Cliche Love (SciFell)

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Requested by:    SpiceyDepression

Ahhhhhh Scifell~

A classic ship.

A ship that I love.

So, let's give this a classic storyline as well.



"Where's my homework nerd?" said Fell with a smirk as he pins his all-time favorite classmate, Sci on the lockers, shaking, but a tint of blue was dusted on his cheeks. "H-here..." Sci said as he handed Fell a few papers, Fell letting the smaller go. "Glad to do business with ya sweetheart~" He said as he pats Sci with a wide grin, walking down the halls to go to his next period class. Sci sighed as he can't shake his own mixed up feelings on how he felt about Fell. "Why do I like him...?" he asked himself in a whisper like tone as he walks the opposite direction where Fell headed, going to his next period as well.

The final bell rung as Sci walked out of the campus, a few jocks purposely bumping at him on the way out, making him stumble and drop all of his books. Sci kneeled down to get his items, but to his luck, rain started to pour. "Ahhh... great... I even forgot my umbrella..." Sci grumbled as he quickly picked up his items, but to his surprise, he wasn't getting all wet from the rain, he looked up and in shock, there he froze. Fell was there sheltering him under an umbrella. "You're gonna get sick if your gonna stay in the rain nerd." He said as he kneeled down and helped Sci picking up his belongings. "T-thanks... Fell..." he said with a smile as Fell's face dusted with a tint of red. "Don't get used to it..." he grumbled as he looked away. "Are we going or what nerd?" Fell asked as Sci perked up, scratching his skull. "O-oh... y-yeah... sure!" he replied as they walked to the streets.

When the two were walking, Sci was deep in his thoughts, trying to recall something, that's when he heard a giggle in the rain. Sci stopped in his tracks, and so did Fell. "Did you hear that?" he asked but in a whisper like tone, Fell looked around to see that nobody was around, "Hear what?" he asked, Sci perked up, not expecting for the other to hear his quiet question. "Ahhh.. N-nevermind..." Sci drifted as Fell just shrugs, and the two continue to walk.

Sci just can't help it, he kept on hearing soft giggles in the rain, but tried to shake it away though. The two walked past a park, and that's when Sci noticed, the giggling even louder and clear.

It was a memory...

A young boy sat by under a tree in the park. It was little Sci, reading a book about nature. Even though it was in the middle of summer, the young boy was still strictly told to study, because it was for his own good and for his future. He sat there all alone reading his book, until a certain someone came along. "HEY! WHAT CHU READING!?" it was a young skeleton boy like him, but redder and more vibrant than Sci. "Uhh-ummm..." Sci stuttered as the boy just groans and yoinks Sci's book out of his little hands. "H-hey! G-give that back!" Sci exclaimed as the boy giggled, holding his book up high since Sci was shorter than him. "Come and get it nerd!" the boy yelled as he ran off with Sci's book, making the little guy pout and had no choice but to chase him in the park.

"Where is that guy?" Sci panted as he looked around left and right. "UggHhhh this so boringgggg, why are you reading a book?! It's the middle of summer!" a voice exclaimed as Sci looked up to see the boy up in a tree branch. "H-hey! Get down from there! You might get hurt!" Sci exclaimed in a worried tone as the boy smirked and jumped off the tree, he sticked a landing but still trip and fell on the ground anyways. "Ow..." he said as Sci panicked. "A-are you alright?! Are you hurt?!? HERE! L-let me help you!" Sci exclaimed as he held out his hand for the other to take, which he did as he dusted himself off. "T-thanks... And I'm alright." He said with a smile as he handed Sci's back his book. "Sorry for taking your book. I just wanna mess around and have some fun." He mumbled as Sci looked at him with beady eyes, "F-fun?" he asked as the other perked up, "You know- fun! Playing games! And being with friends!" he explained as Sci looked down at his feet, "...I d-don't have any friends..." he mumbled, but still audible for the other to hear.

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