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Logan frowned as he walked through the hall lost in thought. He didn't have much of a conversation with his husband as he was pretty drained from his talk with Roman but he did get quite the stern talking to. Logan sighed as he tried to work through his thoughts. Patton believed him... Roman. Patton believe Roman did love Virgil. Logan couldn't. Patton tried to get him to see what he did, just as Virgil fought tooth and nail to try and explain things to him. He wasn't deaf. He heard them all. That's why he did what he did with all the rules. If Roman truly actually cared about Virgil's wellbeing then he isn't trying to trick him and he wouldn't need to be so 'lovey-dovey'. Forcing Roman to keep his distance was a test and part of him prayed that he actually passed it. He could see how his son looked with him. Virgil cared deeply for that god. Logan didn't want to be proven right about him.

"Virg-..." Logan opened the door only to freeze seeing Roman and Virgil just sitting there in bed in each others arms. Roman glanced up to see Logan there and he sighed as he pulled away making Virgil frown in confusion.

"Your father, Virge." Virgil frowned more as he looked over to see Logan in the doorway. "I'll just..."

"Hey, wait. Where are you going?" Roman tensed seeing the look his love was giving him and he just shook his head. "Roman?"

"He probably wants to talk with you. It's ok, Virgil."

"Actually..." Logan cut them off resigning to ignore the way he had found them for the time being. "I came to inform you that dinner was done."

"Oh." Roman smiled as he ran a hand through his hair. "I actually forgot about dinner." Virgil's eyes filled with worry as Roman bit his lip in thought. "Well, don't wait for me, Virge. Go on."


"I'm coming." Roman laughed as he absentmindedly reached out only to sigh and look away. "I just want to put something in my room before I do. I promise, Love. I'll be there."

"O-Ok." Virgil slowly made his way over giving Roman a peck on the cheek making Roman tense up before giving Virgil a soft smile.

"Go on, my love. I'll meet you there." Virgil nodded as he walked out of the room leaving Roman standing there a bit frozen. He could already feel that slight shiver over denying the contact but he didn't want to upset Logan.

"Don't be late Roman." Roman nodded to the father as he followed Virgil off and Roman just crashed. He hugged himself as he grabbed his bag and started for his room. Logan watched as Virgil carefully sat down across from him leaving a chair beside him for Roman and his eyes narrowed. "So, Virgil, how was your... mission so far?"

"Eventful." Virgil mumbled as he carefully started to put some food on a plate placing it in the empty spot making Logan quirk a brow in confusion. "Roman doesn't eat often. I noticed he wasn't getting enough so... I started to be the one that chose him his meals and stuff. That way I knew he was eating properly."

"That's... nice of you..." 

"I love him." Logan frowned as he watched Virgil turn back to his own plate. A few minutes passed as the sound of the door opening drew there attention over to Roman who froze with an awkward smile. 

"Sorry... I got lost." Logan only nodded in understanding as Roman cautiously took his seat only to smile at the plate of food before him. "Love, I told you, you didn't have to..."

"Hush and eat." Roman chuckled softly as Virgil started to eat his own food. The air was a bit stale with tension as Roman just sat there staring at his food. Logan shot the exgod a concerned yet still stern look noticing he hadn't eaten yet. "Ro?"

"What?" Roman frowned as Virgil pointed to the plate making Roman's eyes flash grey. "Oh, sorry. I zoned out." Virgil reached out making Roman tensed feeling his loves fingers brush his hair back. Roman reached my pulling Virgil's hand away and just smiled. "I'm ok, Virgil."

"Are you?" Roman nodded as he turned back to his plate and started to cut up the steak with a small forced smile. "Ro..."

"I'm ok, Virgil." Roman's eyes glanced up to see Logan just staring at the both of them. "Don't worry about me ok? You've got a lot on your plate as it is, Love." Roman hummed as he took a bite of his mash potatoes and sighed happily. He couldn't remember the last time he had such a good cooked meal like this. Roman could cook. It was called the culinary arts after all. It fell under him but Roman never really did. He was always off doing something, always busy. So he always got food out. And then with Virgil... Roman was trying to show him around and stuff, plus the mission. They never slowed down enough to have a home cook meal. "This is good."

"I'm surprised you would like it." Roman frowned as Logan just stared at his own plate, practically stabbing his green beans with his fork. "A meal cooked by a human surely wouldn't be good enough for a..."

"I'm not..." Roman sighed as he just shook his head. "I'm a god of creativity, Sir. I love anything anyone could come up with creatively like music, art... culinary creations. Just because I'm a god or... ex-god... doesn't mean I don't like what you humans do. I've lived on this earth for a very long while... I've learned to enjoy it myself."

"Yet you were so adamant about going home." 

"Father!" Virgil yelled out cutting Logan off who just frowned at the two. Virgil went to take Roman's hand who instantly pulled his away and into his lap shocking Virgil completely. "Roman, what's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong, Love." Roman smiled despite they shaking in his hands from the repeated denial of contact. "Now please stop worry about me?"

"I don't think I'll ever stop worrying about you, Roman..." Virgil nodded softly as he turned back to his food with a sad look in his eyes. "But I'll drop it for now if you really want me too?"

"Thank you, Virgil. Really, I'm ok."

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