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"Ok. Here's the sitch!" Alex yelled out as he jumped up behind Roman making the other fall over in shock. Alex just laughed as he held a hand out and helped the god back up to his feet. "You are a god of romance, Right DB?"


"You've been saying how you've been feeling off lately..."

"What are you going on about?" Alex giggled as he tossed his phone at the man making Roman freak out as he tried to catch it, only to pause in confusion finding a picture of this guy. 

"I got you a date." Roman's heart dropped.

"I'm sorry... a what?"

"A date. DB, you need to get back out there." Roman shook his head trying to hand the phone back only for Alex to push it right back over to him. "Roman, you are literally a god of Romance and Love. I'm not telling you to marry the guy just go on a date. One date... if that doesn't help you that I'll try to figure something else out."

"He's putting you up to this, isn't he?" Alex paled as Roman looked up to the sky with a glare. "I do not need to be match-made thank you, mysterious god who doesn't seem to have a fucking name!"

"Roman!" Alex laughed as the wind rustled around them seemingly in agreement with the god's statement. "Can't you just try? Just one?"

"Alex. I don't want to date anyone. I'm perfectly happy on my own."

"Says the man who literally can't go a day without his stuffed fish for contact." Roman froze up as Alex sighed. "Come on, dude. I'm just trying to help you here. I'm not telling you to fall in love." Roman rolled his eyes as Alex pushed the phone again towards him. "I'm just saying give it a try." Roman frowned as he looked down at the picture again before groaning. "Please?"

"Why am I doing this?" Roman whimpered with anxious tension as he stared at the mirror annoyed at himself. He wasn't in a suit, just a nice button-up and dark jeans, but he still felt off. "Why did I agree? I just... Alex?" Roman whined as he looked over to see the kid just smiling. "Don't make me go?"

"Roman, please? You're going to be fine. I wouldn't have set you up with someone shitty."

"That's not the point. It feels... wrong." Alex hesitated seeing just how upset Roman was about it. "Doing this... Going on a date... It feels wrong somehow. Like I'm betraying someone but I don't know who."

"It's ok, Roman."

"No, it's not. I don't... I don't want to go." Alex sighed with a curt nod as he pulled his phone out making Roman tense up. "What are you doing?"

"Texting Kai that you changed your mind."

"No, wait!" Roman quickly jumped grabbing his hands and stopping him from texting. "Don't do that?"

"I'm not going to force you to go Roman. If you don't want to, then fine... but I have to tell him."

"No... don't do that. I'll go." Roman sighed as he hugged himself slightly. "It's not fair to him for me to change my mind that last second."

"It's also not fair to you to do something you don't feel comfortable doing."

"I'm fine, Alex. Theres no reason for me to even be so upset about it. I'll be ok." Roman smiled softly as he smoothed out his shirt and laughed. "It's just a dinner date. Nothing to outrageous... And you are right, I am a god of love and romance. This is literally in my blood. I can do this. I can. I can do this."

"Well ok then... because he just texted me saying he's there."

"Oh, shit." Alex's eyes darkened as he spotted Roman frantically grabbing his wallet. 

"Are you sure about this, DB?"

"I'm fine." Roman teleported out popping back in front of the diner and just froze. He could see Kai from the window but all he felt was the wind trying to push him away, chilling his tears as they fell. He didn't even know why he was crying. This was pathetic. Honestly... "You must be Kai?" Roman called out as he walked up to the table. Kai's eyes shot wide the moment he spotted him and Roman chuckled softly.

"Roman?! I uh... I didn't realize... When Alex said he set me up on a date..."

"He didn't tell you it was with me?" Kai shook his head as Roman nodded. "It's quite alright. I hope you forgive me though as... I'm not really one for dates."

"That's alright. I only agreed just to get out of the house a bit. We don't have to take it any farther." Roman smiled as he sat down across from him. "So Roman... What did Alex say to convince you to go on a date with me? I mean... you're a god aren't you? To be honest, I'm actually kind of... freaking out."

"Hey don't be. I'm just a guy. Trust me... It's ok." Kai smiled softly as he nodded. The two of them spent the night just chatting away. Roman couldn't deny Kai was attractive. He was kind and pretty mellow. He didn't seem to freak out about him as most did and was just a very friendly guy but... Despite actually having a pretty decent time... Roman still felt like it was wrong. Like he shouldn't have been there, to begin with.

"Are you ok?" Roman snapped up notice Kai giving him this concerned look. "You look like you zoned out there."

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

"I was just saying I had a good time." Roman nodded as Kai smiled over at him. "I really enjoyed just sitting and talking with you."

"I enjoyed it to."

"Doesn't look like you did?" Roman's face fell as Kai quickly backtracked. "I didn't mean it as a bad thing. It just looked like you were a bit uncomfortable."

"It not you. I swear. I really did enjoy it." Roman took others hand gently with a small smile as Kai just frowned in confusion. "Tonight was really nice. It's just... Like I said... I'm not really into dating. I hope that's ok. I wouldn't mind hanging out again but..."

"As friends, that's fine with me."  Roman sighed with relief as Kai and him both stood up with a laugh, accidentally bumping into each other. "Well, I guess this is goodbye then? At least for the night."

"Good night." Roman watched as Kai started to leave only to snap back and grab the man's hand. "One more thing."

"Wha..." Kai's eyes went wide as Roman pressed a soft kiss to his lips before pulling away with blackened eyes. 

"Goodbye, Kai." 

"G-Goodbye." Kai stumbled out in a daze as Roman just stood there frozen. His fingers went to his lips as tears slowly fell down his cheeks. He did it because it was a goodbye kiss... it was something manny cupids strived for. Some meant nothing but often then not that goodbye kiss sparked something. He as a god just couldn't not give the man he just spent the night on a date with a goodbye kiss but... something in him broke at it. Roman deflated as he wiped his lips and teleported out of there before anything else could happen. He didn't know what was wrong. All he knew was that kiss felt wrong. It was like his whole being wanted it to feel a certain way... expected it but... it didn't. Roman collapsed into bed pulling flounder in tightly as he shook. 

"Hey, Ro? How'd it go?" Alex pushed the door open lightly finding the god curled up in bed. 


"You look sick. Are you sure? You don't have to lie to make me feel better."

"No..." Roman groaned as he turned over to be able to look at the other. "It really was fine. He was nice. I enjoyed it. We just spent the whole time talking but... I couldn't do it Alex. It didn't feel right. And then I fucked up and... Kissed him goodbye like some cheesy Romantic movie... it hurt. Kissing him hurt... Alex, I appreciate all your trying to do but... I don't think going on a date is going to help."

"Ok. I understand." Alex just smiled as he glanced off to the side clearly listening to someone Roman could not here... as in he was talking to his god. "Do you want me to go?"

"You don't have to..."

"It's ok, Ro." Alex pulled the blanket up as Roman just laid there cuddling the stuffed fish. "You get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow."

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