Newt for @bootyfulstyles

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We were at a gathering wondering what job I would get. They had settled on two thing: med-jack or runner. Almost everyone wanted me to be a runner but, Gally and Newt were still putting up a fight. "She can't be a runner she's too bloody fragile!" Newt shouted at Minho. "No she's not 'too bloody fragile' she's just as fragile as we are!" Minho shout right back. Oh guess what? I was right in the middle of the shouts.

"No way shuckface!"

"She has strong legs."

"Shut up Winston."

"Okay sit down all of you!" Alby's voice boomed through their shouts. "Minho and Clint are the keepers so they decide. Clint?" Clint stands up and begins. "Well honestly, I think she should be a runner." Alby nods and jots down somethings. "Minho?" Minho stands up and begins. "My vote is she becomes a runner." Minho sat down while most everyone nods their heads in agreement. "Okay she starts running in the morning. Dismissed." As we all start to walk out Newt grabs my arm. "You know I'm gonna do everything I can to stop this you know that right." I roll my eyes at what he just said. "Newt stop thinking I'm so fragile I can't even do anything for myself." Newt sighs and pulled my over to the deadheads.

"What's this all about Newt?" I asks as he lightly pushed me up to the trunk of a tree. "You know all I'm trying to do is protect-" I pushed him away from me. "Protecting me?! I don't need protecting!" I shout in his face. "Why do you even want to protect me?" Newt looks me in the eyes. "You wanna know why I care so much Christina? I care because I love you. I have and will for as long as I live." I just stood there in shock. Newt loves me. "Y-y-y love me?" Newt nodded his head as he pushed me up against the tree again. "Yes I love you. I love you so much I really don't think it's healthy." A smile crept onto my face. "I love you too." Newt's eyes widened at that. Before I could say anything more he crashed his lips into mine.

"God I love you."

"I bloody love you too."
Okay @bootyfulstyles hope you like it. I'm sorry this took so long I've just been so busy. Exams were last week and my parents were saying I couldn't write until I was done with exams. Sorry!😔 okay everyone's will be up soon or after Christmas. Merry Christmas if I didn't talk or update before then.

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