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"Ok so... The god's memorial is the obvious staple for this island but with everything going on... I feel as though we'll need more." Roman groaned as and several other board members walked through town. It's been several decades at this point and Roman happily finding himself in the work he was doing for the island. "What if we considered branching out? We're so focused on God's and Demi's... We're forgetting about the humans."

"What are you thinking?" Roman smiled as he spun about and gestured around him.

"What if we built Park? Like... A water park... An Amusement Part... Just something fun!" Roman giggled as he pointed off towards the forest. "We have all that space out there and we've never done anything with it." 

"Yo, Bitch!" Roman jumped as he looked over to see this man in a leather jacket clutching a coffee and he frowned. "So you stayed. I'm surprised, Roman. Thought you would've high tailed it home the moment you're love died." 

"I'm sorry?" Roman frowned more as he turned back to his group and gave them all an apologetic smile. "Why don't you guy go... deliberate or something. We can talk more about this at the next meeting. Thank you." Roman waved them all goodbye before jumping back at the feeling of someone wrapping their arm around them. "What are you doing?"

"Relax, Bitch. I know it's been forever but you can't blame a gurl for trying." Roman just stood there dumb founded as they rolled their eyes. "Roman... Seriously? It's me. I slept for like... what? 100 years? I know a nap for me but still... What's gotten into to you?" Roman just looked the guy up and down with this off look making the other a bit tense. He gently pushed his shades down revealing his glassed over golden eyes and he frowned. "I thought you would've been happy to see me."

"Do I know you?"

"Oh." The man sighed as ran a hand through his hair and groaned. "You forgot. Shit... Should've expected that I guess. I just assumed with it only being a hundred years since the funeral, you wouldn't have forgotten already."

"My memory is shit."

"I can tell. The names Remy, I'm a Demi of Hypnos... hence the 'long' ass nap I took. You and I go way back." Roman frowned as he rubbed the back of his neck sadly.

"I'm sorry. I don't... remember."

"It's fine. Although randomly coming up to a person and screaming Yo, Bitch when they don't know who you are probably didn't set the right 'first' impression." Roman smiled as he just shook his head. 

"Nah, you're good. It confused me but... it was funny." Roman laughed as gestured for Remy to follow him. "Why don't we walk in talk? I've got somewhere I've got to be anyway." Remy literally whistled as he fixed his shades.

"Why am I not surprised? Prince Roman Black, Mr. Popularity... Very busy slumming it with the mortals huh?"

"I wouldn't say I'm slumming it. I'm chief here. I care for this island."

"Holy shit." Roman frowned in confusion as Remy just laughed. "You actually settled down? I never thought I would see the day, to be honest. Did Virgil affect you that much?" Roman faltered a bit, his eyes flashing black as he stopped. Remy noticed right away the change in him and he sighed. "Sorry, dude. I know losing him was hard on you."

"Rem... I don't uh..." Roman frowned as he shook his head and started walking again not even bothering to say anything. 

"Hey. What? Hold up, Bitch!" Roman only stopped the moment he made it to the memorial and he sighed, sitting down on the bench he had had placed here several years prior. Remy growled angrily as he stomped his way over with a glare. "A little warning the next time you just take off."

"I'm sorry." Remy frowned as he noticed how Roman just stared blankly at nothing. "I sort of... zoned out a bit. Felt like crap suddenly... just wanted to get here. I don't know why though." Remy's eyes narrowed once he realized where they were and he sighed, sitting down beside the other. 

"You ok, Roman?"

"I'm dandy." Roman smiled weakly as he just melted into the silence.

"Look, Roman... I'm sorry for bringing him up. I know how much he meant to you. I should've thought before..."

"Remy, I don't know what you're talking about." The air went cold as Roman shot him a confused look. "Is there something else I've forgotten?"

"No... No... I just meant I should've thought before bringing Virgil up." Roman's eyes narrowed as Remy's filled with fear behind those blacked-out shades. "I should've known it would've have upset you. It's Virgil after all. I just... I'm sorry."

"Remy..." Roman frowned with concerned confusion as his eyes flashed black again. This pain filled his chest taking all his air away but he just didn't know why he felt like that. He slowly turned away looking over at the memorial with this blank look. Every single day he comes here. Every day he sits and just takes a breath. He just felt like he had to. He had to visit... He just didn't know why. "What are you talking about?"

"Virgil?" Remy gently took Roman's hand with tears in his eyes as he got the god to look back at him. "Roman, I'm talking about Virgil."


"Oh, Shit." The world seemed to crash around them as Roman shook his head ignoring the tears that fell from Remy's eyes. "You've forgotten him?"

"Forgot who?"

"Virgil Davis!" Roman's eyes went wide as he just pointed over at the memorial. Remy groaned as he nodded. "Yes, Roman. Virgil Davis..."

"Well, I know he'd the supposed 'Lost God' of Edenbrooke. Which I don't understand because he's obviously dead hence the memorial and gods can't die so..." Remy grabbed both Roman's hands making the other jump slightly at the suddenness of it. "What?"

"You forgot him... didn't you?" Roman frowned as tears started to spill from his own eyes. "I am so sorry, Roman. If I had known... I never would've brought him up, to begin with."

"Remy? Who is Virgil?" Remys only sighed as he shook his head and pulled the other into a hug. "Remy?"

"He's a friend... A friend we lost a long time ago."

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