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Virgil didn't know if he was ever one for self-pity. He didn't remember. He didn't remember anything from before the mission to save Thomas. He did know, however... what that's what he was feeling now. He was wallowing in the self-pity and anger and pain and... He had been for nearly a weak now. 

He could have told Roman he was god right from the get-go. He could have visited him in his dreams. He knew it was possible. Hades did it to wake Roman up when Patton was dying. He could have spoken to him... He could have helped him. He could have kept him from forgetting him entirely but he didn't. He just watched as the love of his life lost any and all memories about him. And the worst thing about all of this was... Virgil could NEVER forget how he feels about Roman. Roman was literally the reason he became a god. His mission AND his relationship with him was what did it. By having a relationship with Roman, it was what made Roman care about him enough to do what he did for him... Virgil's only a god because one loved him.... because he loved a god. Which meant no matter how much time passes Virgil will never forget him or how much he loves him. He'll be stuck in a permanent heartbreak.

He had snapped. The night Roman said he didn't like him, he broke. He nearly destroyed the place just trying to work through the pain. He ended up ruining his hoodie... Well, not ruining it. He soiled it and just never got around to washing it. Which didn't really matter because he never left the motel room. For an entire weak he just laid there in bed unless Alex came over to force him to eat. Virgil was still getting used to having to again. When you're a god, you just don't need to eat... now that he was a weird not quite god/demi he did... just not that much. It actually explained why Roman hardly ate himself... unless Virgil made chose his meals for him that is.

He really just wanted to stop thinking about his prince but he couldn't. He loves him and Roman said he didn't like him. Roman... the very man who fought so hard for him to live... the one who would have suffered a million times over just so Virgil was happy said he didn't like him. Guess Virgil had to make a choice then... Stay and live in absolute hell or... Do what Roman wanted and leave him alone, leaving the island and living out the rest of his less than godly self suffering alone over the heartbreak as Roman eventually moves on without him. Either way, he's suffering... The latter just means Roman eventually gets better. 

"Guess there really is only one..." Virgil froze up at the sudden sound of frantic knocking banging on this door. Having been in complete silence with only his thoughts to drown it out, That pounding at the door tore through him like a knife. "...option then... Shit. Who the fuck..." Virgil slowly pushed himself up, groaning at the lack of use in his muscles, and made his way to the door. The knocking never stopped. Not even for a second until Virgil himself kicked the door suddenly. "Will you shut the fuck up?!" He tore the door open only to freeze seeing Roman standing there with faded red eyes and he frowned. "Roman?"

"I'm sorry." Virgil rolled his eyes as he turned away making Roman whine a bit. "Luci, really..."

"There's no point in apologizing, Roman." Roman flinched at the way Virgil's voice distorted a bit in pain. "You didn't say anything that bad."

"If that was true I wouldn't feel like absolute shit..." Virgil quirked a brow at him as he laid back against his bed. "...and you wouldn't be hold up in your room. I'm sorry Luci. I was just angry and hurt... I didn't mean it."

"Sounds familiar." Roman frowned as Virgil just laughed. "Roman go away. I don't want to hear it. It doesn't matter."

"It does matter. I said something that hurt you... I could see it... and that hurt me."

"YOU DON'T EVEN REMEMBER ME!" Roman's eyes went wide as Virgil growled viciously. "So I don't want to hear how your hurting, Roman. You're not hurting... not like I am. You forgot me. I'm trying to help you and all I get it... I don't like you. Well fine then. If you don't like me.. If you don't want my help... Then I will go."

"No..." Roman whimpered slightly as his this pain sparked in his chest. "I don't want you to."

"Can it, Princey." Roman's eyes flashed black as he forced himself to walk further in and grab Virgil's arm. Virgil's eyes shot wide as the panic set in immediately. "What are you doing?"

"I'm not going to let you leave without trying to fix this first." Virgil shook his head as he tugged on his arm, his fear getting the better of him, but Roman was centuries older than he was and much stronger... plus Roman was a full god and Virgil wasn't at the moment. "Come on, Lucifer. I just want a chance to fix this. Please?"

"There's nothing to fix. You don't... You... Let me go."

"I will once you let me fix this." Virgil's eyes started to glow making Roman a bit concerned as his grip softened, not enough for Virgil to get free but still noticeable. "Please, Luci?"

"What do you want?"

"You and me... We can go to the gardens and just talk... please?" Virgil panicked, shaking his head frantically as Roman groaned and started to pull him up off the bed. "Come on. I'm not that scary."

"No, you don't understand. I can't go outside." Roman's eyes narrowed in confusion as Virgil tried to pull away. "It's too bright out... I-I don't have my hoodie."

"You are an emo nightmare." Roman laughed as he shook his head. "The sun won't kill you. Come on."

"Roman!" Roman literally dragged Virgil out of the place with this grin on his face all while Virgil was tense. He wasn't covered up at all... well, as much as he should have been. He was in a loose-fitting black shirt and shorts. Being that he wasn't doing anything he chose to wear something comfortable. It's not like he could get cold or hot. He was pretty numb to temperature. His issue though... was the sun. "Princey, sto-..." The moment the sun hit his skin he had to suppress the hiss of pain. He was the god of darkness. Just as Roman had his quirk over love and contact... Virgil had his weakness too. To much light can hurt him and make him sick. "Roman, I really can't..." Virgil froze up seeing the faded red in his love's eyes and he groaned. He was being such a hypocrite but he just couldn't do that to him. "Ok. Fine... We can walk the gardens."

"YAY!" Roman giggled as he took Virgil's hand again and started to lead him through the crowd.

"Yeah, yeah... Don't get to used to it Princey."

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