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(The above pic is Colts gun... yes... it's a colt. Roman was being funny.)

"So what are we doing here again?" Colt muttered half-consciously as he glanced around the shop. "We've been walking around this market plaza all day and we haven't stopped once."

"We're looking for yer weapon. Gods, it's like Virgil all over again." Roman laughed as he peeked over at this both filled with back goods. They smelt heavenly. He could tell how much passion was put into it all. He couldn't help but buy some. 

"Really?" Colt asked with a chuckle seeing how Roman purchased a few brownies and muffins.

"What?" Roman smiled as he practically skipped back over to the demi clutching the bag of goods close. "I'm a god of creativity. Baking is a part of tat. I couldn't just NOT support tem." 

"Ok. I can understand that." Colt smiled seeing how Roman nibbled on a delicious-looking marble brownie. The two slowly made their way down the market just eyeing everything as they went. Colt had his shades on, anxiously checking to make sure they were still there, as he tried to keep his distance from any of the shops. Roman kept urging him to check them out as he was the only one that could really know what his weapon was but... Colt was still terrified of someone figuring out who he was. 

It wasn't until Colt spotted a small booth with handmade stuffed animals did he actually get closer. He couldn't exactly help himself. They're all alone in the corner of the small wooden table was a tiny black dragon with blue button eyes. Colt carefully picked it up, tears pricking at his eyes as he ran his thumb over the crocheted body. Roman stopped the second he realized Colt wasn't with him and frowned seeing the tears that spilled.

"Son?" Roman placed a hand to Colt's back as the Demi sniffled with a laugh wiping his tears away from under his glasses. "What's wrong?"

"It's a dragon." Colt muttered as he squeezed it softly, still smiling away at it as if it were the best thing in the world. Roman's eyes narrowed in confusion before flashing back at the realization that hit him. "Alex..."

"Why don't ye get it? I'm sure Alex would have loved it." Colt nodded as he fished out his wallet to pay. Roman just watched with a sad smile seeing how the demi clung to the dragon tightly. It made sense though. Had Roman seen it he would have done the same. "Come on now, son. We have to find yer weapon."

"Thank you!" Colt called back to the booth owner before racing to follow after Roman. "What was it that Alex was always calling you again? He had mentioned a dragon but I can't remember."

"DB..." Roman smiled at the memory as he spotted another weapons merchant. "He'd call me DB."

"That's right!" Colt laughed as he skipped ahead, spinning around to shoot the god a sassy look. "Dragon Bitch."

"Yep." Roman chuckled softly seeing how Colt seemed to shine over it all. "Apparently he called me te dragon witch when he was a boy... it just stuck."

"That sounds like him. God, I miss him." Colt melted slightly as he hugged the dragon stuffy. "I know our relationship was through text but still..." Roman's eyes turned cyan and purple as Colt took a deep breath, blushing at the memories. "He knew me better than anyone. He made me laugh over the stupidest of things. I didn't have to be anyone else with him."

"I miss him too." Colt hesitated a bit as he and Roman shared a similar look, making both smile more. "It's going to be ok. We might not be able to save him but... We can remember him. Or at least write it down so we'll never forget." Roman teased lightly making Colt laugh again.

"Right... Those journals of yours. We're gonna have to start one for me now, damn... Can't forget about all this madness now we." Colt teased back before running off with a laugh, despite the pit that grew in his gut. It was the first time he actually thought about it. He was a demi. He could literally live forever if he was safe enough. He wouldn't get sick or die of old age. That meant Colt would forget about Alex if they weren't careful. Colt knew from Thomas that Virgil would never forget Alex, just as Roman couldn't ever forget about Colt. The demi's they create are imprinted on their minds even after their long gone. But Colt... Colt and Roman, they could forget Alex. He didn't want to forget Alex... Just another way he was like his father... like Roman.

"Hey, Son!" Colt jumped at the sudden sound of Roman's voice spinning around to see the god over by another merchant. "Come here."


"Come here." Roman pushed as he shot the younger a very stern look, despite the bright electric blue in his eyes. Colt's learned enough to know that that meant the god was excited. He sighed as he nodded and slowly made his way over only to freeze on the spot the second he spotted the gun in the display case. Or well guns, as it was a weapons merchant. They had more than one but Colt's attention was sole on just the one in the center. Roman's smile grew, even more, the second he spotted the change in the demi's expression. He didn't say anything. He just stepped back as he let Colt get closer, eyeing the firearm with a very inquisitive look.

"R-Ro..." Colt was tense. He didn't understand the sudden need in him to hold the weapon. He knew what it was like for Virgil, having read the journal about him. But to actually feel it himself made him really anxious as if he didn't have any control. "Roman."

"It's ok." Roman lulled softly as he gestured for the shop owner to come over. "What do ye tink?" It was a Colt M1911. The body was black with pearl grips and golden flowery embellishments. Colt had to laugh over the gun being a colt, as he knew Roman did that on purpose. Roman chuckled as he pointed to the gun so the shop owner knew which one to take out. "So?" Colt nearly flinched when he finally had it in his hands. The sense that it belonged to him... that it just fit perfectly in his hands took him a bit by surprise. His eyes lit up as he turned to Roman giving him a bright smile.

"I love it." Roman's eyes turned a powerful royal purple as his pride flared in him over just how happy Colt looked. 

"Good. I'm glad." Colt beamed as he aimed towards the dirt to check the chamber and magazine. Roman was just happy the other had liked his gift. Yes, all gods give their demi a weapon but not every god gets to see their expression over it in person. It melted his heart if he was honest about it. "It's yers after all." Roman laughed as pulled out some money to pay the owner. "As soon as we pay for it anyway."

Ok, so I did God Roman's picture... I also decided I will in fact do a pic for Alex it's just going to take a bit lolz. Anyway... This is what Roman looks like now. 


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