickly waved him off as she laughed happily. 

"Say no more, I've got you! Did you find one you liked or..." Virgil pointed to this one ring and she nodded as she pulled it out before gesturing to another worker that she was going to the back. "Come one. This way!"

"Right in here." She lulled softly as she gestured to the room around her and quickly setting the ring down before another familiar face caught his eye.

"ASH?!" Ash froze up, looking around before spotting Virgil and just beaming.

"Virgil? What... Wait. You're supposed to be dead!" Virgil laughed as he just shook his head and stuffed his hands into his pockets. "You died. The memorial and... Emile and Kallie did that whole thing in the Gaurdwell."

"Well, I see you moved shop... sort of." Ash laughed as he scratched his neck lightly. 

"Yeah. Hephaestus is the god of metalworking and artisans too so... I wanted to try my hand at something other than just weapons." He turned his attention to the woman and frowned slightly in confusion. "Wait... why are you here? Besides you know... somehow being alive again, you asshole."

"Roman and I are engaged." Ashes eyes shot wide as Virgil shifted slightly with a smile. "I'm surprising him with a ring."

"You bet your ass I'm going to be forging it!" Virgil was taken back as Ash literally rushed over with a bright smile.

"But... You don't have to. I mean..."

"Dude, you and Roman Black are getting married. There's no fucking way I'm not making that ring! Carol?" The woman looked up with a smile as Ash started to gear up with his gloves and apron. 

"Guys really, you don't have to..." Ash shot the exgod a playful look as he started grabbing his tools and Virgil just smiled. "Thanks."

"No prob, Virge... Although you are going to have to explain to me... Night of the living zombie at some point." Virgil laughed as he nodded and joined the two as he looked everything over. "Do you want to help?"

"Help?" Ash nodded as Virgil's anxiety bubbled up. "But I don't know what I'd be doing. I don't want to..."

"Don't worry Virgil. I'm going to be doing all the big stuff. I don't want you to get hurt. I just thought... You know..." Ash glanced over at Carol who nodded with a big smile.

"Roman is the god of Love and Creativity. Making your engagement rings not only show such creativity but the love and passion that you'd put in it." Virgil's eyes widen in realization as he quickly nodded making the others giggle happily.

"Ok... Metals first." Virgil's eyes narrowed as he glanced over at all the options. "Also think about you now too, Virgil. I plan on making you both rings." Ash sang softly as he stoked the fire of his forge. Virgil smiled as he glanced at all of them picking out three different metals. "Three?"

"I want ours to match us while also matching each other. Hence the Cobolt and Tungsten. They're like black and white." Ash nodded with a quirk of his brow, eyes setting on the third metal as Virgil just laughed. "Rose gold... One common thing I need in our rings... There's got to be pink."

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