Haunted House (Fell X Lust)

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Requested by: HawkFrostBoi 

Ima twist dis up :'>>


"Why are we here again Blue?" Asked Ink as he looks around the parameters of the area.

Blue has gathered a few of his friends, namely Ink, Dream, Fell, his brother Stretch, and Reaper. The group stood outside the yard of a strange house upon the woods, it has been there for such a long time. Cobwebs and dust have covered the whole place. Metals have rusted. The wood has decayed and filled with termites. Trees have all grown big and tall in the area, it's garden filled with weeds, ferns and trinkets. A tiny little pond filled entirely with moss. And obviously the place is probably infested with spiders, roaches or rats.

What's creepy was the whole atmosphere that seemed foggy, and the so called 'garden' are also filled with a few gravestones. A swing was swaying that was hung by the trees, making eerie creeks from it's rusted chain metals.

"Well. Isn't it obvious?! We're here at the 'haunted' mansion! And we're here to see if it's really haunted! And that's also why I brought in a ghost expert!" Blue exclaimed as he gestured both of his hands to Reaper who just facepalms.

"I'm not a fucking 'ghost' expert Blue. I can only sense and see dying or dead souls and spirits that needed to be reaped. Ugh, this deal would be worth it though..." Reaper grunted as he looks around with a intriguing stare.

Blue had made a deal with Reaper, that if he comes along with them, Blue would give him free StarBucks coffee for a week and a date with Geno. Which Blue still forced to with another deal of course.

"And... What do you th-think.... Reaper?" Dream asked, hiding behind Ink, clearly shaking and scared.

"Oh relax Dream! We've dealt with dangerous stuff and other creepy beings! Surely a haunted house can't be that bad!" Blue said as Dream still cowers behind Ink, and Reaper still looks around a bit.

"And remind me, why am I here again?" Red asked, picking his golden tooth with his sharp bony finger also grunting at this silly joke that Blue has got them into.

"You owe me a lot of stuff Fell, so deal with it!" Blue said to him as he heard Reaper sighs.

"There are zero 'haunting' entities around. Let's bounce." He said with a grin until something rustled behind them which them all surprised and made Dream jump onto Ink, screaming like bloody murder.

"Hey guysssss~!" Someone came from the forest, and it was none other than Lust. Carrying a basket full of roses, tulips, lavenders and other varieties of flowers.

The group sighed and Blue frowned which let Ink gave him a slap on his skull. "What the hell? Where did you come from?" Fell asked as Lust just giggles and shows them the basket of flowers.

"Oh~ this? Well... It's to calm down the spirits in this place." He said with a grin as Blue's smile widened, Reaper just facepalms, and the rest of the group went pale.

"PFFFT- HAHA! JUST KIDDING! Like I have the balls for that kind of shit? Ahhh~ No~ There's a lovely meadow of flowers around over there, and I'm only getting the flowers with such wonderful aroma, since me and my beloved brother decided to make scented candles from em. Neat, right~?" Lust explained as he still cracks up a grin and the group sighed in relief, and Blue's wicked grin faded to a frown.

" See? I told ya that there isn't anything 'haunted' here." Reaper said as he tries to leave the area but Blue stopped him.

" There's nothing spoopy outside! Not yet for the inside, Reaper! We're going in!" Blue exclaimed as Reaper just grunts and sighs for compliance.

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