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"He... did not go easy on you..." Colt frowned as he walked into the room and sighed. "...did he?" Virgil groaned as Colt popped the box open. Virgil's eyes fluttered as he watched the human mess with things again.

"No... d-do... don't." Colt hesitated as the sound of Virgil's chains rang through the room. "They... They know. Da... Damien..."

"He already told me. At this point... Their just waiting to throw me under the bus." Colt called back as his phone beeped signaling a connection. He beamed as he quickly closed everything up and walked over, turning the light down with his phone making Virgil sigh in relief. "I'm not going to let that stop me. My family... They're psychotic. Even more so than the so-called 'villains' they're fighting again."

"We... aren't villains." Colt's eyes narrowed as he hesitated a bit in grabbing the bucket. "We aren't... We..."

"Unfortunately... there is no proof of that." Virgil's eyes narrowed as he looked up to see Colt smiling softly at him. "Don't get me wrong. There's no proof you are either. That's why I'm helping you. There's just... no proof of anything."

"Gods... can't leave..." Colt's smile fell as Virgil started to tear up. "Can't leave... Can't be villains if... they can't leave..."

"I guess you have a point there." Colt huffed softly as he gently wiped Virgil's wounds. "The only issue is... you're the only god I've spoken with. I was raised believing gods and Demon were evil. I can't just forget everything I've been taught. But at the same time... I can't just let innocent lives die because they were 'chosen' by them either. Damien would have raged a war. He would have killed everyone there. I'm sorry but... I don't see the merit in that."

"So..." Virgil choked making Colt have to jump to wipe his lips as blood dripped from the exgods lips. "You don't like... us... either." Colt frowned as he brushed Virgil's hair back to see the very nasty gash around his eye. 

"I don't know you." Virgil smiled slightly as Colt just shook his head. "I can't choose what I don't know but... I can't just sit back anymore and let my family hurt people." 

"You're a lost soul." Colt's eyes went wide as Virgil smiled brighter. His eyes started glowing as he just chuckled softly. "I can feel it. You're... Lost. Unsure what path you should be on. You're scared and just trying to find your way."

"I don't need to be shrinked..." Virgil shook his head as he a coughed.

"I-I'm not... not doing that." Colt frowned as he finished up wiping all the blood off. Virgil sighed as Colt stepped back with this confused look.

"What then?"

"You're a lost soul, Colt." Colt's face fell seeing the soft look in those lavender eyes. "I'm... the god of the lost and in need of guidance." Colt stepped back a bit lost in thought as Virgil just nodded. "It's my job... to protect people like you."

"Well, for right now..." Colt frowned as he shook his head and sighed. "Let me be the one to protect you."

"And how are you planning on doing that?" Virgil teased as Colt rolled his eyes. "Don't throw yourself in hells waters..."

"I'm already up shits creek." Virgil's faltered as Colt's eyes flashed angrily. "The second my 'dearest' elder brother realized it was me that messed with your light... I was doomed. I'm not getting out of this unscathed."

"Are you moronic?!" Virgil whispered yelled as he pulled on the chains. "They'll kill you."

"They'll kill everyone. I just... can't sit and watch my family burn the world to the ground. My mother..." Colt froze as everything just crashed around him. "My mother... She... She never would have allowed this."

"Don't get yourself killed trying to protect us." Colt smirked as he held his phone up confusing Virgil a bit. "What..." Colt pressed record and just laughed. 

"Say something, Virgil. I can't break you out... but I can send Roman a message." Virgil's eyes lit up as they darted to the camera and melted. 

"Roman?" Colt nodded as Virgil only melted more. "God, he's gonna get so pissed." Virgil pulled on the chains as he laughed a bit. "Roman? My love? It's ok." Virgil turned back to the camera as Colt zoomed in to be able to get a better picture. "It's ok. I'm not leaving you. We WILL get out of this. I won't promise... You know as well as I do that promises don't mean shit to us. I will however say this. That ring I gave you... That is our future. Don't give up on that. Don't lose yourself in your pain and anger. I know you. I know your suffering. Take care of yourself... I'll see you soon. Hey?" Colt looked up in confusion as Virgil turned his attention to him. 

"You're lost... You know this. But as a god of the lost let me give you this piece of advice... Sometimes our paths are not the ones we've ever thought we would take. Sometimes the people we're supposed to be is the very thing we fought so hard to fight against." Colt frowned as Virgil just smiled. "My entire life... or at least from what little I remember of it... was always keeping me away from Roman. I was NEVER even supposed to meet him. My fathers... all three of them fought to keep us apart... but at the end of it all, we fell in love. Didn't we?" Virgil smiled at the camera. "We weren't supposed to but we did. We fell so hard... so fast. And no matter was thrown at us we never lost that... not... not really."

"What are you saying?" Virgil's eyes narrowed slightly as Colt's hands started to shake a bit.

"I'm saying don't let the way you were raised keep you from the path you were meant to take. I can't tell you where you belong... I can only help to guide you there. You may not... like us gods..."

"I don't know you." Virgil smiled making Colt's confusion grow even more.

"Maybe that should change. Get to know a real god... One far older than me." Virgil glanced at the camera again noticing Colt had dazed out and forgotten to end the video. "I love you, Roman. So just... Hang tight, don't... Don't do anything rash yet. Roman? Please? Just stay strong." Colt finally came to his senses and cut the video as he just jumped a bit and fixed himself up. He started to leave as Virgil just laughed. "Leaving already."

"You..." Colt hesitated as he looked back to see Virgil just smiling at him. "I really don't understand you. You're literally in chains and yet..."

"I've died before, Colt. I'm not afraid of death. I'm afraid of leaving my love on his own. I'm afraid of my love getting himself hurt. I'm afraid of my love losing himself in his grief as I know he will do if he losses me again. But... Personally, I am not afraid of dying." Colt's eyes widened a bit as Virgil just shrugged. "You see... I was lost too. I was lost and didn't know what I was supposed to do but... It was Roman who gave me a purpose. I found myself in my love for him. I'm hoping that you will do the same."

"What are you talking about?" Virgil just giggled softly as his eyes shined brightly. "How would I find myself like that? I..."

"Alex." Colt faltered as Virgil just nodded. "I know you care about him. Don't worry about me. I'm a god. Vulnerable or not... I am still a god. You take care of yourself and the man that you care about. THAT'S how you find your purpose... that's how you find your path."

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