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"He's in here?" Joan spoke softly as they gestured towards a door. Roman could feel how Virgil tensed up in his arms. "Do you want me to go in with you or..."

"It's ok, Joan. I have Roman with me." Joan nodded as Virgil inched towards the door.

"Love, are you sure you don't want to do this by yourself?" Virgil glared over at the exgod who just sighed and smiled as Virgil carefully pushed the door open.

"Dad?" Virgil whispered softly as he walked in to find Patton laying there in a bed shivering like crazy. "Dad, I'm home. It's Virgil."

"Virgil?" Patton's voice was so hoarse and rough Virgil couldn't help but break. "You... You came back? D-Did you... d-did you find T-Tommy?"

"No, not yet." Patton coughed making Virgil tense up as he slowly made his way over to the bed. "But I'm really close, Dad... Really close. I'll find him soon." Patton smiled sleepily as Virgil gave Roman a look that clearly told him to get closer. Roman frowned as he listened and stood beside Virgil who smiled gratefully. 

"D-Did you... make any frien-nds?" Virgil took his dad's hand as he shook and cried.

"Yeah, dad. I did. I've made a few. Although... I don't really know about Remy and well... those other two." Virgil smiled over at Roman who just rolled his eyes playfully. "But I did meet this Demi named Emile. He's actually a lot like you and father. He's very kind to. I think you'd like him." Virgil tensed as he squeezed Patton's hand a bit tighter. "I also... met a guy, dad." Roman gulped audibly with nerves as Virgil took a deep breath. "And... I really love him."

"Y-You did?" 

"Yeah, I did." Roman wrapped his arm around the other as Virgil gently brushed his thumb over his father's hand. "He's not perfect. Nobody is but... He's perfect for me."

"That's what I said." Roman whispered softly as he buzzed into Virgil making him laugh.

"Wait?" Patton's eyes fluttered although wouldn't open as he frowned. "Who... are we not a-alone?"

"No, Dad. We aren't. He's here too. I asked him to come home with me." Patton seemed to brighten up as Virgil chuckled through the tears. "I couldn't come home without now could I?"

"Hi." Patton giggled quietly as he weakly held his other hand out making Roman tense up. 

"Go on." Roman just shot Virgil this worried look, eyes still black with swirling flits of grey in them. "Go on... trust me." Roman bit his lip as he walked over to the other side of the bed and hesitantly took Patton's other hand.

"H-Hey there, Sir." Patton smiled softly as Roman squeezed his hand a bit. "I'm sorry we couldn't meet in better circumstances."

"Oh, posh." Patton giggled as he tilted his head slightly as if to look over at the exgod. "There's no better time... then the... the p-present. It's a gift a-after all." Roman softened at the joke listening to Virgil laugh softly. "Did you get it?"

"Yes, I did. It was very funny." Patton smiled softly as he made a silly pouting look.

"You didn't laugh though." Roman melted as he just stared over at his love.

"I don't need to. The only one that matters to me did." Virgil shot him a playful glare as Roman's eyes flashed pink for the first time since they got that call. "Oh hush, you know I love when you laugh. You're eyes literally shine, Virgil."

"So..." Patton coughed slightly as Roman turned his back to the father. "How did you meet?"

"Oh god... uh, well..." Roman laughed as he let go of Patton's hand making the oldest slightly concerned hearing as Roman took a hesitant step back. "Your son actually saved my life."

"We don't have to go into that, if you don't want to." Virgil could see how nervous Roman was as he watched the other lean against the wall. "If you're worried about what he'd think..."

"Virgil, I love you. You saved me in way more way's then one but... the fact still remains. I promised Tho..."

"Roman, please." Patton tensed suddenly as the room went silent. "You've proven to me that you care. What's the point in bringing that all back up?"

"It's so I don't forget." Virgil's eyes narrowed as Roman shrugged. "I don't want to forget what I caused."

"Roman?" The exgod sighed shakily as Virgil frowned in concern. Patton's smile had fallen as he pulled his hand from Virgil's grasp. "Virgil..."

"I already know, Dad. As I told Father, Roman told me everything." Patton nodded as he just laid there with this serious look on his face. "Dad, please don't worry. You're far to sick to be..."

"Roman, do you think I could have a moment alone with you to talk?" Virgil's eyes shot wide as Roman flinched from the tone. "Please?"

"I don't mind... but it's up to Virgil." Roman gave the other a very worried look as Virgil just frowned. "I did promise I wouldn't leave his side."

"It's ok, Ro. I'll be right out so... you wouldn't be breaking your promise." Roman nodded as Virgil hugged himself and started for the door. 

"My love?" Virgil paused as Roman just smiled at him. "You're ok. Never forget that... I'm right here. I love you."

"I love you too, Roman." Virgil chuckled as he walked out and let the door close behind him.

"And now I'm alone..." Roman muttered anxiously as he turned back to the man in bed. "With one of his fathers... something tells me you're the truly scary one."

"I take it you've met Logan?" Roman tensed as he nodded, more to himself than anything since Patton's eyes were closed. "I guess it didn't go well?"

"He didn't try to kill me. So it went better than I expected it to." Roman chuckled nervously as he pressed himself further into the wall as if it would wrap around him and protect him. "Patton, I..."

"Tell me, Roman..." Patton's eyes fluttered as they finally opened to reveal such sickly look eyes that never diminished the protectiveness they held in them. "You made a promise to never fall in love again... correct?" Roman paled as he just nodded making Patton's eyes darken. "And you promised to break Thomas's heart... as kill Virgil... correct?" Again Roman could only nod. "Yet you've haven't killed him... and in fact 'fell in love with' him? Are you really going to stand there and tell me you as a god broke two promises?"

"Yes, I am." Patton's eyes went wide as Roman just smiled. "I never actually intended on breaking Thomas's heart. It was said in a fit of anger I had over my pain... it's not an excuse. I said something horrible and it resulted in so much pain... I will never forgive myself for that... but I was never going to hurt Virgil, even before I found out the truth about it all. And... I didn't mean to fall for him." Roman's smile grew with such a fond expression Patton couldn't have missed it even if he wanted to. "I never expected to but... it was just to easy. I really do love him, Sir. And... for a God of Love, even if I had renounced it, it does mean something to me."

"You love him?" Roman nodded with a pink sparkle in his blackened eyes making Patton smile. "Alright... Then you have a lot to tell me."

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