Human!AfterDeath (p2) : Coming In : Lem🍋n

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A/N: hehe, heya my frens. Firstly, gota celebrate that the 'Feelings are Fatal' book have reached over 135 reads :D

And also- I did say that there's a part two for the previous oneshot, so, hehe, here yall go :3 And it's also a lemon. So,  pls do enjoy the story~


          "I'm gay for you~" those words from Reaper, along with his smug look, it gave quite the surprise to Geno. Though afterwards, it was no surprise that the two started dating, in fact, it actually took the next week for the two to even settle and start their newly found relationship. The process was endearingly funny.

"I'm gay for you~" Reaper said as Geno's jaw dropped, his cheeks flushed in red, a second passed, and then a couple of minutes, the awkward silence made Reaper tensed. Geno was still in frozen shock and in place, probably still processing his thoughts and emotions all inside? Reaper was getting worried as he waved a hand at the other, "Uh... G-Gen?" Reaper asks as Geno finally snaps out of his trance, and once he did, he got up from his table and excuses himself, "I-I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM-!" Geno exclaimed and exited the cafeteria, leaving Reaper on their spot and once Geno was out of view, he immediately face palmed himself, "What were you THINKING!? And why did I had to say that now... Curses that bombshell bitch, she ruined everything! This was supposed to be a surprise... AHHHH" Reaper whisper shouted at himself and slammed his head by their table...

Meanwhile, Geno washed up his face in the bathroom, feeling his face burn so brightly, he was also breathing awfully heavily; clenching his chest as he looks himself in the mirror, his face very red, right up to his ears, shaking his head to clam down. "No way..." Geno uttered as he could feel his heart beating way too fast, it was unbelievable to him. And for the record, he really was in a trance, trying to process everything back in the cafeteria, until when Reaper snapped him out of it and felt embarrassed for the awkward silence and just had to excuse himself to not further embarrass himself in front of Reaper and maybe the entire school cafeteria. "Seriously!? Why did he just confess- In the cafeteria no less!" Geno exclaims as he slowly regains his composure... "Okay... Okay... I should... probably tell him how I feel right back... But here of all places!? AHHH-! I can't just leave him like this-!" Geno thought as he sighs and walks out of the bathroom. And once he did, Reaper was outside by the hall waiting for him.

"Hey- You okay?"

Geno squeaked once he found Reaper and stood straight but kinda a bit stiff. "Yeah yeah yeah totally!" Geno said as he notices Reaper not looking so good nor happy, that awkward moment probably made him feel bad, well, on the contrary, it made them both feel bad. Geno clenched onto his chest, he wanted to tell Reaper right then and there but he just stood still and quiet; until the bell rung for the next period of class. Reaper noticed their predicament and Geno's situation; in his heart and thoughts, he noticed how awfully flushed Geno is at the moment and how much he was stammering, Reaper wasn't as dense as he thought he'd be, he can see hints that Geno wanted to say something back to him, maybe even return his feelings, but it was just all too sudden, so Reaper just puts on a smile and a hand on Geno's shoulder, "Gen, relax. You look like you're gonna burst from how red you're looking right now, heh... I'll see you later after school, aight?" Reaper said calmly as Geno finally calms down, his face forming a soft smile, "A-Alright... Thank you Reaper..." Geno replied as the two had to split for the next period.

Geno was still trying to process everything that just happened until the end of the day came around with Reaper taking him and Fresh back to the brother's home, as Geno even insisted on Reaper to even stay over for dinner; nothing eventful happened afterwards as it was oddly peaceful. Geno calmed down the situation, but he was going to tell Reaper eventually; the entire week was normal and once the weekend came around, Geno asked Reaper for the two of them to hang out. Geno planned out a movie and a small picnic for the little outing and that's where he had finally confessed to Reaper how he really feels.

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