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Roman slowly carried Virgil back to the hotel room and frowned as he placed his love in the bed. His body burned. The pain in his heart hardly lessened as he carefully pushed himself in beside Virgil. He just stared at Virgil with a soft expression. Roman's eyes went wide feeling something move, only to notice a blanket getting pushed up onto him. The wind swirled around him and Roman chuckled as he pressed his head into Virgil's chest just so he could hear the boy's heartbeat. 

He didn't want to sleep. He didn't want to close his eyes. He was terrified. If he stopped paying attention to him... Virgil could just die again. He didn't want that. He never wanted to go through that ever again. He never wanted to risk it but... Even still his eyes slowly started to drop. His hand went to Virgil's pulling it in close just so he can sense the other's energy. He couldn't stop his eyes from closing. Tears pricked at them as fear tore through him. He gripped Virgil's hand as tightly as he could before the black pulled him over and his whole body went lax. 

The two laid there like that until Virgil shifted accidentally pulling his hand from Roman, who immediately tensed in his sleep. Virgil frowned as his eyes slowly opened to find himself in the hotel room. He carefully took everything in with confusion until he spots Roman beside him and he hesitates. A lonely tear falls from Roman's closed eyes and Virgil's heart lurched. His hand went to his neck finding the amulet and he frowned.

"What happened?" The wind rustled through Virgil's hair making the boy laugh. Roman whimpered beside him making his blood go cold as he looked over to see Roman's face scrunched up. More tears were falling as the exgod fingers twitched as if begging to hold something that wasn't there. "Why is he..." Virgil couldn't suppress the gasp in his has his fingers brushed Roman's hand. Roman whimpered again as he fussed. Virgil took Roman's hand in his and felt the tears welling up at just how much pain Roman was in. He could feel it. That extreme shattered feeling in his chest... and the lack of energy. Roman had completely drained himself. If he had pushed anymore Roman would have ended up killing himself. "What happened?"

Virgil let Roman's hand go only to laugh sadly at the whine Roman made in his sleep. He brushed Roman's hair out of his face and wiped the tears away only to frown as more took its place. His eyes began to glow as he branched out with his energy. He started to play with Roman's hair watching as tiny flowers began to grow and intertwine like a floral crown. Tiny bud littered Roman's red hair providing the exgod with some energy Virgil just knew he had given him. Roman shook in his sleep as Virgil just smiled softly.

"Roman?" Virgil didn't want to wake him up but... Roman fussed pressing his head into the pillow as he choked on sobs. "Roman..." Virgil rested his hand on the others face only to jump as Roman grabbed his hand and held it close to his chest. He just laughed as slowly pushed himself up. He leaned over resting his forehead on Romans with a soft smile. If only he could break the curse on this man. You might think it stupid. After all, Roman was the one that threatened his life but... Virgil couldn't deny how he felt about him. Virgil pressed a kiss to his hand before brushing his fingers through Roman's hair laughing softly at the shudder that ran through him. The wind rushed around them and Virgil rolled his eyes pushing himself out of bed. "He made a promise to himself. Even if I did..." Virgil's eyes darkened as he shook his head. He knew he did but he wouldn't say it so easily. Not when the outcome didn't change. "... He'd never love me back."

"The sooner we can save Thomas the better." Virgil groaned as he made his way over to the table and sat down. "I still have to figure out a way to send Roman home." Virgil's eyes darkened as he deflated. "To bad the curse is about him loving another. 'A kiss from the man you love'... Otherwise, I'd have broken it already." The wide whipped around him whispering loudly in his ears as Virgil just rolled his eyes. "I doubt it. Roman's been wanting to go home for forever... why the hell would he just recant. Besides, it wouldn't be fair. Him recanting his part of the deal only means I don't have to do anything for him. He still promised to help me. Why would he do that?" The wind slowly picked the amulet up and Virgil's eyes narrowed. "What does this have to do with anything? What the hell even is it?" Virgil went to take it off only to flinch at the prick in his hand. A thin line of blood dripped and his eyes narrowed.

"The hell was that for?" He frowned hearing the whispers around him and his eyes widened a bit as he looked over at Roman. "He did... wait. I'm confused." Virgil sighed as Roman started to fuss again. He started to talk in his sleep and Virgil tensed with concern. A sound brought Virgil's attention to the table again only to see a small pool of ink from a tipped over ink well and his eyes narrowed. The ink moved to a small island and Virgil bit his lip. "Gaurdwell?" The wind brushed through his hair making it fall over his face and the demi frowned. "But that's a demi district. Can Roman even go there?"

"Go where?" Virgil jumped as he spun around to see Roman sitting up in bed rubbing his tired-looking eyes with a frown. Roman slowly let his hand drop as he looked up at him and Virgil couldn't help but blush. He had pink eyes... and god did they work for him. They were like the color of cherry blossoms. A beautiful shade of sakura... "What are you staring at?"

"N-Nothing..." Virgil turned away only to melt slightly at the soft chuckle behind him.

"You look better. I'm glad." Roman pushed himself out of bed and made his way over pulling Virgil into a hug with the man's back to his chest, awkwardly as Virgil was sitting in a chair still. "You scared me." Virgil's eyes darkened as he looked up to see Roman staring off his pink eyes glowing subtly.

"I'm sorry..." Roman just shook his head as he moved away and sat down in the chair beside him.

"Don't be." Roman smiled softly as he held Virgil's hand reveling in how steady Virgil's energy was now. "As long as your ok..."

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