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They pulled the hood up further over their head as they twisted through the halls, using the shadows to hide them as they moved silently. They dunked down this hall as soldiers walked past them, completely oblivious to the black eyes following them.

"Fucker." They hissed quietly before looking up to see a loose ceiling tile. their eyes lit up as they unlatched a metal makeshift staff from their back, pushing the tile further. They quickly put their staff back before jumping up, with a silent huff carefully lifting themself up into the dusty black. They suppressed their coughs as they carefully lined the tile back up, glancing around to get some sort of a bearing on where they were. They didn't really need to worry much about light as they could see in the dark no problem, and if they really needed it they had a source of light they could use in emergencies. Right now however they were trying to get to this room. "Alright... Now... where do I go?"

They crawled through the roof as quietly as they could before stopping the second they heard that familiar voice. It made their skin crawl with rage. Damien... If they could have killed them already they would have. Unfortunately, they were trying not to alert anyone to an intruder.

"I thought Colt said that god would have attacked by now." Damien's voice rumbled through the air making them have to stop, his eyes slowly but surely getting darker with every second he listened. "I've been itching to put my sword in something... less fragile."

"We've heard of no such moves make by Edenbrooke." Another voice chirped, clearly just tense over being near one of the twins.

"Well... I always knew my little brother was a coward." They had to physically hold themself back from attacking right then and there. Now wasn't the time to start anything. They had a mission they had to do and they couldn't screw it up now. "Let's just hope that pathetic man can stay alive enough for me to kill him." The dark laugher that vibrated against the air actually made them sick they had to cover their mouth even though the mask they wore. "Might as well let sugar pea join his precious traitor of a mother. Like parent like son... worthless." The voice slowly dimmed out as the sound of footsteps trailed away. They had to sit there for a while to collect themself before pushing themself on again. 

He pushed a tile back, peering in to see the broken mess of a room. It broke their heart. They carefully let themself drop in as tears fell from their eyes. Colt's room... the room the twins completely destroyed searching anything they could and found nothing. Colt wasn't stupid. Not like they all thought he was. No... Colt was the smartest out of all of them. That's why they knew they had to come here themself. If Colt really had hidden something they were going to find it. 

"Colt?" Colt jumped only to relax instantly seeing Roman there behind him. "It's time to go back home."

"What about the others?"

"Kallie's staying here to spread the word around. Emile and Remy are going to recruit everywhere else. We... Have to get ourselves." Colt's eyes darkened to those pits of black again as he nodded. "Colt... ye don't HAVE to join us."

"Don't try to talk me out of it. I'm tossing the damn match." Colt growled making Roman step back in surprise. "They killed the man I love. They killed my mother. They forced me to kill others. I WANT the federation gone. This... This isn't me scared to continue, Roman." Roman's eyes fell as the demi clenched his fists. "This is me pissed off and wanting to see the flames rise."

"We have to go back home before we can do anything." Colt smiled as he nodded, watching as Roman grabbed their bags.

"Roman?" Colt whispered softly as they were at the airport waiting to board. "You're friends with Hades... right?"

"Yea. He watches over me and Virgil. Why?" Colt's eyes fell as he rang his fingers a bit. 

"My mother... would she be with Hades?" Roman faltered as the demi curled up a bit. "It was my fault that she... That Mark... I had spoken out of turn about my thoughts not thinking anyone was hearing. Word got round to Mark and he took it as Mother turning me against him. He took it as an act of betrayal." Roman took the other's hand hoping to calm him down as Colt shuddered a bit. "She was far more open about her dislike of what they were doing. So when I said something... Mark had her pinned as a traitor. She didn't do anything wrong. She just... She was made into a martyr and Mark used that to twist me under his thumb. I guess... I just wanted to make sure she... she wasn't suffering. Not like she was when she was alive..." 

"I can guarantee yer mot'er isn't sufferin', lad. Tat's not te type of person Hades is. As long as tey don't deserve it... Hades takes care of te souls down there. Especially te really good ones." Colt smiled as he relaxed and nodded.

"Good. I'm glad. She really was the best." Roman gently nudged the other's cheek making Colt look up to see the cyan swirling around the god's eyes. 

"I'd love to hear about her." Colt's eyes widened as Roman smiled brightly. "I can feel how much she meant to ye, lad. She was a proper parent, I can tell. I'd be happy to hear about her whenever you want to."

"Thanks. That... That actually means a lot." Colt smiled as Roman's eyes shined brighter. 

"Of course, Kiddo-..." The two's eyes shot up the second they heard their plane was boarding and Roman sighed, patting the other on his shoulder lightly. "Homeward bound we go, Ey Lad?"

"Let's hope Janus managed to keep the two hypers from blowing the place up."

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