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(Warning- this crappy writer made an uh oh... Damien is a demon... not a demi... that is all)
(Trigger Warning~ Torture, Blood, Captivity, talks of murder and torture)

"And yer sure everyone knows te plan?" Roman called out as he watched the many demi's rushing about them. Emile slowly walked out of the main tent, which held the battle plan and blueprints on a war table for them all to follow. "I just want to make sure te others know precisely what teir jobs are, AND what to do if tings go sout'... We can't afford a death."

"This is war, Roman. Everyone here has all writing their goodbyes in case this is it." Roman growled as Emile gave him a soft look. "I know how you feel but war isn't something where the winner 'stays alive'... It's to win so that others may get the chance to."

"I just don't want to find out someone else died just so tat I could save me love." Emile chuckled as he shook his head seeing how dark Roman's eyes were.

"Yes, Virgil is our top priority but this war isn't about him. It's about all the demi's still out there and those to come in the future. Virgil just gave us the chance to fight for it all. Ok? Can you understand that?" Roman nodded before hugging himself slightly with a huff.

"Still... Everyone knows teir jobs right? Te less risk te better te chances. Just because everyone is prepared to die... doesn't mean tat tey should have to."

"I just spotted the sign so... They're already on their way." Roman jumped as Remy jumped down from a tree one of the other demi had grown to act as a lookout post. "Now we just have to wait."

"Waiting is murder." Roman growled, his eyes flashing scarlet, as a cold laugh pulled his attention over to Colt, who was just standing there staring out towards the base.

"Not the wait..." Colt's eyes were flashing wildly, sparking arches off his skin as these lava-like marks circled his eyes. "But there will certainly be a murder."

"How lovely this is... seeing you all tied up and waiting." Damien growled as he dug his walking still into Virgil's chin forcing him to look up at him, despite how broken and bloody the ex-god was. "How was your nap?"

"Fuck you." Damien just laughed, his aura fluxing about, making Virgil grunt at the way the room swam. 

"You're not exactly my type, I'm afraid." Virgil growled as he tried to kick the demi away only to yell out in pain as Damien jabbed his side with the head of his cane, the sharpness of the dragon's head cutting into him. "Although, I do relish in the chance to break you."

"You... You fucking-..."

"Ah ah ah!" Damien smirked as he pulled Virgil closer by the shirt, listening to how the chains rattled above him. "Mice should learn to bite their tongues... Lest some claws decide to carve it out." Damien's eyes went black as Virgil whimpered under the pain of his demonic aura.

"Are you the cat in this... scenario? Pathetic really." Virgil coughed out a laugh as Damien's smile fell to a scowl. "And it isn't very... creative-..." Pain burst through Virgil's jaw the second Damien's fist connected with it. His head sharply cracked back, making this spark shoot down his spine, as the world swam endlessly around him. Virgil panted as his head rolled forward letting him peak up at the demon through his sweat-soaked hair. Blood dripped down from Virgil's mouth as he laughed. Virgil spit out the blood against Damiens face who just growled as it splattered against his pale icy skin. "Still... pathetic."

"Do you know how demons are made?" Virgil grunted as Damien grabbed the man's hair pulling it back until he was towering over him with a vile grin. "It's simple really. Demons are humans with... tainted souls. See God's run on belief and devote followers but a demon... A demon is created through dark acts. Do enough and you taint yourself." Damien chuckled darkly as darkness began to seem through his skin only burning Virgil to the touch, poisoning him with its demonic aura. "I have killed millions of demi's and human's alike. And yet murder... is but one atrocity I'd commit. I haven't had a soul in so long."

"Do you want to know what finally did it? What finally turned me into a demon?" Damien laughed as he yanked Virgil's hair tighter seeing the tears Virgil was crying start to turn black from all the poisonous darkness seeping into him. "Every death I caused only furthered my fall but... it was my mother. The wetch who dared to spout her nonsense. I sent my sword right through her heart... and watched as she died by my blade. I thought that killed the light in Colt but... apparently, there was just enough for you all to... infect." Damien sighed as he let Virgil go, who collapsed against the chain, black tears staining his face. He had no energy. His body felt like lead. At this point, he genuinely didn't know if he would ever make it out of this.

"When I find my brother I will wrench every last bit of light from his mind and watch him crack and shatter like the worthless glass that he is. Then I'll kill him... one last gift to the shit..." Damien smiled as he brushed his thumb over Virgil's cheek, smearing the black, only to laugh over how unresponsive the ex-god was. "In death... at least he'll join his mother... and that pathetic excuse for a demi he mistakingly fell in love with. The one I killed just because my brother tried to escape." Virgil growled, his eyes just barely moving to show he was still listening, and Damien grinned as he bent down just a bit to meet his gaze. "And when I'm done with that... I will take that god of yours and through him in a pit never to see the sun again. Oh, the fun I could have..." Virgil's heart shattered as Damien's voice came out all distorted. "When the subject won't die." Virgil couldn't stop how his tears fell harder, as he watched as Damien started for the door. 

"I think I'd prefer a God who didn't break anyway. Goodnight, mouse." Damien's eyes glimmered as he looked back for just a second, his smile only widening at the broken state the other was in. "Oh... And it's Dark. Damien Dark... the least you can do is remember the man who is going to kill you."

To Break A CurseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon