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"Hello and welcome to the Demi Sands Hotel. How may I help you today?" Virgil frowned as he glanced back seeing Roman talking to this couple on the street. Apparently he got recognized and they needed to talk so Roman had sent Virgil inside. "Sir?"

"Sorry. Yeah, I'd like a room. I'm with a friend so..."

"Oh, a friend?" The lady smiled as her eyes started glowing a light shade of pink. "As a Demi of Ero's you'll have to excuse my forwardness but this... friend of yours... would you be liking one bed?" Virgil's face fell as he looked away and just shook his head. "Oh? Are you sure?"

"Trust me." Virgil's voice was hardly a whisper as he looked back to see Roman finally coming. 

"Hey, sorry about that Virgil." The lady froze up as Roman laughed as nudged Virgil's shoulder. "They just wanted to thank me for something. I hope you didn't mind."

"It's fine Roman. I was just getting us a room." The Lady's blinked, eyes going back to normal, as she shot Virgil an apologetic look. Ero's is the Greek god of love so it's safe to say she knew how Virgil felt, which would be why she asked about the beds. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." And considering her reaction to Roman, it's also safe to say she knew about his promise. Roman frowned as he shot the two a confused look.

"Didn't know? What? Did I miss something?" Virgil just shook his head as he tried really hard to ignore the hand Roman hand on his shoulder. 

"So... Two rooms?" Roman paled as the lady started to go through her computer.

"No. No, that's ok. One is..." 

"Two will work thank you." Roman crashed as Virgil cut him off with a smile toward the lady. "I appreciate it."

"No problem. So your room will be 243 and Roman's will be 244. They are conjoined so you don't have to worry about the pesky door and strangers." Virgil sighed in relief as she passed over a key. "You're all set. I hope you enjoy your stay."

"Thank you so much." Virgil smiled as he shot Roman a look and just shrugged. "I'm gonna head up while you finish up ok?"

"Virgil, wait..." Roman reached out trying to grab him only to just miss as Virgil walked off ignoring him. "Damn it." Roman crashed as he watched him disappear. "Fine... whatever. How much?" Roman turned back to see the lady's eyes glowing again as he stood there in tears. His just deflated with a very exhausted look as he rolled his eyes. "Yep. Just get it over with, Kallie."

"You love him." Roman nodded as she furiously whipped her tears away. "No Roman, I mean... You actually honestly love him. Like... true love type stuff my god is always striving for. I am so sorry." Roman just chuckled as he tapped the table. "How much for the rooms?"

"Roman, you don't have to worry about it. You still have that tab from when you helped the owners. You're good."

"Kallie, come on. You know how I am..." The lady just smiled as he nudged Roman off. "Kallie."

"I do know how you are. Which is why I'm telling you to forget about it. Go on. You look like you're about to crash." Roman just smiled thankfully as he grabbed his bag and headed off, key in hand. He opened his door and just dropped everything right there. He didn't wait one second before walking over to the door that conjoined the two rooms and knocking. 

"Virgil?" Roman frowned as he held his ear to the door, hoping to get some kind of response. He creaked the door open a small bit only to stop and sigh at the sight of Virgil fast asleep in the bed. He quietly walked in setting himself to be busy rather than get lost in his thoughts. He grabbed Virgil's bag and started to unpack only to stop seeing the flounder plush he had spelled. He held it in his hands with a fond look before bringing it over as placing it beside the sleeping Demi. "To help you..." Roman's smiled softly as he brushed Virgil's hair back. "...I don't want you having nightmares, Virgil. One of us having them is plenty enough." 

"I should get back to my room." Roman frowned as he finished putting everything away and sighed. "Yeah... I should rest." The exgod shot the sleeping demi, who at this point was cuddling the fish tightly, one last loving smile before heading back over to his room and crashing. He didn't bother with his bag. He just didn't care.

He crawled himself up on his bed collapsing onto his pillow as he felt himself start to tear up. His hands were shaky as he tried to wipe the tears away. He barely had the strength to move them. He was in so much pain and it was only steadily getting worse. He wasn't lying when he said he was a god of romance too. He just lied about how much. Just like Ero, he was very much involved in love. So the fact that he couldn't be with the man he loved was causing him a lot of pain. 

He was adamant about not forcing the man. He didn't want Virgil to kiss him JUST to break the curse but every time he calls the man a friend it's like a stab to the heart. Every time Virgil pulls away from a hug or walks away it hurts him. Roman loves him so much. Being apart is torture... Holding him, seeing him smile up at him in his arms... he craves the attention. He needs the embrace but... Virgil just pulls away. Roman's trying. He tried so hard to hold himself back, but he slips. He'll reach out or pull the other in, guilty for forcing the embrace but melting into none the less. He just couldn't help it. Being there... holding him... being that close to his love just made everything better... but now.

"It's ok, Roman." Roman shivered badly as he curled up into himself. "It's ok. You're gonna be ok. Who cares if he doesn't love you back? It doesn't change anything. It's no different than before you realized your feelings." His tears still fell endlessly as he shivered and shook. "It's going to be ok. You're going to be ok."


Roman's eyes slowly slipped shut as his body gave out on him. He could still feel those tears falling even as the black pulled him under. Maybe one day Roman could get over his fear of being rejected... Maybe one day Roman would feel confident enough to truly tell the other how he felt... unfortunately, as his nightmares once again pulled him under, today was not that day.

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