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"So Lucifer, huh?" Roman chuckled softly as the three carefully walked through the town, the aforementioned taking in all the sights. "You're a demi too, right?"

"Something like that." Luci smirked with a slight breathy laugh as he glanced around at everything. 

"Might I ask who your god is?" Luci froze giving an anxious look back at Alex who just shrugged in response. "I'm assuming it's the same as Alex's."

"Something like that." Luci mumbled as he hugged himself bit. They had been walking for a while and he wasn't to happy over it being to bright. He honestly forgot the island was like a permanent summer... that... really wasn't going to help him at all. He pulled his hood over him more as he slowed a bit causing Alex to grab hold of him.

"You ok, Luc." Lucifer just nodded as he up at the sky and groaned. "Are you sure?"

"I'm fine. It's just bright." Alex's eyes went wide as Lucifer just shrugged. "It doesn't." Roman frowned as he looked back to see Lucifer's eyes flash a bit and he stopped causing them all to freeze up.

"If you're not ok, we can rest. We have benches all over the place."

"Trust me, Princey. A bench isn't going to help me." Roman's eyes flashed black as Lucifer just sighed and shook his head. "However sitting down in a nice... shaded area might be good."

"Why don't we stop into May's. Her place is hardly ever crowded and I'm sure we could find a nice dim spot." Alex offered as Lucifer just shook his head again. 

"No. I'll be fine. I'm not going to put anyone out for no reason." Lucifer's blood turned to ice as Roman carefully wrapped his arm around him and laughed. "W-What..."

"You were about to fall." His eyes went wide as Roman gestured for Alex to follow them. "Come on. You really do need to sit down. You shouldn't push yourself if you're not well."

"Pot calling the Kettle what now?" Roman frowned in confusion as Lucifer just rolled his eyes. "Fine. Whatever... just make sure it's shaded." It wasn't that long after that the three were sitting there in May's cafe, ducked out in the corner with the blinds rolled down the window. Luci shivered slightly as he sat there hugging himself. "I love this island... but I also seriously hate this fucking island. Why did I come back again?"

"Back?" Lucifer glanced up at Roman and smiled slightly as he just shook his head.


"So, Luci... What happened?" Roman frowned as he took a sip of his coffee, despite never taking his eyes off the other. 

"Nothing. I'm fine." Roman's eyes just narrowed slightly as Luci leaned his head against his arm with a slight smirk. "But you were worried about me weren't you, Princey?"

"What?" Luci laughed as he limply pointed over at the other. 

"You were worried. Guess that must mean we're friends? Not that I care much... but you literally held me the entire time he walked here." Roman's eyes flashed pink as he choked on his coffee making Luci chuckle a bit. "Did I just make your eyes go pink?"

"What, No!" Roman sat there in shock as Luci giggled before rolling his eyes and leaning back against the chair. "My eyes change color for a specific reason... there is no way my eyes went pink."

"Relax, Roman. I was just teasing." Luci frowned slightly as he noticed Roman's hands beginning to shake. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. Just thinking..."

"About?" Roman glared over at him before glancing over at Alex and sighing. 

"I seriously want to know who this god of yours is? It's irritating me that I don't know." Alex tensed as he shot Lucifer this look only to notice how dark the other's eyes were suddenly. "It's upsetting me really.

"God of Fear." Roman's eyes snapped up as Lucifer just shrugged. "It's the God of Fear... or more correctly put, The God of fear and darkness... He's the patron god for those who are lost or have lost their way... and is the God of sacrificed souls. Pretty tight with Hades actually."

"Your god is one of fear and darkness?" Lucifer's eyes narrowed challengingly as he leaned closer to the table.

"And of the lost and sacrificed... His job is to protect and guide people Roman... Yours is to inspire. Who's job is better?"

"Ladies, Ladies... You're all beautiful. Now stop bickering." Alex chuckled as Luci just growled. "Seriously though, Roman. Our god is a protector." Roman just nodded as he looked out the window with a frown. 

"God of lost souls, huh?" Roman mumbled as he shook his head. "Maybe that's why he's taken a liking to me? A god of the lost would take pity on a lost god."

"I thought that was Virgil?" Roman's eyes flashed black as he glanced over at Alex, who held his hands up defensively. "Sorry."

"Virgil. Isn't. A god. It's obvious. I really don't understand the whole memorial thing."

"The God who never gave into fear and saved the world by giving his heart up to the darkness." Roman paled as Luci hummed quietly. "I'd be careful what you say, Roman. As you should be a way that there are some gods who don't take to kindly to being spoken about in particular ways. You wouldn't day utter anything against Aphrodites beauty now would you?"

"Of course not... I don't have a death wish." Lucifer smirked as Roman just cringed at the thought of what that woman would've done. 

"Then why risk speaking out about him."

"He's not a..."

"And how would you know?" Roman froze as Luci just quirked a brow in thought. "A god is made when the right people believe them to be one. Considering all the hype around 'The Lost Gods' memorial, It would probably be safe to assume it's real... don't you think?"

"Wait a minute..." Roman's eyes narrowed as Lucifer just smirked with a glimmer in his eyes. "Are you trying to tell me that's who your god is? Virgil Davis?"

"Something like that." Lucifer let out a content breath before peaking out the window to see the clouds coming in and he smiled. "I outta get going. I'm gonna be staying at the motel just down the street from here. Alex? Do you want to show me the way?"

"Sure thing!" Alex beamed as he jumped up to help Lucifer out of the booth laughing slightly at the look he had gotten in response.

"It was a pleasure, Roman. But do think about what I said... I'll see you around?" Roman could only nod as Luci just waved him off. "Well, that was... interesting." Alex laughed as the two of them walked down the street. "It was nice seeing him in person again."

"Only nice?" Alex rolled his eyes teasing as he nudged the other lightly. "Don't kid, yourself Virgil. You wanted to kiss him the moment you laid eyes on him again." Virgil laughed as he pulled his hood up and smiled.

"You have no fucking idea."

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