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"Stop worrying." Roman tensed as this chill came over him. "He was hurt. What was I... I'm not stupid. I am aware of the danger I am in." He could feel the rough sand under him but what really confused him was the immediate lack of pain he felt. "He didn't give me this power for me to ignore those in need. You're so overprotective."

"I don't care if I'm being targetted. He was hurt and I could help hi..." Roman groaned as he rolled himself over, looking up to see someone staring down at him. "Look, you've woken him up." The wind rushed around them trying to push Roman away making him groan again. "Hey stop that, he's still healing!" The wind stopped making Roman frown as the man smiled down at him. "How are you feeling?"

"Well... I'm alive." Roman pushed himself up ignoring how his head spun as he looked around him. He was on this beach... alone... with this man he had never seen before. "Who... Who are you?"

"The names Virgil Davis. I found you in a cave in... I hope you're feeling better." Virgil got up and held his hand out as Roman just shot him a look. "Don't worry... I'm not going to hurt you."

"Trust me. You couldn't even if you tried." Virgil laughed as he shrugged putting his hand back down since Roman didn't take it. 

"How'd you get me out?" Virgil tensed as Roman pushed himself up. "Those rocks wouldn't move... I was sure to die. So how'd you do it?" Virgil shrugged as he started to walk off only to pause and groan in annoyance. "What?"

"Why were you in the cave to begin with?" Roman frowned seeing the seriousness in Virgil's eyes as the ocean crashed into the shore filled with irritation. "Why were you in that cave in? I find it odd Thomas would allow someone to die or even just to get hurt in someplace of his belonging." Roman shifted back as his eyes shined.

"You know Thomas?" Virgil just smiled as he stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"He's my father." The ocean basically exploded into shore shoving Virgil far away from Roman who stood there completely stunned.

"Your... Father? That's not possible." Virgil frowned seeing the fear in his eyes as he glanced around anxiously. "G-Gods can't have children. It's not physically possible. That's why w... They create Demi's." Virgil's eyes narrowed as Roman started to back up. "I don't know who the hell you are but if it has anything to do with that damn demon/god person THING... I want nothing to do with it."

"That's fine..." Virgil laughed as he waved the man off. "I wasn't asking for your help. I was simply asking why you were trapped outside the nursey."

"The what?" Roman watched as the man walked off only for him to growl in frustration before running to catch up with him. Virgil just shot him a glance as Roman fell into step. "What nursery?"

"My nursery... The one I never got to be in." Roman slowed to a halt as Virgil's face fell.

"Why not?" Virgil sighed as he shook his head. 

"Look. I don't want to talk about it ok. Besides you're a total stranger..." Virgil glanced off into the distance as he clenched his hands tightly. "I simply need to get to the mainland. I have to find my father... Before it's to late."

"You looking for Thomas?" Roman's eyes went wide as a sudden idea struck him. He ran over grabbing Virgil's hands with a bright smile startling the man and pissing off the wind that raged around them the moment they touched. "You're looking for Thomas... and you said your his son... even though I don't see how that's possible..."

"Get on with it." Virgil was tense beyond belief as Roman's grip tightened.

"You can get him to take me home." Virgil's eyes went wide as Roman smiled brighter. "He'll listen to you. He's a BIG family guy. Please... I'll help you find Thomas... if you'll get him to take me home."

"Why not just go home yourself?" Roman's eyes darkened as his grip tightened a bit to much before he sighed and let go.

"I... I can't. There are rules. Thomas... He's the only person I know that can go between all three realms." Virgil's eyes narrowed as Roman shifted a bit. "I'm certain he could take me home."

"So ask him..."

"I tried." Roman stepped back as he rubbed his neck awkwardly. "It didn't really go well. In fact it... I didn't take it very well."

"So why should I help you? Virgil laughed as he just shook his head. "I don't know you. Yet you know my father. I find that very hard to believe to begin with... besides he's not exactly in a very... helpful mood right now..."

"I've noticed." Virgil narrowed his eyes as Roman rubbed his arm.

"That being said, I'm finding him so that I can get him to sleep... not to take you home." Virgil once again tried to move on only for Roman to stop him again by grabbing his arm. "What the hell is wrong..." Virgil froze up seeing the desperation in the man's eyes.

"I need to go home, Virgil. It's all I've wanted for so long. If you can promise me that you'll find a way to send me home..." Roman sighed as he let go again and stuffed his hands into his pockets. "I'll help you... regardless if you convince Thomas or not. Promise me you'll send me home and I'll do what I have to to make your mission a success."

"I don't need your help." 

"Thomas is not only a god, Virgil... He's was the strongest Demon alive." Virgil frowned as his nerves started to get the best of him. "You only human."

"I am not only human. I'm Thomas's son." 

"That doesn't mean anything Virgil. Just because your father is Thomas doesn't make you more than what you are biologically. You are still a human." Virgil scoffed as he rolled his eyes. 

"You don't know what I am." Roman groaned with annoyance as he shook his head.

"You're right. I don't. The same can be said to you. You don't know what I'm capable of." The wind whipped furiously making Roman narrow his eyes. "That wasn't a threat..." Virgil's eyes shot wide as Roman yelled out to the wind. "I was simply stating that I'm stronger than he thinks. I can help... Why would you think I was threatening the kid?"

"I'm not a kid. I'm 19."

"Sorry kid but that's a hell of a lot younger than me." Roman laughed as he crossed his arms with a smirk. "You're a kid."

"That's not helping your case any, Asshole." Roman stood there stunned as Virgil bit his lip. "But your right. The last time I saw Thomas... it didn't go well. I could use some help just..." Virgil's eyes darkened as his anxiety tore through him. "Don't get yourself killed."

"So we have a deal?" Roman held his hand out with a question in his eyes. "I help you with your mission to 'save' Thomas or whatever... and you send home." Virgil sighed as he cautiously took Roman's hand.

"Yeah... we have a deal." Roman beamed as Virgil shied away. "I already regret it."

"The name's Roman by the way." Virgil smiled slightly as Roman cracked his neck with a proud grin. "I look forward to this... partnership."

To Break A CurseWhere stories live. Discover now