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Virgil fussed lightly on the bed, grubbling something out about mornings being ridiculous. He never wants to get up, but he knew he didn't have a choice. Even if it was less time helping his love to get better. 

Roman had been in a comatose state for several days after Virgil found him and he didn't even know how long it had been before he had found him. Virgil was worried. He shifted in the sheets rolling over as he went to hold Roman for just a small bit longer, only...

"Roman?" He wasn't there. Virgil pushed himself up and crashed seeing the bed empty. His eyes flashed brightly as he jumped up kicking the blankets everywhere as his panic burned through him. "ROMAN?!" He ran out of the room freaking out only to freeze up on the spot seeing Roman laying there on the couch, notebook in hand. "Ro?"

"Hmm?" Roman hummed before finally looking over and jumping up a grin, eyes flashing pink. "Virgil! You're up!" Virgil frowned as his eyes stayed with the notebook, watching as Roman gently placed it in his lap making sure to not lose his place. 

"You're... You're reading..." Roman's brow quirks slightly as Virgil limply pointed at the book. "...your journal... You're reading it?"

"Yes." Virgil visibly tensed as Roman's eyes narrowed in concern. "I woke up earlier and... I didn't want to disturb you. I figured I would just come out here and read a bit. I hope I didn't scare you."

"You shouldn't have left the bed. You... You were drained." Roman just chuckled as he set the book onto the coffee table and smiled.

"I'm sorry. It's just... When I woke up I felt the best I had in a long time. I didn't want to just stay in bed." Roman held his hand out making Virgil jump slightly in confusion. Roman laughed as he made a grabby hand and Virgil's eyes went wide. "Please?"


"I want to cuddle." Virgil smiled softly as he slowly made his way over. He took Roman's hand who smiled and let out a soft breath at the contact. Virgil gently laid over top of him, their legs tangled up as Roman wrapped an arm supportively around his waist, the other intertwining with his blackened hair. Virgil giggled softly feeling how Roman completely melted into the embrace. Roman's eyes slipped shut, mouth parted slightly, with a smile. "This... this is good." Roman mumbled as he held Virgil tighter. "I missed this."

"Roman?" Virgil frowned as he pushed up slightly making Roman peek up at him through his slightly closed eyelids. "What do you mean?"

"Exactly what I said... I missed this. I missed you." Virgil's eyes slowly got wider and Roman just beamed. "I missed you, Virgil. It's kind of obvious now that you think about it. No wonder that date felt all shades of... wrong. It wasn't with you."


"Virgil, I..." Roman's eyes glanced over at the notebook before laughing again making Virgil sit up in confusion, basically on the other's lap now. "Virgil, what's your favorite memory?"

"I told you to ask when you remembered again." Roman nodded as he took Virgil's hand in his.

"Please, Virgil. I really want to know."


"Virgil, please?" Virgil faltered at the bright hopeful green. "Please, tell me. What's your favorite memory?"

"You asked me to marry you." Roman's eyes lit up with such a bright yellow. Virgil frowned in confusion. "You asked me to marry you. You seemed so happy so... so in love. I was the happiest I ever was at that moment. I don't even need all my memories to know that was the best moment of my life."

"You never gave me an answer though." Virgil's eyes snapped up in pure shock as Roman just giggled. "I asked you to marry me but you never gave me an answer. You got distracted by Thomas's cottage."

"You..." Roman nodded as Virgil crashed.

"I remember, Love." Roman smiled as he caressed Virgil's cheek. "I don't remember everything but... I remember us. I remember when I confessed... our first kiss... when I proposed..." Roman's eyes darkened slightly making Virgil tear up. "...when you died."

"Oh, Roman." Virgil laid against him against shivering as the other just held him tightly to his chest. 

"I love you, Virgil Davis. I'm so sorry I ever forgot. I didn't want to forget. I tried so hard not to..."

"It's not your fault." Virgil snuggled into him more as he let out a soft breath. "I know you tried. I was very proud of you. You did... You tried so hard for me."

"I still forgot you, Love. I made a promise to NEVER forget and I... I broke that one too."

"You didn't mean to." Virgil hugged him tight as if trying to hold the other together with his love and support. "Roman, you cried so much over the idea of forgetting me. I was there... watching. I hated seeing how much pain you were in. When you made that journal you were just so happy, I thought... I thought maybe things would get better for you but... You ended up losing it and the pain you were in. I felt horrible. Please don't hate yourself over something you couldn't control. I never held it against you. I... I wanted you to forget."

"But, I didn't want too..."

"I know... and that's why, Roman. You were holding one so tight to me I was afraid you would break." Roman's eyes darkened as Virgil shivered in his arms. "I love you so much. I couldn't bear to see the pain you were in. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry."

"Hey, now stormcloud. It's ok." Roman smiled as he pushed Virgil up lightly to look into those lavender eyes. "I remember now. I remember you and us... and how I feel. I remember. It's ok now. I have you... and I'm never letting you go again." Virgil beamed through his tears as Roman gently brushed them away. "Again, Virgil... You never gave me an answer."

"What?" Virgil's eyes went wide as Roman held his head in his hands. 

"Marry me, Virgil Davis." Everything seemed to crash around them as Virgil's tears fell even harder. "I'm not letting this chance slip by me again. Please? Please, marry me?"

"Roman?" Virgil smiled as leaned in and pressed a kiss to his loves forehead. "The answer was always... yes."

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