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"Roman?" Virgil stood there on the bow of the ship shaking endlessly as he watched the boat get closer to his island. Roman wrapped his arms around his love supportively as he helped ground him. "Ro? My father knows." Roman nodded softly as he leaned against Virgil's shoulder. "He knows you. He knows what you look like and who you are. He knows what you did."

"I figured." Virgil whimpered as Roman just hugged him tighter. "Do you want me to not go with you. I could go back to the mainland or..."

"No. No, please don't. Please..." Virgil broke down making Roman's heart break as his black eyes flashed a dark blue. "I need you with me. I just... I wanted you to be aware of that... My father, he uh... Don't let him keep you from me. Promise me you will stay by my side, Roman. Promise me you won't ever leave me alone. Never! I don't care if you have to wait outside the fucking bathroom for me... don't leave me. Please. I can't do this without you." 

"Virgil, you have my word as a god."  Virgil smiled softly as Roman placed a soft kiss to his neck. "I will never leave your side. I swear it."

"Thank you." Roman hummed softly as the watched the dock approach. Roman could already see the two men standing there waiting and this dread filled him. "Don't go." Roman snapped out of his thoughts as he looked down to see Virgil staring exactly where he was. "Don't leave me. You promised. Please?"

"I told you, love. I'm not going anywhere." Virgil whipped his eyes as he spun around and gave Roman a soft kiss to his cheek making the old chuckle. "I love you too, Virge, but for now... we should focus on your dad. Ok?"

"I know. I just need you... You make things better." Roman face softened as he nodded. We should start heading to the..."

"Yeah, let's go." Virgil leaned against the other as Roman wrapped his one arm around him. His other held both their bag over his one shoulder so that Virgil didn't have to worry about anything. It was bad enough when they were packing up. Virgil couldn't calm down at all and he kept dropping things or freaking out. It took everything just to get him to this point. "I've got you, Love. I'm right here."

"Do not leave me, Roman." Virgil gripped his arm tighter as his breathing started to go lapse. "I love you. Please..." The boat came to a stop and Virgil just froze as the people started to get off. Roman waited. He watched as Virgil swallowed his fear before looking up at him. "You promised. So... You won't leave?"

"I won't leave." Virgil nodded as took a deep breath and started for the dock only to freeze like ice feeling Roman's arm leave him.


"I'm not leaving." Roman reassured as he nudged Virgil on. "But you need to great your father without me on your arm."

"Roman, you promised. You said you wouldn't leave me. That you would stay by my said."

"And I am, Virgil. Yes, I'm not 'right' at your side right now but, love, I will be right there. I just don't want you greeting your father and the only thing happening is him... focusing on me."

"It won't matter." Virgil cried as Roman carefully lead him to the dock. "He'll focus on you regardless. Roman, I told you. He knows who you are. Don't leave me. You promised. I need you. I can't do this..." Roman pressed a soft kiss to the other's forehead shutting the other up as he chuckled quietly.

"I. am. not. leaving. you, Virgil. I gave you my word as a god. I don't EVER break those ones. Understand?" Virgil nodded as Roman spun around behind him. He could already see how one of the 'men' was freaking out having spotted Virgil in the crowd. "Virgil." The one got the older attention, no doubt Logan, and suddenly Roman's eyes met with his. "He noticed." Virgil whimpered as Roman saw how Logan's eyes filled with complete horror and rage. "And he is not happy... Come on, Love. The sooner we get this over with, the faster we can visit your dad."

"Just don't leave." Roman didn't bother responding this time. He understood. Virgil was panicking and no matter how much Roman tried to help him, there was only so much he could do for him. Roman walked behind him never once letting go of his love's hand, who gripped it so tightly as if terrified he would just vanish. Roman could literally feel Logan's gaze burning into him as the wind pressed against him as if trying to give him a hug. As much as Roman wanted to say it didn't bother him, that it didn't matter because he gave his love his word, he would not be leaving Virgil's side... This was Virgil's father. He was 'meeting' his love's father and Roman knew it wouldn't go well. He really wanted more than anything to have never uttered that damned promise to Thomas. He hated himself every day for it. 

"Virgil!" As soon as they got there Virgil was torn from Roman making both them react. Virgil whimpered a bit loudly as Roman stumbled trying to hold on to him as pain sparked through him. His love was so scared and he couldn't just take it all away. Roman froze up as his eyes met with the adults... Logan's.

"Uh... Hi." Virgil struggled slightly in the others hug as Roman took a hesitant step back seeing just how angry the father was. "Logan... right? We spoke on the phone." Logan's eyes flared making Roman cower slightly. He may be a god but nothing is scarier than either a woman scorned... or a protective and very angry father.

"Roman." Roman flinched as he nodded making Logan even angier. "Get the fuck off my island."

"Sorry, Sir. I can't do that." Logan went to step forward just as Virgil finally tore himself out of the other guys hug and stepped in the way. Virgil held his hands out blocking Logan from doing anything to Roman who just smiled at his love. "I gave him my world... and I know you'd understand why I can't break it."

"Virgil?" Logan frowned in confusion seeing his son literally crying. Roman wrapped his arms around the smaller making Logan tense in confusion seeing how Virgil leaned into him letting his hands fall as he held Roman close. "Virgil, I know you don't know but..."

"I do." Logan's eyes went wide as Virgil smiled softly. "I do know. Roman told me." Logan frowned as he looked up to see Roman nodding. "It took awhile, but he did tell me who he is. I still trust him. I need him with me."

"Virgil, I cannot allow..."

"Roman, you promised me." Logan snapped quiet as Virgil's voice broke. "Right? You promised?"

"I gave you my word. I won't leave your side." Virgil nodded as he slowly look back at him and Roman knew what he meant. "Yes, I did promise. I promised to help you and do everything in power to make sure your succeeded. You may have recanted... but that doesn't mean that I just stopped." Roman sighed as he let go of Virgil and carefully moved till he was standing in front  of Logan. "I can't..." Roman laughed as he ran a shaky hand through his hair. "Im a god of creativity and I can't even come up with a good thing to say. Wheres a muse when you need one?" Roman laughed as rolled his eyes before that playful smile fell into a very serious look. "Sir... I can't apologize for my actions in the past. I can't even apologize for the mistakes I've made since then. You can hate me all you want... but I will keep your son safe. I never meant to hurt any of you."

"I really don't care. You promised to kill my son." Virgil laughed out in emotional overload making Roman pale as he quickly stepped back.

"Father... I've already died." Logan snapped up in shock as Virgil just broke down in giggles. "I died and Roman... Roman he... God, why am I laughing?"

"Love? Breathe." Roman pulled him in and held him tight as Virgil broke down completely. "It's ok. Everything is ok. I'm not leaving. There's nothing that would ever take me from you ok? You know this. I love you... so please breathe?"

"I want to see my dad." Virgil looked up with very teary eyes making Roman's heart break. "Please? I just want to see my dad."

"Of course, my love. Do you know where he is?"

"I do." The other one chirped grabbing Roman's attention. "I'm Joan... they/them pronouns."

"Joan... you're the friend he's talked about." Joan's eyes brightened as Roman just nodded. "If you could be so kind and lead the way?" Joan nodded as he started off only for Logan to snap out of his thoughts and grab Roman's arm causing the exgod to stop.

"Roman..." Roman just smiled making Logan clam up in confusion.

"We'll talk later. We have much to discuss but... For right now, my focus must and will be on my love." Logan's eyes filled with shock as Roman just shrugged. "He needs me right now."

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