Friends! (Classic X Blue X Fell)

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Requested by: NinjaCat1017  NinjaCat1017
Thanks for the compliment friend! TwT

I tried my best thinking of a possible story for them. So here it is! Lego!

Hope this ain't somewhat cringy;w;


The two brothers from Underfell, Underswap and the Classic Undertale are currently living together in one roof at the moment.

Underfell Papyrus' or Edge's reason was that a certain someone was too cranky that they trashed the house when he left and once he came back, the whole house was on the ground like a pile of rubble. And Classics' reason was because when he came back to his home, the place was on fire and Papyrus just outside the place proudly presenting a plate of half-burnt spaghetti. So they decided to bunk and live in one of their pals place to stay for a month, until their respective houses are as good as new. And Blueberry himself was generous enough to let his friends stay over! Of course Stretch first refused cause maybe their place would end up in the same place as theirs. *cough* A pile of rubble to the ground *cough* . But both Edge and Classic made sure that their brothers will be on their best behavior during the stay, and they'll also split the bills for the necessities in their stay as well. So now. These 6 monsters are staying in one roof for a month.

Before this whole living situation was aroused. There has always been a bit of rivalry between Classic and Fell with the smol precious and innocent cinnamon roll Blueberry. The two of them would go all out just to impress the smaller blue skeleton, get him gifts, tries to take him out on 'dates' which Blue thinks that they are just friendly 'hangouts'.

But now they will be in the same roof for a while, the two will be competing to win the smallers love!

~in the household

Blue: "Come on you guys! Stop that!"

Fell: "Eh?"

Classic: "Stop what?"

Blue: "That!"

Blue took away Classic's ketchup bottle and Fell's mustard bottle, making Fell hiss and Classic sulk.

"Drinking this is alright and all but drinking it straight from the bottle? That's awful you guys!" Blue pouted as he hugs the condiment bottles to his chest pouting as he walks to the next room, which is the kitchen. Classic just shrugs as he sneakily follows the smaller in the kitchen, Fell just internally crying and screeching that Blue took away his mustard.

"What am I gonna do with these guys?" Blue thought standing up on his tippy toes putting the bottled condiments in a high kitchen drawer thinking that the guys might not find it, putting Sans ketchup bottle in the cabinet, it fell on the counter oozing a bit of its contents. Blue looked at it for a bit and contemplating.

Classic Sans walked in to the kitchen to see Blue slurping on something.

"Uhhhh Blue?" Classic asked, that made Blue jump and a ketchup bottle fell onto the kitchen floor with a thud. Blue slowly turned around revealing his face all smudged with ketchup. "Uhhhhh.... It's n-not what it looks like!" Blue protested blushing a light blue embarrassed that Classic saw him eating his ketchup bottle.

"Eyyyyyyyyyyy- it's so great to see that you decided to KETCHUP on us Blue! I'm proud of ya~" Classic joked as he put an arm around Blue making a smug face, poking his ketchup stained cheekbones. "S-shut up....!" he said angrily pouting at Classic his face slowly growing a bit more blue by the moment. "I knew you couldn't resist that sweet tomato goodness~" Classic teased a bit more as Blue pouted again. "St-stop it!!"

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