Hide And Seek (Fell X Classic)

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Requested by:   @QurisleDaPenguin

Time for ANGST and FEELS!

And before the story starts: I'd like to say that I've edited the 'Updates and Art' saying that the requests will soon close after the next 19 more requests. (this being the 1 out of 19 stories)

Aight- Lego!


A fight has begun by Error and Ink all across in the multiverse again. This time, Error tried to kidnap all the Sanses in each of their AU for 'coding' purposes. Fortunately Ink was able to retrieve the Sanses with the help of Core!Frisk. They took the Sanses to a temporary place for safety, and that would be the Omega Timeline, only those who are welcomed and invited can enter, so Error cannot take his hostages again within the Omega Timeline.

"I hope you're all unharmed... Ink will take you all back to your respective AUs once he stops Error once again." Core said as they sat on the 'floor' of the Omega Timeline. While the Sanses just try and take a breather, calming their minds down from the recent event.

There weren't a lot, just a few 17 Sanses were taken from their AUs, one of them being Classic Sans from the original.

He found himself just sitting while also taking a nap until he felt a certain presence came up to him, he jerked in his sleep as he opened an eyesocket to see a red edgy looking Sans standing in front of him.

"Heya edgy me." Classic said so casually as he closed his eyesocket again. "Just call me Fell. And do ya mind if I sit next to ya? You seem to be the only less annoying one here" 'Fell' asked as Classic just shrugs and replies. "Nah. Sit wherever ya like, it's not like I own the place." he said as Fell sat down next to him also sighing in relief.

"How long are we going to stay here?" Another Sans asked Core. It was Geno, poorly hugging himself tightly. "It depends Genocide. It might be a while, who knows how long will either one of them surrenders." Core replied as the other Sanses around sighed or groaned in annoyance or simply didn't react to it.

"That's just great." Classic said in a sarcastic tone, Fell looking at him with a blank look. "I hope Paps won't be too worried that I'm missing." He continued as Fell just scoffs and sighs and Classic gave him a look.

Fell: "What?"

Classic: "Won't you miss your bro? I mean, the kiddo did say that we're gonna be here for a while."

Fell: "Me? Miss MY bro? I'll miss him when he even cares for my own well being. Hell, I'm even glad I'm away for a while, though it won't be worth it once I get back, cause I'm sure that he'll beat the living shit outa me."

Classic: "Is that so.... Is your AU UnderFell?"

Fell: "No shit sherlock... Everyone in the Fell is one asshole."

Classic: "Ya can't really say that. I mean sure, your AU is the FELL but not everyone has to be that kind of a jerk."

Fell: "..."

Classic: "It's not cool to be a douche ya know. It's cool to be.... nice...."

Fell stands up and clenched his fists, remembering all the past resets that he went through in his Timeline. He hid all his emotions, feelings, and weaknesses away. He regretted all the horrible things he did to their kind human who was just offering them kindness. He remembered all the blood he had shed and all the bruises and scars that he had.

"You don't understand Mister goody-two-shoes. In my AU everyone has their problematic shit! Everyone will hurt you if you look weak and if you act weak! That's why you gotta look tough and be tough!" Fell retorted as small prick of tears were in the corner of his eyesockets, Classic stared in shock.

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