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Colt groaned in pain as he fussed a bit finding himself in a bed. His brows knit in confusion half expecting himself to be dead rather than in some bed. He heard something rustle beside him and he froze.

"I wouldn't move." His eyes opened to find Roman sitting there glaring at him from a chair over by the wall. "Ye'll only reopen yer wound. Tat gunshot was very deep and unfortunately, I'm not much of a healer."

"You..." Colt grunted as the pain burned up his sided. He just let himself fall onto his back defeatedly as he laughed. "Of course you did. You wouldn't just let me die."

"I should've." Colt's eyes narrowed as he just glanced over. Roman frowned as Colt just laughed.

"What? Were you expecting me to disagree?" Roman didn't respond. He just sat there watching as Colt stared up at the ceiling. "Alex... he... Shit. I fucked up."


"Ro..." Colt whined as he forced himself to sit up much to Roman disapproval. He couldn't care less if his wound opened back up. His promise was to make it out alive and to find Roman. Well, he did. He wasn't about to pretend everything was ok. The man he loved... His own brother shot him. Alex was dead. He died protecting him... for what god damn reason was Colt that important. He couldn't even get Virgil out. "I failed." Roman's eyes narrowed as Colt just dazed out, his memories of everything pulling him back under. "I thought... I thought I could save them. I tried. I failed."


"If I never fucked with Virgil's light, Damien wouldn't have had me in his crosshairs." Roman clammed up as Colt just sighed. "The problem was Virgil was in pain. The light was too bright so... I broke the panel to dim it for him."


"Roman, I... I told you." Colt just looked so broken. He didn't even have the strength to fake a smile. "I'm a friend." The way the room plummeted into silence was staggering but neither make even really notice far to lost in the events that happened to care. "I failed. Typical... I couldn't do anything before why did I think I could now."

"Colt... please? What are ye..."

"Alex is dead." Roman's eyes turned pitch black as tears fell from Colt's eyes. "Alex is... he's dead."

"And... V-Virgil?" Colt shook his head as he just shrugged.

"They won't kill him. They need him. They just... they won't be kind about it. They..." Roman's heart felt like it as literally shattering in his chest as Colt just sat there crying not bothering to wipe the tears away at all. "They made me promise."


"Alex and Virgil... They made me promise. If anything happened... I was to leave them behind and find you. According to them... if any of us had to make it out alive it was me." Roman's eyes were wide in shock as Colt started to push himself up more only to groan and curl up in pain. "Shit. Fucking hell it hurts."

"Ye were shot." Colt's eyes flashed as he just nodded and deflated, leaning into himself against his knees. "Care to tell me what happened?"

"What's there to say, Roman? I was caught. My own siblings came to kill me. I... I reacted. My only thought of was getting them out and I fail." Roman just took in the broken state the human was in as Colt finally wiped the tears from his cheeks. "Alex is dead. Virgil is there on his own now... and I'm out of options."

"Lay back down." Colt's eyes shot up as Roman refused to meet his eyes. 

"No. I..."

"Lay. Back. Down. Colt." Colt flinched seeing the scarlet in the god eyes. He didn't know what it meant but something told him he was better of just listening. He sucked in a breath as he laid back down, Roman just smiling sadly as he nodded. "Stay 'ere. Ye won't heal if ye keep moving."

"Who says I even want to?" Roman snapped over as Colt glared at nothing. "The man I wanted to protect is dead. I'm on my own family's kill list."

"Ok ten." Roman hissed as he crossed his arms and stared the other down making colt cower a bit under the scarlet and black in his eyes. "Tink about i' tis way. Me Love, Me fiance, Virgil AND me son, te very demi who's helped me fer so long BOTH thought ye wort' giving t'eir lives up fer. ME family gave up temselves fer ye. Do ye really tink I would just let tat go to waste?"

"I kept my end of the promise. I never said I would stay... just that I would find you." Roman frowned as literally watched the human blank out. He sighed as he nodded letting the room fall to silence. Colt had the same look he imagined he had when Virgil died. 

"Jus' rest, Colt." Roman smiled sadly as he turned to leave. "I'll bring some food in later."

"Don't bother." Roman felt his chest twinge over the pain he literally heard in the younger's voice. "I won't eat it." 

"Feck." Roman leaned back against the door gripping his shirt as his tears fell hard. "Alex?" He whimpered as his chest burned with pain. It hurt so bad. He gasped as he stumbled a bit and chocked. More deja vu... Feeling this pain... this... 

This heartbreak.

"Shite..." Roman groaned as he forced himself to move. He pushed himself into the kitchen and just broke down. He grabbed the closed thing and just chucked it. The glass cup ended up shattering before it ever made any contact. He stood there trying to calm his breathing as he gripped his ring tightly forcing himself to focus on the love he felt from it to help him. He wasn't shaking but the pain never ended. His heart felt... shattered, broken... "Alex." Roman collapsed into the chair and leaned against the table just done with it all. The presence came back and Roman just shook his head. "I don't want to know, Hades. Just... keep yer eyes open, please. If I end up losing Virgil again... tey all better be waiting for me because I am NOT staying here without tem." There was a crash and Roman just laughed. "Five minutes... is still five minutes. I was stupid to tink any less. I'm not saying on earth without me family. So just... keep yer eyes on tem please?" Roman sighed as he brushed his hair back and forced himself up again. "Right now I have a human I have to care fer."

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