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"Colt Graberson." Roman growled as he pushed to the front of the crowd, scarlet eyes burning into the other, who just smiled.

"Roman Black! It's nice to see you again." Roman glared the human down as he laughed. 

"What do you want?" Colt's eyes shine as he glanced around the crowd with this knowing look.

"I got word of a little... sheep on your island." Roman's eyes went wide as Colt raised an eyebrow. "One that didn't fit the mold. Obviously... I'm going to take advantage!"

"There is nothing to take advantage of!" Roman's eyes flashed brighter as he squared his shoulders defensively. "Any and all Demi and or Demons are protected here..."

"Yes, but... I'm not here for a demi... or demon." Roman frowned as Colt's smirk only grew. "I'm here for a god."

"What?" Colt laughed as he held up a notebook and beamed. 

"HEY!" Roman jumped as he looked over to see Alex standing there fuming with pitch-black eyes. "THAT'S ROMAN!" Roman tensed as Alex went to attack only for Virgil to quickly hold him back.

"Alex, don't." Virgil's eyes narrowed as he eyed the human with contempt. "You'll only get yourself hurt."

"But... But... that's..."

"I know." Virgil met with Roman's confused gaze and he frowned. "I know." Virgil smiled as he nudged Alex back, who had tears in his eyes. "Don't worry about that right now. Just stay safe ok?" Alex nodded as stepped back letting Virgil walk out beside Roman who's eyes were now a very light grey.

"Ah... So I didn't have to call you out. I'm glad." Virgil's eyes started glowing as he held his hand out summoning a single knife making Roman tense. Colt just giggled as Virgil held it at his side.

"That doesn't belong to you." Colt shrugged as he waved it a bit with a laugh.

"Well, Roman really should pay attention to where he puts his things. Then maybe it wouldn't end up in the wrong hands." Roman went to say something only for Colt to cut him off. "My grandfather read this journal every day until he died. He taught my father who then taught me... I must say though. I never actually thought I'd be face to face with a god."

"We've met before." Roman muttered making Colt laugh.

"I meant with one I can hurt." Roman growled viciously as he stepped closer Virgil not liking the way the human was staring at the man. Colt just smiled as he shook his head. "Legally Roman... You can't prevent me from doing anything. He doesn't fall under your notice."

"He's a demi..."

"No, he isn't." Roman tensed as Colt glared down at the smaller god. "Are you... Virgil?"

"Wait, what?" Roman's voice crashed as Virgil refused to meet his gaze. Virgil frowned as he gently nudged Roman behind him.

"Get off my island." Roman's eyes went wide as Virgil stood up straighter and just glared the human down. 

"This isn't your island. Hasn't been for..." Colt quickly skimmed the pages of the notebook before laughing and just tossing it over at Roman's feet. "150 years? How was death?"

"Uneventful... maybe things will have changed for your entrance." Virgil hissed as his hands started to burn. "You fucks... I can understand targetting me but... seriously GET OFF MY ISLAND!"

"And I'll repeat. It's not your island, Virgil." Virgil flinched as Colt pointed over at Roman who was holding the notebook with this lost look in his eyes. "It's his now. And according to that book... you never actually married him so... fat lot of good there is for ya. You have no claim." Virgil snapped, fire bursting around him making Roman jump back to protect the book. Virgil growl angrily as he these shadows formed around him. Colt's eyes went wide as Virgil suddenly had him by the throat. "I was right."

"This is still my island. I may not be chief like my father but I am still a patron god of this place. I will not hesitate to said you to hades."

"Virgil!" Virgil shoved the man back onto his ass as Alex's voice pulled him from his anger. "Don't..."

"I won't." Virgil smirked as he knelt down seeing the fear in the human's eyes. "I think you need to remember something, Colt. I am a god. A god of darkness and fear... of the lost and sacrificed... You are but a human. If I wanted to... You'd be dead."

"You aren't a god." Virgil's eyes went wide as this sharp pain cut into him. Colt just laughed as he leaned in to whisper into his ear. "You're only part god... How else are you here then?" Virgil whimpered quietly as Colt got pulled back by some of his men. "Sorry to cut this short but... I have some plans to make." Colt's eyes shined as they glared daggers into the exgod still knelt on the ground just staring at the asphalt. "I'll be seeing you... Stormcloud." Colt teased as he waved them all off. "Sooner or later you'll find yourself in the federation... for now... why don't you try to explain to your fiance." Cot giggled as he stopped for a second. "Oh wait I forgot. According to the book... You never actually gave him an answer. Guess that means you aren't really anything."

"Shut... up." Virgil groaned as his hand pressed against his side. 

"No can do, sugarpea. See ya again soon, Virgil." Colt beamed as he started for his boat. "...very soon."

"CO- Ah." Virgil cried as he fell forward revealing his injury and making Alex yell out. 

"VIRGIL!" Alex ran over rolling him onto his back only to find his god had been stabbed in the side. "Virgil?"

"I'm fine. I'll be... b-be fine. Just... need to heal." Virgil whined as he tried to curl away from the sunlight. Alex glanced over to see Roman just standing there gripping the book so tight his hands were white. 

"Roman?" Roman's eyes snapped over to him dazed and dull making Alex afraid for both his gods. Sure Virgil's the one that made him a demi but Roman was just as much his god as Virgil was. "Roman, I don't..."

"Let's get him inside. He can't heal with the sun beating on him."

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