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"ROMAN!" Virgil yelled out as he watched the man he loved get thrown back into a tree. His eyes flashed as he dodged this large tail rolling threw the dirt as he whimpered in pain. This had been going far to smoothly. Then again that really should have clued them in. Now they were facing this demon creature. Virgil threw his knives and used the vines to pull himself out of the way just as the beast's tail skewered the dirt where he had once been laying. He jumped up and ran over to Roman who was coughing and just trying to catch his breath from the impact. "Roman!"

"I'm ok." Roman groaned as he forced himself up to his feet with a grimace. "But... We can't fight this."

"What do you mean?" Roman whipped Virgil out of the way, kicking his sword back up into his hand before slashing at the demon's tail, and causing the beast to jump back. It speedily climbed its way through the corrupted vines and Roman paled. 

"We can't fight this. Virgil, I told you... In regards to the god, I'm the baby of them all. I'm certainly not as strong as Thomas, especially when he's in his demon form. He's much MUCH older than me. And that's when I was a full god." Virgil's eyes went wide as Roman shook his head. "These creatures are nearly as old as he is... They've worked with him... grown with him. I can't beat them."

"So we run?" Roman nodded as shot a fireball at the creature making it flail before laughing and just hopping onto another tree. "Wait..." Virgil panicked as he looked around spotting their bags in the dirt. "Our bags!"

"Forget them, we need to go." The beast dropped to the ground preparing to attack as Virgil squared his shoulder. Roman tensed as he tried to pull Virgil back. "Virgil, no. Forget about the bags. They aren't that important."

"Roman, we can't leave yours!" Virgil took off using his vines to maneuver around the tail as it lashed out at him.

"VIRGIL?!" Virgil's eyes narrowed with determination, as Roman screamed out behind him. He threw his knives watching as they went under the beast only to wrap up around him and he smirked. He used the vines to pull himself under and behind before pulling hard and forcing the creature to fall. 

"Got it." Virgil beamed as he grabbed Roman's bag and wrapped it around his shoulders just seconds before he went flying. The beast's tail cracked through the air hitting him smack in the chest sending him straight into the corrupted brush. Roman stood there stunned. His eyes burned a fierce firey red as he gripped his sword so tight his knuckles turned white. The sound of Virgil's vines snapping was the only thing in the air as the beast broke itself free from its binds.

"Fuck running... I'll kill you for that." Roman smirked watching as the beast turned to face him. "VIRGIL?!" His eyes went to when his love had disappeared and all he could feel was this pure anger. "Shit. Shit. Shit..." Fear coursed through him at the thought of what that corruption could be doing to him. "Just hold on, Love!" Roman's sword slashed through the air suddenly catching the beast's tail as he stepped just enough to the side to not get hurt. 

"Awe..." Roman pouted slightly his red eyes glowing with malice. "Did you think you could catch me off guard? Bitch... I'm fucking pissed." Roman's hands burst into scarlet flame as he slowly stalked his way closer easily cutting through the beast's tail with every step and every attack. "And when I'm pissed... Let's just say I get a teensy bit... stronger." Roman jumped up dodging the tail as it swept the ground, flipping over the creature before stabbing it in the back of the head and slicing down as he fell. It screamed out in pain flailing about as roman launched out of it shooting fire back at it with this grateful look in his eyes. 

"JUST FUCKING DIE ALREADY!" Roman gripped his sword as he rushed the beast dodging it's flailing movement before jumping up and stabbing it right in the forehead, watching it crumble to the ground. "Ok well I actually lied..." The red dimmed out to a grey as he frowned and pulled his sword out of the dead beast. "... I'm not actually stronger just... more focused?" 

"Virgil?" Roman shook his head as he desummoned his sword and carefully rushed to where Virgil had been thrown and his heart just stopped. "Virgil, Love?" Virgil wasn't screaming out in pain so... that meant one of two things. One he wasn't hurt... two, he was hurt so bad that he was already dead. "VIRGIL?!"

"I'm ok." Roman crashed with relief as he searched through the foliage unable to actually move it thanks to how horrible the corruption was. "I'm ok, Roman. I'm not hurt... not bad anyway."

"Love, don't worry. I'll get you out. Just don't..." Roman finally spotted Virgil and he froze up. Virgil just smiled at him as Roman's eyes dropped to the ground to see the small patch of health grass Virgil was standing on. "How?"

"I don't know." Virgil laughed slightly as he fixed the bag over his shoulders. "I'm ok Roman. Are you?"

"I just watched the man I love get thrown into the corrupted brush... I'm so far from being ok." Virgil just nodded as he looked around and sighed. "Virgil, I can cut you out of there but..."

"No." Roman frowned as Virgil just shook his head. He held his hand out making Roman tense with worry as Virgil just smiled. "It doesn't hurt me."

"What?" Virgil's hand brushed a blackened vine and Roman was left in awe as it just exploded with life. All the corruption was pushed back as flowers sprouted in every which way. 

"It doesn't hurt me." Virgil carefully pushed his way out of the brush as Roman watched that small little patch of green grew until such a large area no longer had a hint of corruption and he just crashed. "Roman..." He slammed into Virgil crying as shook with pain making Virgil frown with worry. "Roman, I'm ok."

"I didn't know that!" Roman yelled out as he cried. "Virgil, I told you to leave the damn bag. NOTHING in it was ever worth that risk."

"I thought he was." Roman frowned as he suddenly pulled away with an almost dumbfounded look. 

"You risked your life... to save FLOUNDER?!" Virgil just nodded as he fixed the bag straps again. "WHY?!"

"Because he is the ONLY thing that will substitute my touch for you. I couldn't risk losing him."

"I can't risk losing you!" Virgil sighed as he just shook his head. "Virgil, it's just a stupid fish. The only reason it even helps is because of how much you loved it. There's nothing special about it!"

"Except that it helps you. Roman... Tell me. If I still needed it for my nightmares and anxiety would you have just let it go?"

"That's different."


"Because I would be the one risking my life, not you." Virgil frowned as Roman just leaned into him for support. "Please, just don't do it again. I can't lose you, Virgil. I don't know how... I don't know why... but whatever fucking power it is that makes you immune to the corruption... I fucking thank the gods."

"So... Thomas then?" Virgil smirked teasingly making Roman roll his eyes with a slight giggle.

"Yeah. I'm thanking Thomas."

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