At Your Service (Maid!Classic!Sans X Master!Fell)

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Hey hey heyyyyy I'm back!!!

Sorry I'm late :< I made sure that I finished my school exams and Research and other requirements, since it was going to be a big deal that's all going to be due at the end of February, and since there’s no more school due to COVID 19, I’m here for sum lil updates then.

Btw i gave this story a tiny twist since I got writers bloc every time I think about these updates. Oki, on with this story~ requested by: Kinako_K


The monsters were freed from the surface, all of the AUs are now at peace and unity amongst each other, they all live in one huge town on the surface with their new found freedom, alas not all monsters were able to adapt on the surface. There are some that live in fine luxury, and the rest... They are down in poverty. Some of them steal for their own need to be provided and some go out and try to sell their own to humans or to other monsters, but if they're ever lucky enough to get a well decent job, then things might turn out alright.

Classic's POV

I look in the mirror and adjusting my apron. I twist and turn making sure that it was alright, and I went to the bar counter. I work in a small yet well known coffee shop in the area, luckily for me the pay was good but unfortunately I sometimes have to deal with such annoying customers.

The store bell rang which means a customer has walked in. He was a skeleton like me. A sans like me. He wore a fluffy black leather jacket, his accessories are fully gold. His one visible and glowing eye is red and he also has a golden tooth.

He is known to be Fell or Red, one of the wealthiest Sans' here, he's always here for his usual dark blend coffee with a hint of a strawberry scent (even tho I like drinkin coffee, I don’t know a damn thing about em lol) . But it's strange that he came here early, because he usually comes whenever I'd be at my coffee grinding or serving shifts.

I shrugged the thought off and just put up my usual smile. "Good morning Sir, would you like to order anything?" he gave me a grin looking at me up and down.

Fell: "I'd like.... You~"

Classic: "ehhhh... Pardon?"

Fell: "You're actually way cuter in person sweetheart~"

I was trying not get angry, so I consciously inhaled and tried to calm thy self.

Classic: "Look sir, are you going to order or not?"

Fell: "I guess you already know what I want. Now do ya, sweetheart~?"

I sighed, wrote his order down, gave to the back and saying "One usual order: a dark blend coffee with strawberries". I then punched the total on the register and continued his purchase.

Classic: "That would be... 50 g"

Fell: "So you do know my order... What else do you know about me doll?"

Ok... That's it! This FELL SANS is a cocky ass! The bell behind me rang, meaning his order was finished. I took the coffee and he put out his hand ready to get his order, but i didn't gave it to him. Because instead, I DUMPED it on him.

The whole cafe looked at me, and the manager, SwapFell Grillby immediately called me. I didn't give a second glance to Fell and what the hell I did to him.


Classic: "Ohhhhhhhh. So you'd rather have one of your employees get harassed by some f*cker? Yeah, I don't like the way he talks boss!"

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