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"You are quite the fast learner, Kiddo." Emile beamed as he spun his spear a bit catching Virgil's knives and cutting the vines, only to watch as Virgil whipped his arms out to catch the blade with some new ones and pull them back to him. "We've been doing this for a month now and your already getting really good. I'm impressed."

"Yeah, well... When your combat teacher is a goofball therapist demi of war, never thought I'd say that... You tend to pick up on things pretty well." Emile beamed as Virgil laughed.

"Awe, thanks, kiddo. I'm glad my methods are working with you." Roman just watched from the sidelines like with every lesson. And just like with every lesson, Roman trying to hold himself back from rushing to protect Virgil. He had to keep reminding himself, Emile won't actually hurt him. It was all training. If Roman stepped in he'd be the one ultimately hurting Virgil by preventing him from learning how to do it himself. He had to let Virgil fight his own battles sometimes. There might come a time when they wouldn't have a choice.

Roman couldn't help but remember the last time he felt so... helpless. Virgil was dying and he couldn't do a thing. It tore him absolutely to shreds. He never wanted to go through that again. Part of him didn't even want to bring Virgil there but he didn't have a choice. This was Virgil's mission to complete. Even if Virgil did hand the reigns over, Thomas would never listen to him. Virgil had to be the one to do it.

He just had to get out of his head. It's been a month now and Virgil's gotten a lot stronger... a lot faster and that's just his physical abilities. He's really good with his weapons and damn near unbeatable, at least in his opinion, with his powers so... There wasn't anything to worry about. Virgil could handle himself fine during training. Roman's eyes narrowed as he heard a phone go off. Virgil groaned in annoyance as he fell back on his ass only to laugh as Emile shot him a worried look. 

"I'm ok. My phone just distracted me." Roman's eyes widened as Virgil glanced back at him from where was laying on the floor. "Hey, Ro? Could you answer it for me? It's probably Joan. Just tell them I'm fine if they're calling just to check up on me. They do that sometimes." 

"Uh, yeah, sure." Roman quickly sifted through Virgil's bag grabbing the banged-up cell from one of the many pockets before swiftly answering it. "Hello?" The line was quiet at first making Roman think they must have hung up. "Hello? This is..."

"You are not Virgil." Roman's eyes flashed black at hearing the cold tone come through the line. Something told him this was not a call to just 'check' in. "Where is my son?"

"He's training right now." Roman's hands shook as the grey in his eyes continued to darken. "He asked me to answer for him. Is something wrong?"

"Who are you and why are you with my son?" 

"I'm helping him with his mission... I'm a friend." Roman cringed at the use of the word but it was the safer option than boyfriend at the moment considering. "Might I ask who you are?"

"I'm his father."

"Obviously." Roman sighed with frustrated nerves as he stood there watching as Virgil and Emile went through more techniques. "I meant your name."

"Logan Davis. Now... I want to talk to my son." Roman frowned as he held the phone tightly. He could hear how the man's voice was shaky despite how well the man was masking his pain. This was not a good call. "Now, please. It's important."

"He's busy right now but... I will tell him you called..."

"NO!" Roman flinched as he held back the worried groan. He really didn't want Virgil to stop his training. He also didn't want Virgil to get hurt but depending on the severity of the message... "Get my son for me now."

"I know it's not any of my business, but Virgil is really busy right now... and I will give him the phone. I am not saying I won't but... I would much rather not disturb him if possible."

"I don't care what you want. You are a stranger to me and none on my concern. I want my son. It is imperative that I..."

"What's wrong?" The line went dead as Roman spoke softly into it. "I know something wrong and if it's going to hurt Virgil then... I really need to know."

"You aren't going to give him the phone are you?" Roman's eyes fell as he guilt tore through him.

"Something tells me if I do then training is over... plus, more than anything... I don't want Virgil to get hurt. I know I'm not him but... I will give him the message if you'll be ok with telling me." Roman bit his lip as he watched as Virgil and Emile took a break to breathe. "Actually, he just paused so..."

"No... it's fine. I would rather not hear him cry." Roman's eyes shot wide as Logan whispered the rest into the phone unable to speak any louder as he broke down and hung up. Roman's eyes teared up as the phone slipped from his hands. Virgil jumped instantly turning to see Roman's eyes a pitch-black as he just stood there frozen.

"We... We need to go." Roman's voice broke making Virgil's eyes narrow in concern. Roman quickly picked the phone up stuffing it back in the back as the other two made their way over to him. "Virgil, we need to..."

"Who was it?" Roman froze as Virgil brushed his hand against his panicking boyfriend's arm. "Ro? Who was that on the phone?"

"Your father." Virgil's eyes went wide as Roman broke down more. "I'm sorry, Virgil. I knew I should have told you. He kept asking for you but I got worried so I kind of... refused to but... Virgil, we have to go. You need to go back home."

"What? No. We can't go yet. We still have to save Thom..." Roman shoved the bag into Virgil's arms cutting him off as he grabbed his arms. Virgil fell into those black eyes and he understood. When Roman's eyes went black... it meant nothing good. "Roman? What happened?"

"It's your dad... Patton." Virgil crashed making Roman have to hold him up as best as he could. "You have to home, Virgil. He doesn't have much time left."

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