Newt for @ilove1dr

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I had just finished mapping out my section for the day when I bumped into someone. "Oh sorry." I said and kept walking. "Hey Kaylie!" Thomas and Newt said unison. "Hey you two! What's up?" I said sitting down between them. "Oh nothing new what about you?" Newt asks, Thomas looking defeated. "Oh you know, it's the maze it's all ever changing." I say with a ring on the last part. The two boys start to laugh just a bit. I mentally face palm myself.

"What's with them?" Minho asks sitting across from me. "They're insane didn't you know that?" I joke. "Oh course." I chuckled at that last statement. "Hey Kaylie can I talk to you in the deadheads?" Thomas asks. "Um sure?" I say. "So Minho find anything new?" Newt's asks changing the subject quickly. "What do you think?" I chuckle to myself. There's the sass master Minho.

"Do you ever NOT sass someone when they ask about the maze?" I ask him. "To be honest? No." That sent Newt and Thomas into hysterics. "Will you both settle down? You're acting like your drunk!" I hiss. Newt gasps. "Did you hear what I just did? Was Kaylie mean to us?" I face palm myself. "Oh boy they've official lost it." I said making Minho laugh. "Well I'm gonna go." I said standing up, but of course they couldn't hear me over the laughter.

When I left I could still hear them in there, chatting away. Some of the runners weren't back yet considering the doors closed in about 6 hours. "Hey Kaylie! Wait!" Newt shouted out to me running, his limp noticeable. "Hey Newt, what's up?" I ask. "Hey!" Thomas shouts. "What's up?" I questionably asked. "Okay well this is really awkward but, I've had a crush on you for a while now and was just wondering is you would like to be my girlfrie-" Thomas was cut off by Newt starting to confess his crush on me too. "Hey I asked first!" Thomas shouts in Newt's face. "Yeah well how did you know she even wanted to know?!" Newt defends. "Okay let's settle this like men. Three rounds, who ever wins two out of the three gets to be her boyfriend!" Thomas challenged. "Your on!" Newt said clasping hands to 'seal the deal.'

Then the boys get the ring ready with some gladers around watching for amusement. "Ready... Go!" Jeff shouts and they start to wrestle. Newt wins the first round and Thomas the second. I had little drips of hate toward them both gather up and brush to the surface in the final round. "Hey!" I scream at the top of my lungs. They all look at me, with my hands in my hips. "Are you two really that immature?! Thinking you can be with me by wrestling? I'm not a prize to be won! I really expected you two out of everyone to know that!" With those words I bolted out of the crowd and into the maze. I went to the section I had earlier. Left, right, right, left, straight, left, and reverse. I ran around for a bit until someone wrapped their arms around my shoulders. Minho. "What's with you shank? You already finished your section." I went on to tell him a bout the fight, me blowing up on them and bolting into the maze. "Okay. Come on let's go back." Minho said letting go of my shoulders and grabbing my hand in his, in a brotherly way of course.

When we got back Thomas and Newt were the first to greet us. "Oh my shuck! What the bloody hell Kaylie? Did you want to get killed?" Newt yells at me. "Well I really don't know at this point in my life! So I'm sorry for expressing my feelings the way I want to! Maybe I should just shut the world out! Lock my self up, die alone." I said toward him in frustration. "You won't die alone. At least I won't let that happen." Thomas says interjecting into Newt's and my argument. "What the bloody hell does that mean?!" Newt shouts grabbing Thomas's shirt. "Newt calm down." I say trying to get between them. "Sorry." Newt says, letting go. "Kaylie I need to talk to you. Alone please." I start to walk toward the deadheads with him on my heels. "You sounded urgent, what's up?" I asked turning to face him. " I need to tell you something." Newt said leaning on a tree trunk. "Well I kinda know that already." I said with sass in my voice.

"I'm just gonna go out and say this." Newt breathed in and kept talking. "I really like, no. I might love you, but Tommy does too. So if you want to be with him I'm not gonna try and win you over. Also sorry 'bout what happened earlier. Fighting Tommy and everything." I curved my lips into a smile. I chuckled and spoke to the British boy. "Newt, thanks but I'm not gonna go out with Thomas." Newt's head shot yo and he looked my in the eye. "You're not gonna date Tommy? What do you mean?" I giggled. "I mean I want to date you." I said kissing his check. Newt moved closer to me and I backed away until I couldn't back up anymore. "Why me?" Newt asks. " 'Cause you wanted me to chose and you didn't chose for me, you didn't think of your self. I want that quality in a guy. That's all." I said. Newt had the biggest grin on his face and it's so cute!

I laughed out and Newt's face reddened. "Embarrassed?" I ask. "Not anymore." Newt leans in and his lips crash into mine. My mind didn't register what was happening for a minute then I started to kiss back. I twirled my fingers in the ends of his hair. He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled my closer. "Well that was... something." I said. Leaning my forehead on his.

"I love you, Love."

"I love you too, Newt."
Okay so I know that took a long time to get to you and I'm so sorry. It's just been hard to balance this and school(a.k.a homework. Ugh!) @ilove1dr hoped you liked it! Okay that was my last image to write. So please keep commenting preferences. Thanks!

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