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"Hey there, Princey." Virgil smirked sassily as he leaned against his father's tree. Roman was just sitting there in front of the memorial when he had found him. He knew Roman went there every day, as he was watching over him from up there but... It didn't really hit him until he literally found him there that he realized... just how much Roman missed him. Even if he didn't have the memories to understand what it was he was feeling. "What are you doing?"

"I don't know." Roman frowned as he just stared at the cool black marble. Virgil's eyes darkened seeing the black filling the other's eyes. He knew what that meant. He was actually very proud that he didn't forget as much as he thought he would. He was only 19 at the time. There wasn't much too forget but... Anything that happened during the mission to save Thomas, as well as his relationship with Princey, was completely remembered. After all... A god will ALWAYS remember everything they did that made them a god.  He became a god because of what he did during his mission. It was Alex and Roman who created the story that made him who he is. It was Roman...

Roman was the one who made him a god.

"The god who never gave into fear and saved the world by giving his heart up to the darkness." Roman's eyes narrowed as Virgil sat down beside him making sure to stay in the shade. "You know, Roman... The person who wrote that must have cared deeply for him. To think of him as a god... They must have loved him." Roman's eyes flashed pink as he shook his head and sighed.

"Whoever wrote it caused more trouble than it was worth."

"I don't believe that." Virgil smiled softly as he just stared fondly at his love. "I think they were just trying to show the world what they say."

"Virgil isn't a god though..."

"Can you please stop saying that?" Roman snapped over to see Virgil's eyes glowing as he looked away with a sad look in his eyes. "The god who never gave into fear and saved the world by giving his heart up to the darkness... those words spurred everyone here. Those words were what people believed in. Those words... are what started it all."

"What are you saying?"

"Roman, I'm saying that it's thanks to you that all this is even happening." Roman's eyes shot wide as Virgil just smiled. "You may not remember it... but YOU'RE the one that wrote it... At his funeral when you said goodbye to the man you loved."

"No. No. That isn't..." Virgil sighed as he forced himself up to his feet. Roman just sat there stunned trying to work through everything that was just said. "No. That's not true. It wasn't me. It couldn't have been me."

"It was. You wrote that... and it's actually kind of painful to hear you disagree with it."

"I DIDN'T WRITE IT!" Roman yelled out as his hands went to his hair. "If I wrote it... that meant I cared enough to... to try and... But I don't remember. If I cared that much... I wouldn't have forgotten. I wouldn't have... So it's not true. I didn't write it.


"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Virgil reeled back at the sudden anger-filled glare directed at him and couldn't help but tear up. "Don't call me that. I don't give a flying shit what other name you come up with... But don't call me that." Roman turned away as he tried to calm his breathing hoping the pain would leave him alone. Virgil just scoffed as he rolled his eyes.

"You know, Princey..." Roman flinched at the name but what hurt him the most was the fact that it was said in such an icy tone. "If all you're going to do is yell at me... fine. I'll leave you alone."

"Good. You can tell your god to stop sending people my way. He's pissing me off." Virgil faltered a bit at Roman's growl making him pause and look back. Roman just glared at the memorial with scarlet eyes and Virgil's heart dropped. "I don't care if we ever did know each other, this... Virgil and I. I don't take kindly to people trying to 'fix' me. I don't need to be fixed. And frankly all this pushing and shit... I'm starting to not like him." That hurt. Virgil's eyes started glowing as stood there by Patton's tree trying hard not to cry. "I don't like him. I don't like him barging in. I don't like him thinking he knows what's best for me. And to be totally honest Luci. I don't like you either."

"If you remembered me..." Roman's eyes shot over only to flash black as Virgil just smiled sadly. "You're heart would have just broke."


"Nothing, Roman. It's absolutely nothing. I just realized... I was right." Virgil shrugged as he pulled his hood up and glared at the sky. "Nothing is ever going to matter because at the end of the day you don't remember. I can sit here and try to get you to but... You literally just said you didn't like Virgil. YOU said you didn't like Virgil."

"Luci?" Roman's eyes started to fade as his anger died down. The words he said filled his mind and all he could feel was guilt. "Wait. No... I was just angry. I didn't..."

"You said you didn't like me." Virgil sighed as he turned away Roman snapped. Everything in him was telling him to stop that man from leaving. Yet he couldn't move. "Goodbye, Princey. If you need me... tell Alex."

"Wait, Luci, don't..." Roman crashed seeing Virgil walk off. He couldn't even get up off the ground. His chest burned as this pain tore through him. He didn't know why it would so much... but that look in the other's eyes tore his heart to shreds. "Don't go."

"STUPID!" Virgil screamed out, blackened fire bursting around him as he cried. "You're so fucking stupid. Remus was right! You could've have stopped him from forgetting. You could have visited him during his dreams... YOU COULD HAVE TOLD HIM YOU WERE A GOD! DAMN IT!" Virgil fell to the floor curling up as his heart literally felt like it was shattering. Pain filled his entire being and he just wanted to cry. He could have done something so much sooner but he didn't. He was afraid... and now it might be to late.

 and now it might be to late

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